Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 28

Extra 01: However, the beam is …

During the school lunch break, I stared at the sky in one corner of the schoolyard.

Seeing Liu emit a black beam from his eyes, he is trying to see if I can do it. This is done for tens of minutes, but there is no sign of a beam coming out of my eyes.

“Hey, what are you doing in that place?”

He turned around and saw Patrick. Oh, dangerous. In a hurry I turn away from Patrick.

“Don’t get too close!”

“I’m sorry”

I didn’t expect Patrick to make such a sobering voice. Briefly explain the situation to him who is about to leave.

“That’s dangerous because I was trying to get a beam out of my eyes.”


“Um … a light ray? A black guy whose newborn Liu came out of his eyes.”

“Oh, that’s it? Yumiera gives it out?”

We keep our eyes on our eyes, without talking.

“Yes, I think the output is going to be squeezed, the shot is fast and it looks good.”

“… Is there any point in putting it out of the way?”

ah I see. Because Liu was out of sight, he was stuck with the stereotype that it was.

“Yes, if I can get out of my fingertips, I shoot 10 at the same time, and that’s better.”

“Is it a bush snake …”

It only shoots two with eyes, and visibility may be obstructed. As expected, Patrick, calm down ideas that I don’t have.

Wait, can’t we just be trapped in our eyes, fingers, or certain parts in the first place? Wouldn’t blind spots be eliminated if beams could be emitted through the pores of the whole body?

“Hmm, but there are holes in my clothes when I’m on my back …”


“Do you think it looks strong if the beam is shot in all directions?

Patrick frowns grandly, imagining me emitting a beam from the whole body.

“Don’t do it. Like Breath, it’s possible for a dragon but impossible for a human.”

“Oh, what should we do from breath practice?”

I open my mouth wide to exhale. Oh, let’s do something.

“… looks like a stupid thing”

If Patrick told me to think twice, now I just seem to be vomiting.

“Okay … give up breath and beam.”

Now I turn away from him because it is dangerous if the beam comes out of my eyes.

Not because I’m ashamed.

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