Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 32

Extra 02: The Seven Wonders of the School

This school is the stage of a maiden game, which you may forget at times. Of course there is no shortage of events.

Now, in the second grade of summer, a ghost event should soon take place. It’s okay to leave it alone, but I’m not afraid to blame me again. I set out to solve the case, leaving the main character, Alicia.

It’s kind of lonely to kill a ghost alone, so I’ll invite Patrick.

“Do you know Patrick? A story about a ghost coming out”

“Oh, the guys who like things are rumored. I’m not detailed.”

It didn’t come to my ears, but was the event already started? Patrick is in the know.

“Is Patrick surprised by rumors?”

“Every student at the school knows, it’s been famous in recent weeks.”

“… That’s right.”

Without game knowledge, I would never know. My isolation is terrible.

So Patrick uttered an unfamiliar word.

“Is Yumiera interested in the Seven Wonders?”

“Huh? Seven wonders?”

What is the Seven Wonders …? Why are six psychic phenomena that should have been one in the game increased? Although it is different from the original scenario, it is not an event that changes for me only this time.

I might not know Nanika at school.

I’m terrified of my spine … but if I hit anything in the school, I’m going to be able to beat it if I hit it. It’s a perfect strategy.

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The following day, after school, I and Patrick were investigating Gakuen Seven Wonders.

Neither of them knew the details of the Seven Wonders, so we asked them the day before and left them in their notes.

By the way, it was Patrick who asked. I also heard that everyone was just muddy and no one told me about the Seven Wonders.

“This is the first place. It seems that there are terrible monsters in the world.”

“A monster? It’s something different from the image.”

Patrick stopped near a warehouse off the school.

I imagined things that could be heard, things that started moving on their own, or psychic phenomena, but they were more like unidentified creatures.

At that time, a large black object flew out from the entrance of the warehouse.

Yes, this warehouse is my beloved home.

“Ryu! You were at home, were you a good boy?”

The dragon Liu rubs her head and spoils me. Oh, really cute.

I said, while stroking Liu’s head.

“Hey Liu, don’t you see monsters around here?”

Liu had no idea what she was doing. After all, there were no gossip, no terrible monsters in the world.

“After all seven wonders are lies.”

“No, maybe, but Liu …”

Patrick looks at Liu and says,

What happened to Liu? There is no connection between a mouth that is large enough to be swallowed by humans, claws that will tear like paper like armor, such a perfectly cute dragon, and a scary monster.

We say goodbye to Liu and head to the next place.

Patrick pointed to the school girls’ dormitory. Moreover, it was the building where my room was.

“The second place is here. There seems to be a girl on the right end window on the second floor, who jumps out of there and commits suicide.”

“That’s my room.”

“If Yumiela hadn’t seen it, then there wouldn’t be any schoolgirl.”

Was it a gossip with no roots or leaves? In the first place, it is suspicious at the time of suicide jumping from the window on the second floor. The height is overwhelmingly short.

“I sometimes get in and out of the room through that window, but I’ve never seen a ghost.”

“Hmm? From the window?”

“Yeah, jump out of there and go outside, jump back home.”

“… Oh, is that something?”

“What? What?”

I was later scolded by Patrick for bad behavior. That’s good, shortcuts.

The third place was the library. This is also a place I use often.

“It is said that those who intend to overthrow the state are laughing and reading the book of military law.”

“What’s that? It’s not a ghost story.”

It is not a mystery but a conspiracy theory.

Patrick said she thought she would be a lie again.

“I understand the pattern. What kind of book is Yumiera reading in the library?”

“Huh? I’ve read through history books and magic books, so recently I’ve read books on military law, too.”

“I see.”

It is a book that seriously describes the formations in group battles, but if you have time to think about such things, you think that you should raise the level even a little.

I imagine 10,000 battlefields vs. 10,000 battlefields, but we fire the highest magics regardless of the formation. I’m too barren and laugh. Military books do not suit me.

Patrick said he knew the pattern, but what was it? There is no common point in the seven wonders so far.

Asking directly what he knew, he was just muddy.

Then I walked around the school, but there was no credible story.

Perhaps because Patrick didn’t get the results, he was tired.

“Oh, this is the last. At midnight, the piano in the east hall starts to sound alone … Did Yumiera play the piano?”

“I can’t play … but the ghost is playing?”

I wouldn’t be able to play instruments. Ah, the demon call whistle is always ringing. Can that be counted as an instrument?

Last but not least, this is the ghost turmoil that occurs at game events.

The truth of the uproar is that there is a ghost-type monster lurking in the piano and the piano sounds at night. This is the only event in the school where there are battles with monsters, so I remembered well.

It should have appeared only at night, but it is troublesome to come back again.

I looked into the piano, but couldn’t find the demons.

“Hmm, I have to come again at night”

“So what is Yumiera doing here at night?”

“So I’m not doing anything!”

Did Patrick think I was the source of the Seven Wonders? I haven’t done anything confusing to be a ghost story.

I somehow sat down in front of the piano. Looking at the keyboard this way, I felt like I could play something. I have a level 99, superhuman reflex speed. You may be able to perform improvised performances lightly.

The problem is my music sense … it should be fine. I’m not a genius, but I’m going to have a good sense.

“Then I’ll start my concert.”

“I only have a bad feeling”

The performer is me, the audience is Patrick, and the after school begins with only two people. A little romantic.

I hit the keys softly. The pedal that you step on with your foot does not touch because its role is unknown.

“Depending on what you’re listening to … you’re usually bad. You just hit the keys properly.”

“Hey, keep the manners you are playing.”

Am I bad? Even though such a pleasant tone is resounding. Patrick may have no musical talent. I’ll accept him.

However, if this is the case, it will end with a normal performance. It’s unique to me … Yes, try to make the tune as fast as possible. I can do it with my physical ability.

Gradually, the song accelerates. If you think your right hand is playing the treble, the next moment you are playing the bass at the left end.

Well, this is how I understand Patrick.

When he asked him, he turned his face blue and held his mouth down.

“I’m getting sick”

“Hey, what kind of–”

The moment she tries to interrogate Patrick, Nanika jumps out of the piano.

Translucent, it’s a ghost-type monster.

“Come out! Dark Flame”

The example monster was melted in jet-black flames and eventually disappeared. Well, you can instantly kill any enemy of a bonus event.

Patrick finally understands the situation and says.

“Is it really … is that a Reis?”

“I think it’s like that. Where did it get in?”

“Is it coming out of it that I can’t stand Yumiera’s performance?”

“I didn’t even think that even a demon could perform impressively.”

“… Yumiera shouldn’t touch the instruments anymore, because there are some nice things about that …”

My wonderful improvisation has ended the ghost turmoil.

Rumors of the Seven Wonders that are crowding the school will be settled down.

The next day, the rumors of the Seven Wonders seem to have heated up further. And the story of the piano was a little different.

The piano in the east hall spins out eerie songs. A gloomy, bizarre melody that doesn’t seem to be of this world makes people mad.

What, that too scary story. Keep away from the example piano.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.