Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 26

26 The Truth of the Demon King


“Yes, or is it now called?”

He muttered something meaningful and looked exactly as it appeared in the game. My whole body is covered in jet-black armor, and I guess all I know is that the gender is male. With a helmet that covers his entire head, he can’t even see his face.

“His Highness, Edwin, please go down”

“Well, is that man from the Barshain royal family?

When I let the prince down, the Demon King shouts. Apparently he has extraordinary hatred for the royal family.

In the game, the Demon King made grudges against humans and the kingdom, but it seems to be true in reality. There may be a grudge that wasn’t mentioned in the game.

I draw my waist sword and face the Demon King. The dark sword is one-handed to make magic easier.

The Demon King opened his mouth asking when to set up.

“Hey, what’s your name?”

“I’m Yumiera Dorknes.”

“Dorknes … I haven’t heard of it, is it an emerging aristocrat, or is it more unusual for a house to be founded since its founding?

Well, Yumiera Dorknes. Would you betray the evil Balshine Kingdom and get on my side? ”

Oh, I was asked a classic question. Can I get even half of the world?

“I refuse. There is no reason to do that.”

Why does the Demon King try to bring me alone? Are you just trying to increase your strength by putting it into my mind, or-

“T, help …”

From behind the Devil, I heard a voice that was about to disappear. The floor of the Devil’s Castle, the source of that voice, is magically scooped out and blind to me.

“Mu, still alive?”

Looking back, the devil lifted Alicia, who had resembled a rag.

Yes, they are wearing amulets for protection. It seems that the amulet can survive only once, even if it receives the highest magic that cuts the space itself.

It saved my life, it saved her life. William and Oswald should be alive, but either stunned or soundless. Either way, they have no means of recovery and will be completely wounded.


Prince Edwin tries to rush towards the Demon King, so he grabs his neck and pulls it back.

The Demon King turned to us, grabbing and lifting Alicia’s arm.

“I heard the story, but I don’t know you two, I immediately understood that the three people sleeping here were garbage.

The Prince of Balshine, why do you care about this. You should just throw away the fool who cuts off the enemy team. ”

“Alicia has done something irreparable, but I still love her.”

“Stupid, what does love mean? People betray even their loved ones in their interests.”

“No, I will not betray my loved ones.”

“Then, if you keep watching Alicia and her death, I will accept myself, and the Balshine kingdom will escape the threat of demons.

“It’s … comparing the country to the individual. In the first place, there is no guarantee that the Demon King will keep his promise …”

Alicia is trapped by the Demon King and looks upset by Prince Edwin, who is struggling to answer.

“Ed, no! I’ll help!”

“Shut up. No, let’s ask Alicia. Let’s rescue you, the prince, and the nation, one of the three. Let’s choose.”

The demon approaches the face to Alicia and is terrified. She screams if she is bound by fear stress.

“Please help me!”

“Look, Prince of Balshain, who is like this.”

“Such …”

Prince Edwin is stunned when he hears Alicia’s unbelievable begging.

The prince says Alicia was a kind-hearted girl, just changing people in front of me. She may be the protagonist of the game, and that story may be true.

However, the reality has shifted from the game scenario. She must have overcome various difficulties in the first and second years of her school, and has come here without doing the event.

I think that’s why Alicia’s mind remains weak.

“Well, I just heard the story of who to kill.”

The Demon King so tells him and tightens Alicia’s neck. She screamed in agony.


Prince Edwin is also trying to run up, but feels strange about the Demon King’s actions. The Demon King should be able to kill Alicia right away, but is slowly tightening his neck. As if to show us that.

“Emergency escape!”

I get out in front of Prince Edwin and push him behind. At the same time magic is cast on me. At the last minute, I also set off magic and offset.

“Hmm, failure? Well, I could kill Koizumi.”

Alicia, in the hands of the Demon King, was hanging her limbs like a doll.

“Well, he might have been helped if Prince Fools didn’t come out.”

I can’t hear the prince moving from behind. Perhaps he was fainted by the impact of the emergency escape.

“You don’t feel respect for the royal family … aren’t you willing to be with me?”

“No, why did you just invite me to betrayal from the beginning?”

“that is……”

The Demon King tries to answer the question, but I feel the magic is going to work. The aim is not me, but William and Oswald at his feet.

I also wanted to interrupt with magic, but they might get involved. It starts running like a shell forward and slashes on the Demon King.

Feel the response to the slashing aimed at the Demon King’s neck. However, it did not seem to have interrupted the magic. At their feet they were already dead.

“It’s too fast. Only you are different in strength.”

The Demon King who jumped back is calm. Weird, but there should have been a response.

The next moment, the helmet of the Demon King shattered and shattered. The Demon King’s face that appeared from inside …


No, man. However, there was a man who looked just like me with black hair, dark eyes, a poor expression face, and even a shaping of the face. I feel that the atmosphere is similar somewhere.

“Sure, they look alike, I was surprised when I saw you. I don’t have any descendants, so they may have distant blood.”

Was the Demon King a human? I might say that he was human.

“Did you betray me because you looked similar?”

“Is this country hard to survive before black hair? Has this world ever been difficult to live with? Have you ever had an unreasonable eye? U ”

“Surely my life was absurd and hard to live. Well, my feelings were not hatred, but resignation. I tried to escape many times, I have never wished for extinction or the death of a person. ”

No … I suppose, I don’t want to. Realistically, I can do that.

“Why so far … the end is betrayed anyway. How is the origin of this country transmitted?”

“The brave and the saint sealed the Demon King and created a country.”

Does the secret of the Demon King relate to the origin of the country?

“Fuhahahaha, came with a hero and a saint.

“A genre?”

