Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 31

03 Avoid war

Frontiers of Ashbaton and the Royal Army of Remrest gazing along the border. Standing in the middle, I was holding my head behind Liu’s back.

I’ve come this far with momentum, but isn’t this a bad situation? What I ended up glaring at for the cause of a full-scale war is invisible.

If the situation moves, we will do something on the fly, but the two sides will not move at all while paying attention to me. On the contrary, no one even speaks.

For the time being, she wondered which reinforcements would be better to claim, and Liu squashed a little. It is so cute with a strange sound.

I wonder if this will make everyone calm down immediately.

“The Demon King of the Balshine Kingdom is out!”

“Run away! Drunk in the darkness! Killed!”

“I’m done, I’m dead!”

Starting with Liu’s Kusami, the formation of the Remrest army collapses in a blink of an eye. Those who run away at a glance, those who crouch with their heads on the spot, those who just stand up.

It seemed like I could win before I knew something. I’m very happy that you don’t kill people.

I also aim for a peaceful image to eliminate black hair discrimination.

Yes, the angels who have fallen on the battlefield will end the war without bleeding. It ’s not an angel anyway, it ’s a demon king.

Looking back at the Ashbaton’s army, look away from the front of the hell picture of the shouting of ana.

The moment I looked back, a loud noise was heard from a friend who had been almost silent until now. It was the sound of metal armor caused by everyone shaking their bodies all at once.

I sigh and turn around. How did this happen. I just came to his home to greet him. It seemed like an emergency, so he rushed in just a bit.

For now, it may be better to keep the enemy generals. I watch the enemy troops retreat at full speed, but I don’t know where the general is.

The formation is too devastated to give a rough idea.

He’s in a dream now, as Patrick knows. Shaking his shoulders but moaning, there is no sign of getting up.

“Oh, sorry, my son is about to die.”

A call was heard from nearby, and when I looked there, a horse was lined up next to Liu.

On the back is a young man with gray hair. His gray hair is more whitish than that of Patrick, and his face is somewhat like Patrick.

As you can see from the armor, which has a large crest of the Ashbaton Frontier, he is definitely Patrick’s father.

The escort behind looks staring at him who came out alone. They do not seem to hear what the horses say, and do not seem to be able to come forward.

Calm down, me. I never thought I would say hello in this place.

First impressions are important in human relationships. My actions from now on depend on whether we can get married.

I jump off Liu’s back and say one knee.

“Hello, I’m Yumiera Dorknes, the Earl of Ashvaton. I’m here for reinforcements.”

“Um … Is it going to destroy Remrest?”

“Huh? If your father-in-law wants you.”

“No, I don’t have that intention …?”

So why was the murderous word, such as destroying a neighboring country, coming from the mouth of the frontier? When I look mysterious, the frontier looks similar.

Maybe our hearts at that time would be the same.

Patrick, get up early.

“That’s right! Did you just come to my house?”

“No, I’m too late!”

With Patrick awakening, the situation in which I stared at me without silence ended. I feel relieved that the frontier had no intention to fight.

“That’s why they suddenly declared war. There was no damage here and Count Dorknes came and was saved.”

“that must have been hard”

“We just need to keep the border. It’s good to ask the enemy general about the situation.”

“I’ll catch you!”

I and my father-in-law were calling each other with their family name plus the title. This may be correct because they are the heads of the noble family, but they feel some distance.

To get along with each other, troubles must be cleared up quickly. When I tried to run towards the army of Remrest, Patrick grabbed the neck of the neck.

Naturally Patrick would be dragged by me.

“Wait! Wait, Yumiera! Wait! No more moving!”

“Do you want Patrick to go with you?”

“No, if Yumiera moves any further, he will die to the Laemrest army.”

“Huh? Not really?”

I will walk to the army of Remrest regardless. Then, the soldier who met me just stripped her eyes and fell behind.

The mentality of neighboring soldiers is too weak. I decided so.

“Oh, this kind of child, exactly as Patrick says.”

My father-in-law murmurs when I am a little depressed. What did Patrick say about me?

I was notified not to be out of force … but to become too strong, and I was sighing with Liu by the frontier of the frontier.

After a while, Patrick and his parents returned to the main team. He has only one man in the uniform of Laemrest.

Like that person you’ve seen somewhere?

“Oh, an agent?”

“Yes, the verse was taken care of. I’m now Linus, Assistant Lieutenant of the Remrest Kingdom.”

Linus is a neighboring intelligence agent who has contacted me only once. I’m surprised that you were in the military, but your assistant aide? Why did only he in a subtle position come?

My question seems to have passed to him.

“Both commander and deputy ran away first.”

“Oh, um, it’s sorry.”

Somehow he is a blessed person. Last time, his boss must have worked to get me in.

Perhaps the transfer from the espionage field was a kind of reincarnation.

But Linus is currently the chief executive, so it’s his role to negotiate the ceasefire. The representative of the Balshine kingdom is, of course, the frontier.

I watch it silently. Outsiders don’t want to talk outside the field, so Patrick, don’t look at me with such eyes.

We enter the tent on the main line and listen to Linus.

“Well, where do we start? … Japan is currently split into two …”

I know that too. About a year ago, the neighboring king was sick. The next king is named the first prince, but he cannot formally take over the throne until his death.

The second prince and his faction, which saw this as an opportunity, are rising, and the country is said to be divided.

That, of course, would be well-known to Hakuraku. He encourages continuation.

“I know that. So who? Who led this?”

“I’m the Second Prince, and I thought she had to do martial arts because she was originally inferior.”

“Then the generals at your place …”

“Yes, this is your Highness.”

Linus’s butt is getting smaller and smaller. The frontier sighed greatly.

“Huh … it’s just a fleeting thing, I won’t think of trying to do anything anymore. There’s no damage here and it seems likely that the war could be avoided.”

The frontier seems to not want to fight. If it were a war, it would be natural for him to be on the battlefield.

I will be helping to avoid war.

“Mr. Linus, tell your second prince. No matter how far I run away, I will try my best.”

“Okay, let me tell you.”

Linus’s tired face is slightly brighter. I think this person is also a very difficult person. He interacted with the marginalists somewhat and returned to his army to take command of the withdrawal.

Linus says a word as he leaves.

“Both are hard. Is the Second Prince movement in the Balshine Kingdom?”

Wait, I don’t know about my country. What is that idiot prince doing?

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