Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 30

02 into Ash Baton territory

I’m on my way to Patrick’s homeland, Ashburnon, and I have a lot to prepare for.

“I need to write a letter telling the date and time of the visit, arrange a carriage, and need a proper dress.”

“Isn’t it okay to go on a Liu and go straight?”

“I can’t do that insane!”

“Do you speak common sense …”

As I walked around in the room, whispering, I was seen stunned by him.

Why is Patrick so optimistic? Ah, what if Patrick’s father says, “I don’t know you’re a dad!”

“Because my letter tells my father Yumiera as it is.”

“I am the same?”

“It’s about what you usually do and what you always do. So it’s too late to fix it.”

“Is it okay … Is it okay?”

It’s doing something a bit weird, but it’s a non-lethal category. I don’t think he’s at a level where his parents can take care of him.


I will never forget his incomprehensible expression at that time.

Eventually, I decided to take Liu to Ashbaton. While I was worried, Patrick contacted me by letter and decided to return home.

“Hey, why don’t you just give me a date?”

“Because Yumiera was going to take years to pick a souvenir if it were the same.”


I completely forgot. Visiting the fiance’s house will probably require a souvenir. What is good, sweets? sake? No, no. Personality may be judged by one trivial work or one souvenir. I should do my best.

“What happened? Suddenly loud.”

“Patrick, I’ll do my best!”

When I showed her motivation, Patrick shook her face.

“Don’t do your best. I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but I’m sure it’s wrong.

He seems to have unwavering conviction. Where does that confidence come from?

“You just need a souvenir to take to Patrick’s house?”

“What a souvenir … wait, what are you going to choose?”

He heard that it was a souvenir, but for a moment his expression softened, but he quickly hardened his expression.

What is good? I’m glad I got it, but I can do my best.

“What … dragon eggs?”

Dragons that are accustomed to humans do not pair with wild dragons. It’s hopeless that Liu has a bride. I want a dragon egg, because it’s poor. I would have to do my best to do that.

“Don’t stop me”

Patrick said so with a true expression. He didn’t like the dragon egg.

“Well …”

I’m glad I got it … I’d like to see if there’s an item with a level limit release. Also, I want the armor to disable the light attribute. The weakness disappears and it approaches the strongest again.

However. Will Patrick’s parents be glad to get them …

“Maybe my sense is out of sync with the world?”

“Oh! And what do you notice yourself! Great Yumiera!”

Patrick smiled and stroked her head. Hehe. It wasn’t, the story was too derailed.

We’ll talk more about his perception of me later, but now it’s a souvenir.

“It’s not that right now!”

He tried to shake Patrick’s hand, but his hand was withdrawn and avoided. Recently, his level has risen, so he has been treated more and more this way. It’s better than accidentally skipping it, but it’s a bit frustrating.

“Now you have to think about what to bring as a souvenir. What if you don’t really find something boring?”

“Isn’t that something like a suitable confection?”

He seems really irrelevant. We are shocked by the gap between our perceptions.

“No, what if I thought I was an insane girl and opposed marriage?”

“It’s already considered insane”

… OK, souvenirs will be wrapped in suitable sweets.

I should switch from a successful daughter strategy to a strategy that was a bad reputation but was a surprisingly good child when I met him.

Patrick is not good at high places. I’ve been on Liu many times, but I’m not getting used to it. Liu is flying slowly and slowly, but his expression is not good.

“Isn’t it about to arrive now? … Is it okay?”

“Oh … well, don’t do sudden acceleration or dive.”

Is it pretending? Oh, I was really glared. I won’t do it.

“That’s the town where the lord’s palace is. That’s what the atmosphere is.”

The city in the center of Ashbaton was often armed. Their tingling atmosphere is as if they were before the battle …

“That flag is … an emergency flag, and it’s at the top. No way … Did Remrest attack?”

Patrick looked at the flag on the tallest building in the city. Remrest? Did your neighbor attack?

“What a day our future depends on …”

I couldn’t sleep last night. Now if I couldn’t meet Patrick’s parents today, I would repeat the same. Will you pierce my stomach? Hello, Remrest Kingdom!

“I can feel calm and angry, but stay calm …”

What is he talking about when his hometown is under attack? This is a scene where they will be the demons of the protection nation and burn out the garbage insects that harm the country.

“Ryu, full speed! I’ll boost too!”

Liu flutters her wings with all her power and accelerates. I also support it by emitting magical power backwards.

When the speed comes out to some extent, the air resistance of the wings gets in the way. Liu folded the wings back, forming a fighter-like shape. From here on, it will only be accelerated by the injection of magic from me and Liu.

The scenery below changes rapidly. The trees in the forest quickly flow backward. Liu proceeds while generating a shock wave. This is the sonic boom.

We exceeded the speed of sound.

“Patrick! I can see the enemy army!”

He behind does not speak. Are you impressed by the speed that has not yet arrived? I didn’t think Patrick was a speed freak. What if you want to aim for the speed of light?

The two troops are glaring in a plain with good visibility. Probably that is the border line. We have not been found in either army yet.

Liu is flying with an explosive noise, but leaving the sound behind so they will notice the sound after we have passed.

“To reduce the damage … Is it enough to get an enemy general?”

Patrick, who seems to be familiar with the tactics of such a war, does not answer anything. It has already reached the sky above the battlefield. I have to make a decision soon …

OK, let’s rush into the enemy team. … And where is the main team?

“Oh, I can’t make it anymore! Perry, dive between the two troops!”

Liu roars with Gau and proceeds as he falls to the center where the frontiers of Ash Baton and the Royal Army of Remrest glare.

Although it was slowing down, it was quite fast. Liu, who landed in front of Ashbaton’s army, stopped in front of Remrest’s arm while digging the ground. It is a form that crosses the center of both armies.

This is a story I heard later. When Remrest invaded the Balshine Kingdom, a black meteor fell from the sky, and a black Demon King came down. …… Is it treated like a demon again?

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