Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 19

19 Dungeon orbit

“Yumiera, it’s your next summer vacation. Would you like to come visit our territory if you like?”

Patrick invited me to go to the Ashbaton Frontier, but unfortunately I was on vacation.

“Sorry Patrick, do you have a place to go this year?”

Last summer vacation was a round trip between my room and the library, but once I got Liu, I plan to go far.

Oh, Patrick just wants to go home on Liu? I understand why you call me.

“Because Liu is not my goal, is it natural to invite a friend to play?”

He seems to see what I think. On reflection, he hated flying.

“Patrick was not good at high places.”

Patrick’s surprising weakness is high. He says everyone is scared, but Phil got used to it and enjoyed the air travel.

The story changes, but Phil and Liu seem to have been playing together recently.

“No, that’s that dimension … well, where are you going? Are you going to get rid of the dragon again?”

“I’m going to Varius”

“Various? Oh, dungeon?”

As he says, Varius is a city with dungeons. No, should we call it a dungeon around the city?

The quality of the contents of the treasure chest in the Variance dungeon is different from the others. There is a history that people gathered around it and the surrounding area became a town.

“Yes, I want a dungeon sword.”

I have been learning swordsmanship for a year at school. In addition to high-level push, they are also learning technical things, so they want their own sword.

“Even if it’s not a dungeon, aren’t you going to fight close?”

I don’t care about swords because I only think about subs.

“A commercial sword breaks when you shake it seriously.”

“… It’s hard”

As usual, Patrick pulled me off.

“So I bought a bunch of dungeon products, but they broke too. I think it would be quicker to get my own if it would be better than that.”

Many weapons available from dungeon treasure chests are of high performance, such as those made of unknown metal or having additional effects.

“So it’s a variss. If it’s there, it’s the best quality. I’ll be careful.”

In the game, level up was the dark dungeon of Dorkness, and if you were collecting equipment, the dungeon of Variance was an iron plate. Since the equipment’s performance is random, it will orbit until the desired attribute matches the grant effect.

Summer vacation around the dungeon begins.

On the first day of summer vacation, I was riding on Liu to the city of Varius. To get into the noise, Liu had to drop out of the city and walked a bit into the city.

The city of Vari s is full of mercenaries and soldiers for dungeons, and merchants dealing with them.

First I secured the inn and immediately headed to the dungeon. People who will enter the dungeon are hanging out and the population density is very high.

“I’m sorry, I want to get into the dungeon.”

The sister who is accepting at the entrance of the dungeon frowns.

“I can’t enter here without a permit. Please return immediately if you are busy, because I’m busy.”

Although he has forgotten, the dungeons of Vari’s are licensed due to their popularity. I will give out the permit I have prepared.

“I’m sorry I forgot, I have a permit.”

“The sign of His Majesty the King !? Um, Yumiera Dorknes … Yumiera-sama at that level 99?”

She seemed to know me. I don’t know how far my existence has been known.

Immediately after getting permission, I enter the dungeon.

In the dungeon of the varieties, monsters of all attributes except light appear. It was said that it was not suitable for leveling up in the game for that reason, but it is irrelevant to me that the level is customary.

My only goal is the treasure chest that appears during the 50-level boss. In the game, the treasure chest was decided to come out with equipment with a certain level of performance, so I aimed at it.

At the lower level, the same traders seemed to be crazy, but they stopped seeing people from above the 20th level.

I found a few intact treasure chests, all of which were of low quality. Well, except between the bosses. There is no such thing as an item box like a game, so I didn’t take it home.

1 lap

“Fufufu, you’ve come well. No way, there’s a human coming to the deepest part of my dungeon …”

The boss of this dungeon is a goat-headed demon. The usual dark attribute dungeon boss was Durahan who did not speak, so this was his first encounter with a monster in human language.

“Good weapon, black hole”

When attacked with a pleading, the devil was extinguished, leaving a large magic stone. Out of the treasure chest that appeared was a sword of moderate quality and fire. It’s almost as good as a dungeon sword I’ve broken before, so it’s a loss.

Dungeons will be able to transfer to the entrance after defeating the boss. I don’t know the theory. In the first place, monsters that spring up infinitely, treasure chests and dungeons that have been replenished inevitably are too mysterious.

