Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 3

03 Sword and Magic First Class

The first afternoon of the class started with swordplay. Almost all boys participate, but there are only a few girls, including me. Others are watching.

“Okay, I’m going to play mock-ups in order to check everyone’s ability.

A laughing voice that mocks from around.

The teacher who taught swordsman was he who came to me at the entrance ceremony. Is William a swordsman with a lot of blood?

“Then I’ll do the opponent.”

William has given up on my opponent. The girls cheer yellow.

They seem to use wooden swords in mock battles. Choose one appropriately and go to the center of the training area.

William seems to have chosen the longest and thickest wooden sword. In the game he also used a large sword as tall as he could.

“If you stop, you’re out of now.”

Gives a pre-game thanks, ignoring William’s advice.

“Thank you”

“I don’t know if you get hurt.”

Insistent. I’m desperate to figure out what to do.

“Now hold both.”

Speaking of which, I do not know how to hold the sword. This is my first time holding a sword.

When defeating monsters by level up, magic was the main.

The opponent whose magic was extremely difficult had been beaten and killed with wooden sticks and stones around them. I could use my bare hands, but I didn’t use it because I didn’t like getting dirty.

William looks suspicious at me who doesn’t hold a sword.

“Hey, hold on early, or surrender without fighting?”

“I’m sorry, it’s my first time using a sword.

A laughing voice that does not seem to hide from the surroundings rises and screams fly around. William was distorted by anger.

“How far are you going to be stupid! I don’t think I’m going to be a woman, so I think one or two bones will break”

Without waiting for the first signal, William rushes straight.

In general, it will be fast, but it is easy to deal with my reaction speed.

He was raising his sword in front of me as he figured out how to avoid injuring William.

Immediately before the wooden sword is swung down, I give a wooden sword to his feet, avoiding Hyoy next to him.

He swung down and jumped in the air. He caught my sword and thrust his face into the ground. I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would be so exciting.

The surroundings calm down as to what happened.

“Teacher, is this done? Should I pursue it?”

The teacher swings a wooden sword and asks the training ground while raising the wind, and the teacher returns to me and declares.

“Sho, winner Yumiera Dorknes”

It was William who got up from the fall that disagreed.

“Not yet, I’m just careless! I’m pretending to be an amateur and a sneaky guy!”

It’s not persuasive to say while shedding blood from your face.



William jumps up with a male shoot. He thinks he won’t be convinced even if he avoids it, and hits each other’s sword as he swings down.

The wooden swords that collided make a heavy sound that does not seem like a tree, and William is blown backwards. I thought the wooden sword would break, but it was surprisingly strong.

A scream rises in the training area. The reaction is as if a person had died.

He blew so fast that he flew in the sky, but he just hit his head or just fainted.

“Oh, let’s take him to the health room?”

The teacher panicked as I grabbed and lifted William’s neck.

“No, no, I’ll take you, so give him here.”

The reaction was as if I had taken the hostage. Deliver him while thinking he is out of heart.

“I take William to the health room.

Until I come back, do voluntary training such as swinging. Okay, don’t do the match. ”

The teacher says that much and runs and leaves the training area.

Even so, I’m an amateur, so I’m going to imitate others.

I looked around and thought, but nobody seemed to move, and the one that met me was a screaming scream.

The girls who came to see them are gone.

Even if you are not scared. I should have taken care of it. The best evidence is that William is not minced.

Because I can’t help it, I start swinging with some type.

After all, the teacher did not return until the end of class.

Next is the magic skill class. The magic training area is lined with scarecrows in metal armor and has a roof only at the place where you shoot magic, like the archery ground.

A teacher who arrives on time at the training area looks around and says the students.

“First of all, let’s show everyone the magical abilities. It’s enough to be able to hit even one attribute.”

Like a swordsmanship class, they seem to perform magic in turn to measure each person’s ability.

There are four basic attributes: fire, wind, water, and soil. People who can use light and darkness are very rare.

Although the students perform their magic one by one, the number of students is surprisingly small, as the magic flies in the wrong direction or does not reach the target.

There are at most two people who are hit by the target, and it is not a big target whether the power is insufficient.

Alicia wasn’t hit, but she was amazed by the use of rare light magic.

Oswald mastered all four attributes and showed them a hit. Teachers praise it for free. His magic seemed to be more powerful than his surroundings, but he wasn’t bik. Is the target quite hard?

“Awesome Oswald, you’re just a magical genius.”

“It is natural that we can do this much.

She is the only one who has not shown her magic yet. What wonderful magic will it show? ”

Oswald lifts his glasses with his fingers and looks at me as if he was stupid.

Certainly he did not participate in swordsmanship classes. You probably don’t know I blew William away. I come forward thinking so.

