Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 2

02 Entangled by the capture targets

The school’s head was the first to open his mouth in the school hall, where silence rules.

“Maybe a malfunction, get a spare magic tool.”

Immediately, a spare tool is prepared and you are asked to put your hand on the crystal.

“… it’s level 99.”

Well, the result was still level 99.

Teachers measure their level of substitution and make sure the magic tool is normal. The students were starting to get busy.

In the midst of such an uproar, I was escaping from reality, as if I had already gone or wasted a lot of experience. Let me explain.

Teachers seem to have concluded that the magic tool was not broken. Then a teacher comes to me.

“Ms. Yumiera, do you know your level?”

I thought it would be deceptive, but in anticipation of looking suspiciously for the next three years, I realized that I could be honest.

Let’s open it up again if we spend a lot of time with the ball.

“Yes, I guess my level is correct.”

“The magic itself is normal. Did you interfere with it anyway?”

“No, I guess at level 99 …”

“You probably didn’t know, but you have to beat the demons to go up the level.

He answered honestly and was suspected of level spoofing. It is a world that is difficult for the honest to live.

The school director asks you to reach the inside of the hall, perhaps because you haven’t seen the teacher and the students who aren’t convinced.

“Everyone calm down, the truth of her words will become clear once the class begins. Miss Yumiela, greet and return to her seat.”

I was staring at me when I said the second half. The school director seems to be in doubt.

Can you believe it if you wipe out the school with magic?

“I’m Yumiera Dorknes. Thank you.”

I gave up saying that I couldn’t explain it in words and returned briefly after greeting me.

Level measurement and greetings continued in a restless atmosphere.

The heroine, the only commoner, was prominent in the story of the game, but the entrance ceremony was over without any particular attention.

Sorry heroine.

After the entrance ceremony, a standing party was held to welcome new students. I didn’t know anyone to get along with, so I was still standing in the corner of the venue.

When I’m thinking of returning to the dormitory after a while because of poor physical condition, I meet an eye of a person who comes straight ahead.

Apparently angry, he was one of those who didn’t want to get involved in the school.

“Your black hair! What kind of work did you do? Are you ashamed of doing that!”

It is the target 2 that has been loudly rolled up without any introduction.

He with fiery red hair is William Ares, a swordsman at the brave party.

Justice is stronger than others, but angry.

“Um … are you talking about level measurement?”

“It’s obvious! I don’t know if I wanted to stand out, but I’m not proud of my aristocracy!”

William, who is about to strike, is stopped by someone who follows him.

“Will calm down. I understand your feelings, but it’s not a fuss at the party venue.”

Soothing William in a familiar manner is one of the targets.

The twinkling blonde is Edwin Balshine, the second prince of the country and the main hero of the game. He is a magic swordsman who uses both swords and magic.

I bow in hurry with the appearance of the prince.

“Nice to meet you, Highness Edwin, my name is Yumiera Dorknes.”

“Country of Dorknes … Central mood”

Prince Edwin mumbles and talks to me.

“Ms. Yumiera, Will has been working harder on swords since she was a child, and she reached level 10 before she entered the school.

“Huh …”

Why would anyone proceed on the premise that I was cheating? Can you believe me if you shoot magic at this venue?

“I’m sorry, but level 99 is true. As the school director said, I think you’ll know when the class begins.”

“Huh, do you want to cut white?”

If Prince Edwin is sorry, William starts speaking.

“Do you say you’re stronger than me? Thank you now that I don’t have gloves!”

Do you want to apply for a duel? William, you should take care of your life.

Finally, while the surroundings were sneaking in and listening to our conversations, even the third capture target appeared.

“Level 99 isn’t realistic, isn’t that possible? Well, you can’t.”

He’s a ridiculous man, Oswald Grimzad, a blue-haired wizard of glasses.

Finally, all the targets have been gathered.

These three are childhood friends and are close enough to nickname Ed, Will and Oz.

Golden orthodox prince, red wild swordsman, blue cool witch. There are many beautiful things in this world, but these three are exceptional. It’s nice to watch, but when it comes to getting involved, it’s a hassle.

“Hey, what if I say something?”

It seems that William has lost his numbness to me in silence.

“I can’t believe my words.”

“Did you say still?”

“You really have your mind?”

“Is it a lie habit?”

I want to break up the conversation with these three bad guys and forcibly change the topic and encourage me to go to the heroine.

“There was a commoner who used light magic. You may be in trouble.

“Yeah, it’s more meaningful than going with your joke.

Be prepared for your lie to come soon after the school. ”

Leaving that, Prince Edwin leaves with them.

Oh, I’m really tired. Let’s go back to the dorm.

When I returned to my dormitory, I had my maid Rita brew tea.

I guess this kind of aristocrat seems to be a real nobility.

Drinking tea at a territory’s residence was only in manners classes, so this is fresh.

“Lady, you returned early, but were you okay? The party isn’t over yet?”

“Good, no one is going to get along.”

“I can’t find a good partner in such a condition. My husband is in trouble.”

She was a maid at the residence of the Dorknes family in the royal capital, and was accompanied by a student who entered the school yesterday.

The school has a cafeteria and a staff member who specializes in laundry, so I don’t think a maid is needed, but I can’t help but order my father.

It’s been two days since we met, but we ask him to look for a marriage partner every time.

He must have received his father’s life. Perhaps it also serves as an eye-catcher for not doing anything selfish.

“The class will start in earnest from tomorrow, and the young lady will have a good chance to meet. Is there a second prince in your class?”

His highness has a very bad impression. Or maybe you don’t know the uproar of the entrance ceremony? Is it okay to be a watcher?

“Hey, the story changes, but do you know what it means to be in the middle?”

“Someone told me that she didn’t care.”

I asked Rita, who was worried about what Edwin muttered when she heard my name. It doesn’t seem to be good as expected.

“I didn’t say a single word, but it’s a word referring to the Dorknes family.”


Rita starts explaining what he thought.

“You know about central and local nobles, right?”

“Yeah, we’re a local aristocrat. It doesn’t seem to hold any position in the royal capital.”

“Yes. Central mock is a despise of a local aristocrat who is always in the royal capital, despite having no central office.”

“ Oh, I mean a nocturnal noble who leaves the territory to the deputy and plays without working in the royal capital. ”

The Rokudenashi nobleman closes with a bitter face on her boss Rita. With my father, I had a deep sigh.

Classes begin in earnest from today. It seems to be basic in the afternoon and in the afternoon.

In the classroom I was naturally obscured. If you get involved and get your prince’s eyes on you, you have to be enemy and no one will see you.

I’m alone in my seat and listen to gossip around. According to me, I’m a flower garden in my brain who believes in myself without any reason.

Should the royal capital be erased, not a school, to prove the level?

Just before the class begins, Prince Edwin and the heroine enter the classroom together. The four are chatting with good friends.

Isn’t the capture too early?

The heroine’s name is Alicia Enlight. The name was changed in the game, but it was Alicia by default. She has pink blond hair and is characterized by a positive, cheerful personality.

The use of light magic is very rare, so he was admitted to school while being a commoner. Light magic is the only weakness of the dark attribute, and can be a trump card for the Demon King.

In the game scenario, it should have not yet contacted the target. Maybe I told the princes to go to her yesterday?

I don’t want to be too involved with her like the target, but it’s probably impossible.

Because Alicia glanced at me with an eye that she could see even at the moment she saw her.

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