I was in a fuss by dominating the dungeon, but I set off on the second lap. Magic stones and weapons sold at good prices.

Second lap

“Fufufu, you’ve come well. No way, there’s a human coming to the deepest part of my dungeon …”

A goathead demon told me the same thing. Apparently, the relocated monster does not take over previous memories.

“Good weapon, black hole”

A metal body armor came out of the treasure chest. I do not need.

Third lap

“Fufufu, you’ve come well. No way, there’s a human coming to the deepest part of my dungeon …”

As I gradually learned the directions up to the 50th floor, I was able to shorten the time to come here.

“Good weapon, black hole”

Loss of a spear with a wind attribute. I’m going to sleep at the hotel so far today.

10th lap

“Fufufu, you’ve come well. No way, there’s a human coming to the deepest part of my dungeon …”

I couldn’t get the weapon I was looking for, so I figured I could change the way the boss was defeated.

“Good weapon, shadow lance”

It doesn’t matter how to defeat the water-based wand and boss.

Lap 11

“Fufufu, you’ve come well. No way, there’s a human coming to the deepest part of my dungeon …”

Perhaps the desire to have good weapons is not good, but the important thing is the unwilling mind.

“I don’t need a good weapon, black hole”

Did you know the hammer of the earth attribute? Yes.

It is a magic stone that the boss drops, but at first it was very expensive due to its scarcity. However, I began to break the price gradually as I oversold the market. The purchase price of boss magic stones will continue to fall.

20th lap

“Fufufu, you’ve come … well, haven’t you met me? No, humans can’t reach this level.”

The goat-headed devil has begun to recall a bit of the past. Sorry, die for my sword.

“Oh, this is it!”

Out of the treasure chest was a sword of light attributes. Its solid appearance is different from its predecessors in its presence. It may be a dish that can withstand my best.

It might be nice to have two swords of light sword and dark magic. I grab the sword with rejoicing.


At the moment of touching the sword, a tingling pain runs on the fingertips. Touching it again gave the same result.

Apparently, this sword is more of a darkness attribute than a light attribute. It seems to have responded to my dark attribute magic. Normally only monsters have the dark attribute, so there would be no harm to people.

It is sad that even the sword is treated as a demon king.

When I mentioned that I only dive into the dungeon during the summer vacation, it seems that the boss’s magic stone was speculated. They buy them while supplies are breaking down and sell them when supplies run out and prices rise.

This time the price of magic stones started to rise.

50th lap

“Hey, don’t do that anymore! I don’t know what ……… I don’t know you …”

The goat’s head devil never took over the memories. However, if you remember me in the instinct part, when you look at me, it seems that you are attacked by fear.

It’s a devil, but it’s getting worse and I have few vacations left so I’m going to finish it this time.

“I’ve taken care of you, a black hole.”

Since the light sword that came out quite a while ago, I haven’t got anything that could endure my power. My routine should not be bad, but my luck is too bad.

Opening the treasure chest, thinking that it could not be used again, familiar magical power overflowed from the treasure chest.

“Is this a dark attribute magic?”

Inside the treasure chest was a dark attributed sword.

Shorter than a general two-handed sword and longer than a one-handed sword. A bastard sword that can be used with one or both hands. The darkness is felt from the blade that does not reflect any light.

The previous light sword had a sacred presence, but this sword feels devastating intimidation. Isn’t it cursed gear?

Dark weapons are more rare than light weapons. It didn’t appear in the game, so I was surprised when I saw it.

Was the bad luck so far a way out of this? I’m not sure if it’s true or false, but I’m sure it’s inseparable from me.

“Patrick, yes this is a souvenir of a varius”

“Is this a magic stone?

The boss’s gemstones were all the more bought by aristocrats and investors, and the price was higher than when I first sold them. It seems that the status is that you have it.

“ Dungeon boss magic stone, the last one came back as a memorial ”

“That’s a hot topic right now?-Why can I get something like this?”

Patrick stubbornly did not try to receive it, and instead gave him a dungeon from a dungeon that he brought back because it was bulky.

Patrick says he can sell the magic stones for money or save them in case something goes wrong. He said that money was important.

I have the money to sell 49 of them …

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