Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 16

16 Fun and fun level up

“It’s a fun and fun time to level up.”

“No, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.”

Alicia Enlight, thank you for using Liu Airlines today. This flight is to the county of Dorknes, a dark dungeon.

Liu offers a somersault service to see if the fun was conveyed while enjoying the cabin attendant pretend in the brain.

Alicia was also very satisfied with the special service, and it was quiet as a lie that had been making a noise a while ago.

Originally, I wanted to leave Alicia to the Demon King because of my goal of not being noticeable. However, I have almost given up on achieving that goal, and I think that it is okay to shake the giants and defeat the Demon King.

However, there is a possibility that there is a back setting of the game that the demon king can not be defeated without her light magic. For the time being, raising Alicia’s level was urgent.

The school director gave me permission to do anything, so I took Alicia to a dark dungeon. The dungeon I took care of in the past.

The four major attributes such as fire and water are not very popular because they are disadvantageous for the darkness attribute. However, the efficiency is extremely high because only Alien who has the light attribute comes out with an advantageous enemy.

“Lyu, get down there. Alicia, you’re about to arrive … Are you alive Alicia?”

Liu asks him to go down when he sees his destination, and Liu barks at Gau and shows his consent. Alicia seems to have been fainted.

I thank Liu who lands more gently than usual, with Alicia on board.

“Thank you, Liu. You can play until I call you. Keep away from humans, right?”

However, when he carried Alicia down, Liu did not try to leave, and lay down to surround me.

“I’m sorry, you can’t be in the dungeon. You can play together tomorrow, right?”

When I persuaded, Liu reluctantly moved, moving his tail and paving the way.

“Thank you, good child, good child”

It’s basically a self-supporting Liu, but it feels like it’s a good thing now. Let’s take care of it tomorrow.

“Ah, that ?? Here?”

“Are you finally awake? You’re already in a dungeon.”

Already in the dungeon, I took my Alicia down to the ground. Raising the level is life-saving and there is no wasted time.

“Yumiera? Pia, I was kidnapped …”

“Abductions are hard to hear, were they explained to the school director?”

Alicia was summoned by the school principal, posing as another unrelated story, explaining the matter.

She was scared by herself and said she was good with the targets, so she was forced to take me. In the first place, they weren’t involved in the battle, so they couldn’t be heard.

“Take me home! Are you willing to do anything to me?”

Alicia’s shout resounds in the dungeon. Oh, she might be good at shouting in the dungeon.

“I don’t do anything, but the group coming from across will do something.”

Pointing behind Alicia, she finally noticed the situation. Demons in the dungeon are gathering in response to her voice.

“T, help!”

“It’s okay, I’ll help you before I die. I can grow up with just one arm with recovery magic.”

She reassures her that she doesn’t make sense to come here if she panics.

However, Alicia becomes frantic and begins firing magic into the void.

“No, oh, oh, oh, oh.”

Oh, she hit a bat-shaped monster approaching at the beginning with a light bulb she released. Well, although there is much waste, the dungeon passage is narrow, so barrage tactics will be effective.

Eventually, all the monsters that had gathered plunged into Alicia’s barrage and disappeared.

“That, did you save? Can you go home?”

“Let’s go to the second level.”

Just because of its favorable light attributes, even lower levels of Alicia could go deeper. Although this dungeon has up to 50 levels, it is still the beginning.

“I hate you, take me home! Do you want to do this!”

“Do you want to defeat the Demon King, probably because you didn’t level up?”

“Yes, Yumiera uses light magic and I have to do something!”

“… Why don’t you leave me as a Demon King for the time being and not defeat the demon in field training?”

“Well, that’s because they’ll protect you …”

Alicia’s words gradually become dim. As usual, I can’t talk, but he knows he has a problem.

“I hope you know that. I’ll go soon.”

“Because there is no magical power, today is already …”

“No problem, we have a magic recovery potion.”

I’ve never drunk so much that I’m not tied to my magic power, but my magic recovery potion is a mess. However, I would have gagged it if necessary to raise the level.

“I’m not good at it …”

“Then, I’ll give you a sword so please do something with a physical attack.”

Alicia seemed to give up, and soared her potion with tears.

Alicia had a fighting talent, as it should be. The magical controls that were rare at first were gradually modified.

Defeating the demon while muttering repeatedly if I do not want to die was like a fighting robot, so I remembered my old days and became nostalgic. I think it’s very inconvenient to have killed this wonderful talent for a sense of superiority protected by a handsome guy.

“That’s tidy, so next up to the fifth level.”

“I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die … yes, I just need to kill Yumiera.”

Alicia, muttering the disturbing thought, turned abruptly and cast a light magic at me.

I played the ball of light by hand, but it didn’t hurt or itch. There are too many level differences, even though they are weak attributes.

“Oh, oh … I’m sorry.”

Alicia repeats apologetic remarks, feelings are too unstable. She should have taken care of her and did not overdo it.

I was able to go up to 7 levels that day. If you think it’s the first time, you’ll probably be OK.

Alicia, in the second half, did not complain and was working as I said. Before and after I entered the dungeon, I became like a different person, but it seems good to me, so I’m glad.

“Are you okay?”

“Hehehe, if you kill the monster, I can live, if you kill the monster, I can live.”

Wow … oh, I wonder if Patrick will get angry again.

The capture targets will also be noisy. Alicia’s mentality may be too weak to make things go wrong.

The next day.

“Yumiera was a bad guy! I’m fooling around now, but I’m not fooled!”

Alicia was restored overnight. Her mental weakness could have been a mistake.

“Don’t skip the level up in the future. Let’s dive into the dungeon again.”


It seems that yesterday has been a trauma, and Alicia runs away with a short scream.

From that day, Alicia seems to have started crazy. Since she is the final weapon of the Demon King Battle, I think I did a good thing …

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