Students around the swordsman class take a step back if something might happen.

You don’t have to be vigilant …

In fact, I can’t use the basic four attributes. It can only light as much as a lighter or create a breeze.

You can be called a woman who has tremendous talent in muscle and darkness.

“Is it okay to break the target?”

Oswald, not the teacher, answers, asking if he could break a strong target.

“The armor that Scarecrow wears is specially processed, and you can’t break that that I can’t break.”

Please answer the question whether it is good or bad to break. Ignore and stare at the teacher.

“I can break only the court mage, but if you can break it, you can break it.”

Since the teacher’s permission has been issued, I will release the magic.

“Then, Dark Flame”

A black flame, about the size of a bean, emerges from my fingertips and goes straight.

“What’s that. If you think what you’re going to do, it’s a pea gun.”

Oswald laughs, but the teacher notices the darkness and is surprised with his eyes wide open.

As soon as a bean-sized flame lands, it spreads throughout the target and the armor begins to melt.

Dark Flame is one of the magics I use often. Just like a flame, it looks like a flame, but it doesn’t have any heat.

The dissolution of stone and metal is more like acid than flame. When used for a demon, it becomes grotesque.

The armor and the scarecrow inside melt away and the black flame goes out.

“… dark magic?”

Someone mutters in the calm training ground.

“Yes, it’s a dark magic. The other attributes are nothing.”

“Well, she was a wonderful Yumiera.

Ah, the dark magician was even a court mage. Don’t have bad prejudice. ”

The teacher explains about the dark magic while back.

Or is dark magic so bad an image? Speaking of which, the villains of picture books were mostly black hair and dark attributes. Am I a villain? Oh, she was a villain daughter.

“Impossible, this is strange. I’m a magic genius.”

Oswald, who had been silent until now, whispered. I think this is a level difference rather than a magical talent.

“Wow, I don’t admit this!”

Eventually, the shouting Oswald runs off the training ground. His cool glasses character had completely collapsed.

Prince Edwin and the school’s principal came in so that I could be confused with Oswald when I was pulling Don.

“Yumiera Dorknes, your withdrawal document has been completed. You are not worthy of the Royal Academy.”

She thought she wouldn’t see Prince Edwin in the afternoon class, but she was preparing to drop me out.

“I’m leaving school …?”

“Oh, those who lie to the royal family are not worthy of a school.

If you drop out of the Royal Academy, it will be difficult to live as a noble in this country. ”

“Fufu, traveling abroad might be good. Foreigners might do better.”

When implicitly suggesting exile to another country, a magic teacher begins to panic.

“Wait, Your Highness, School Director. She is a rare dark magician, and even a court mage struggles to break it.

Level 99 may be true. It is this country’s loss that will drop her out of school. ”

“Can a court mage break it too? It won’t be level 99 proof. Let me convince you if you want to cancel your dropout.”

Prince Edwin seems to want to drop me out of school. I think it’s a problem for a royal family to easily transfer a court mage class person to another country.

“Mr. Yumiela, isn’t the magic I just said is full power? I’ll show you my full magic here and ask.”

If she thinks of being in exile and being surrounded by another country, or hiding herself and living as a commoner, a magic teacher asks her to do her best with the power to prostrate.

It is hard to refuse if you are asked if you are acting with loyalty to this country.

“I see, I cast my magic in the sky. You may exercise your magic.

“I’ll do it myself.”

“Are you sure?”

“Noisy! Start quickly!”

“But who is responsible when something happens …”

“Shooting magic into the sky, nothing will happen! I take responsibility!”

Alright, I took the quality. Considering what will happen, it is best to rub responsibility against Prince Edwin.

“So, to a place without a roof”

When I move around the training ground, the princes come along. The students move to a place without a roof in a frightening manner.

I said with full power, but I’m not really motivated. Once a crater was created in the forest once a long time ago, we have refrained from using all our magic.

I can’t even imagine what I’m doing right now, because I’m supposed to grow even further.

In the game, you exercise the strongest dark magic that only the Demon King and I were allowed to use.

“Black Hole”

At the moment, the Royal Academy is wrapped in darkness.

From the outside, you can see that a black sphere has appeared above the school. It must have been visible from anywhere in the large royal capital.

The school is blocked out by the sun and becomes dark like night. But it’s an instant. Next, the black sphere becomes smaller and disappears.

A black hole is a magic that unconditionally obliterates objects within range. Usability is very good because the range can be small.

In other words, the air above the school disappeared in an instant. An upward gust of wind blows up.

“What about your Highness? Did you understand that I am level 99?”

When the wind has subsided, try to be as soft as possible.

“It’s good”

Prince Edwin desperately tries to leave me.

Even if you are not scared.

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