“Don’t you question in the first place? Did the country exist before my appearance as the Demon King?”

Certainly, I was concerned about it, but I couldn’t find any books about pre-foundation history. I was convinced that it had disappeared in the battle of the battle with the Demon King …

“Before the Kingdom of Balshine, the whole area was a war-torn era, where the victory was over, and the first king of Balshine was the one who won the battle in a row and created a nation. He was a light magic user and a dark magic user. ”

“No way …”

The two men and the first queen who was said to be a saint …

“No way. I was serving King Balshine. I respected him, respected him, and loyalty was going to be second to none. He accepted me with black hair.”

The demon king who was a loyal to the first king. But he then …

“But as soon as the country stabilized, I was blown to this remote area. The king feared my power. I was only looking for power from the beginning. In my heart I had black hair and dark magic. He would have hated it. ”

His face talking about the past was surprisingly calm. It was like nostalgia.

“… So did you rebel?”

“It’s definitely different!”

Suddenly, the Demon King turns into an expression of anger.

“Surely no. Without it ”

But that would not have been the case. And the first thing I did was …

“But the king has raised his army. I have no soldiers and have petitioned me to quit because I can be sent to any harsh battlefield.”

I wondered why I wouldn’t fight back and why I wouldn’t escape if I had no chance. Maybe he is different from me about this country …

“I loved and loved this country and the people of this country, but I was betrayed. Even the folks who swallowed the king’s rumors and even their trusted subordinates.”

Perhaps because he loved and loved deeply, when that feeling turned over, it turned into a terrible hatred.

“And I killed everything, broke everything. When I realized I was able to control monsters. I hated monsters that threatened the country and the people, but I used them even.”

I did not know the story of the Demon King. But I know only the end of the story.

“But they have lost. They have avoided direct confrontation and sealed me with ancient esoteric techniques. And so far. Have you heard this story and still say you will be part of the Balshine Kingdom?”

“I think the whole king is bad for that matter, but not now.”

“The killers didn’t seem to have accepted you?”

“Well, do they say it’s frustrating even though I hate it … Isn’t that like that for His Majesty the King or His Highness?”

“I just whispered my words in anticipation of my resurrection. If you kill me and go home, you will have nowhere to go.”

Listening to the story of the Demon King, I also learned the meaning of what the Majesty the King had said “the second Demon King”. The meaning of the word that I should not know the identity of the Demon King.

“I want to stop black hair from being discriminated against, even for the later black-haired children.”

So I cannot be the enemy of mankind. That would accelerate black hair discrimination.

“The Her Majesty heard that he said he would support him in order not to create a second demon king. Perhaps, but the story inherited by the royal family would have made you evil.

But is your Majesty aware that you have not rebelled? The Demon King was born out of discrimination and a sense of remorse. ”

I could be a true demon king. And it’s much stronger and more terrifying than him in front.

“People’s minds are going to change. At best, things will change in decades.”

“At that point, we run away, both outside the country and outside the continent. And those who could kill or seal me have died.”

Alicia, one of the highest light magic users in history, has died. After that, if you break the sword of the light attribute, it will be impossible to kill me.

In response to my remarks, the expression of the Demon King’s anger softened slightly.

“You’re kind of cold, don’t you love someone?”

“Yes, but …”

“What if he betrays?”

He doesn’t say that he loves men. Well, it’s a man.

What if Patrick betrayed? I think I will run away. I don’t want to hurt him, I don’t want to hurt him by hurt him.

“I think I’ll run away. If he betrays me, and if he’s happy, I’ll accept it.”

“I thought so at first. I saw her, who was intimate with the king, and I thought it was good. That was not the case with the second betrayal.”

Did the Demon King and the First Queen be lovers? The loyalty of this person is tremendous, such as serving the lord even if you take your lover.

“I had the option of running away, it wasn’t for you. I think that’s the only difference.”

In other words, the Demon King has the courage to face him and I do not.

“I ran away … I didn’t even think. If I had escaped, would there be another history …”

Looking at him who imagines another life, my willingness to diminish gradually. As Patrick says, I may be just as friendly.

“What about fleeing from now? You are dead and somewhere far away-”

My words of escape are blocked. He seems to keep facing him forever.

“I can’t escape doing this much. I think the philosophy of eliminating your discrimination is precious. But I think we should destroy this world.”

The final destination of the two conflicting parties is one. It’s a fight to kill or be killed.

“I see. I have no choice but to fight.”

Starting with that, the battle between me and the Demon King began.

Each other jumps back at the same time, shooting magic at long distances. I’m better at power and trouble, but I need to intercept and offset everything to prevent Prince Edward from sleeping behind.

Is long range disadvantageous? I try to switch to close combat, but the Demon King attacks my feet on the floor.

If you leap and avoid, the Demon King laughs grinning. You probably think you can’t move in the air. But unfortunately, aerial maneuvering is my fortune.

Injects magic power backwards and approaches the Demon King. Demon King strips eyes at that speed, but is already slow.

“I took it.”

My slash cut off the Demon King’s right arm. Bring the sword to the neck without a hitch.

“… What happened? Kill me quickly.”

“I’m going to run away …”

I was prepared for it. Probably because I heard his story. His Majesty’s advice was right.

“It’s terrible! Its strength, you’ve killed many monsters? Just like that, I’m no longer a monster.”

“No, you are a person.”

He is much stronger than me. He has a much more core than me.

“I don’t know if you’re going to be kind, but it’ll be my neck in the future.”

I know, my weakness is not being able to kill people. Still, I think that this is fine.

“Finally, please tell me your name, because you are not a demon or a demon king.”

The Demon King opened his eyes and smiled as if amazed.

“My name is-”

On that day, I killed a person for the first time.

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