Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 17

17 Liu’s friend

Countless black spheres appear in the sky on the grasslands near the royal capital. It moves randomly to fool someone and is shot down one after another from the ground. It is the breath of the dragon that shoots down the black ball. The color of the dragon and breath was also black.

“Oh, it’s getting faster now.”

I was playing with Liu, mimicking clay shooting. I have a target, and Liu aims for it.

When I praise, Liu rejoices and pushes her head squishy.

“Even if you grow up, you’re still spoiled.”

I’m not spoiled and full, I lift Liu’s giant body and spin around. Liu, whose throat roars like a cat, is very cute.

This is a story I heard later. It seems that a dragon that has recently appeared above the royal capital was spinning on the meadow, snarling on the meadow, shouting. Witnesses reportedly fled their hips and escaped with a crawling body.

Undoubtedly Liu, the witness would have hated animals. I think it’s the same as someone who loves dogs and who is scared.

Today I am making an appointment with a dragon messenger. I agree to see that Liu should have a friend.

There are currently three familiar dragons in the Balshine Kingdom. One is, of course, Liu, and the other two belong to the army along with their protagonists.

It is one of them to meet today. It seems that they are usually in military facilities on the outskirts of the royal capital, but they are meeting in the grassland the other day, considering the danger of their rampage.

Riding on Liu’s back and heading from the sky to the meadow, the meeting partner had already arrived. There was a dragon with no wings and a ground attribute. It looks smaller than Liu.

A man in military uniform can be seen on the side of the dragon. He would have hatched a dragon egg just like me.

“Lyu, get down there.”

When Liu began to descend, the state of the dragon on the ground changed. The man soothes the rampaging dragon, but has no effect. The dragon finally ran, and had gone far beyond what we could see when we landed.

A man approached me jumping from Liu in a hurry.

“How nice are you, Yumiera?”

“Yes, I’m Yumiera Dorknes. This is Liu.”

“I’m Roland, and now Gregory has escaped.”

Roland was a middle-aged man with a gentle face. Because he hatched a terrestrial dragon, it may be an excellent territorial wizard.

“What happened to Gregory?”

Is it a severe shyness or a dragon? Gregory is actually Gregory-chan, and it may be embarrassing to appear in front of the handsome Liu.

“It looks like Liu … you’re like, right? You seem scared by Liu.”

The dragon is scared. I realized that he was my child, but I didn’t want him to look like that.

“Do you fear other dragons?”

“No, Gregory is calm or insensitive …. I haven’t had this before, because Liu is too big and strong.”

Roland smiles and scratches his head. But I’m worried about Gregory, who ran away with great momentum.

“Is it okay to not chase?”

“I can’t fly Gregory and never go alone. Can I just go home?”

Liu goes out alone and returns as soon as I call, but Gregory doesn’t seem to be so.

“Let’s look for a ride on Liu? I don’t think there will be more runaway unless Liu approaches.”

“I’m asking. I wanted to deepen the friendship between the dragons, but I’m sorry for this.”

With Roland riding Liu’s back, a search for Gregory from the sky began.

After a short flight to Gregory’s escape, I was able to find him. He doesn’t notice Liu in the sky, but he’s still running.

“It looks like you’re still running. If Gregory stops, please drop me a little further away.”

I thought he had no choice but to wait for Gregory to stop, but it wasn’t.

“You can see the village over there!”

There are several small villages near the royal capital. One of them was in the direction of Gregory. In this situation, village buildings will collapse and villagers may be damaged.

“It’s bad. Stop! Gregory!”

Roland screams, but there is no sign of Gregory. Should I lower Liu and guide me in another direction? No, there is no point in having a village in that direction.

“I stop. Liu, drop off Roland a little further away.”

“Stop it? How do you … hey! What are you doing?”

Regardless of his restraint, I jumped off Liu. Adjust your posture with a magical jet to fall between Gregory and the village.

The falling speed increases and the ground approaches the ground. Just before landing, she casts magic downward to offset the momentum of the fall. Although the momentum could not be killed, sand smoke flew due to the impact of the landing, but it would be a passing point because there was no crater like when it fell down.

Gregory, still in a panic, rushes at me to see if he is not visible.

“Dark Bind”

Countless hands stretch out of Gregory’s shadow and grab his body. Gregory gradually becomes unable to move against the power of the shadow hand.

After a while, Roland comes in and calms Gregory.

“Good, scary Gregory, Liu is no longer there.”

Gregory gradually regained calmness when he was a bit dissatisfied with Ryu, who said that he might be like a bully.

I release the dark bind while watching the situation, but Gregory is relieved that he has not rampaged anymore.

“Thank you, thank you. Gregory to protect the country was hurting the people. But stop jumping suddenly is bad for my heart.”

“Welcome, I didn’t want Gregory to hurt you either. You look kind when you look close.”

Gregory was a rugged rug overall, but in a warm atmosphere.

“In fact, I’m not good at storms. I can’t fly, and the army carries people and luggage.”

He humbles, but his speed and amount of luggage will be different from that of a carriage. I think that it is useful in the military even if you do not appear on the front line.

“I’m a kind girl. I wish I could make a friend with Liu, but I’m sorry. Can I stroke Gregory?”

“Oh, no problem”

Once I got permission to touch Gregory, I approached him slowly so as not to irritate.

The moment I reach out to touch Gregory, he rampages and runs away from me.

“Hey, Gregory, what’s up!

When Roland chases and calls out, he continues to accelerate without stopping.

“Gregory, stop!”

I thought it was just the second dance, and ran up involuntarily, grabbing Gregory’s thick tail.

Gregory, suddenly stopped, tries to wield the tail to escape from my restraint, but neither the tail nor the body flutters.

It took a while for Roland to calm down Gregory again.

“What happened to Gregory?”

“Oh, maybe I’m afraid of Yumiera. If you don’t get too close …”

I didn’t even think the dragon was scared. Well, are you afraid to be restrained by the person who came down in front of you?

That’s why Liu’s friendship failed.

I would like to expect another dragon, but that dragon is busy as the only means of flight in the army.

Later, I heard from Roland in the Imperial City that the dragon with the wind attribute seems very nervous. It may be much smaller than Liu, so getting along may be hopeless.

“So Patrick, don’t you know who would be a friend of Liu?”

“Unfortunately, no one knows the dragon”

As usual, I was telling Patrick the story.

“You can be another person, if you can withstand Liu’s play.”

“Then I can’t.”

Patrick declines Liu’s friend, but it’s uncomfortable that he is Liu’s friend.

“Isn’t it strange that your friend is also your mother’s friend? Oh, the idea that I would leave Patrick’s friend and become Patrick’s friend’s mother …”

“I don’t have it. What about him as a dragon scholar? Don’t you scare Liu?”

Oh, uh, what was his name …

“Oh, Gregory’s dad. Liu seems to be like a dad, and Gregory and Liu can’t meet.”

I forgot his name. Unexpectedly, he may have forgotten my name. We’re enough with Liu’s mom and Gregory’s dad.

“Ryu’s father? Then my mother is like …”

Patrick suddenly rushes, but I want you to be relieved.

“Okay, Liu’s dad is Patrick. Is Gregory’s dad, um, like Liu’s uncle?”

They shared the moment when Liu was born from an egg. I think my father can give her name.

“Oh, I’m my father !? Then, you and me are like … hey, can’t Yumiera think that?”

Patrick gets upset again. It might be natural because he was 16 and he was called his father.

“What is that?”


I think it’s good to have friends. I hope Liu can make friends as soon as possible.

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