Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 34

05 Patrick’s Mother

Having separated from Patrick’s father, Marshal Ashbaton, we leave the border and head for the city in the center of the territory. There is Patrick’s home in the city surrounded by the walls.

On the back of Liu I ask him.

“Hey, is Patrick’s mother scared?” He told her father-in-law to be careful.

“Oh, my mother … I think it’s normal, so it’s fine.”

Patrick muttered and said so. I don’t know what his mother is.

But I imagined there was a conflict between me and her. Since ancient times, the bride and mother-in-law have repeatedly struggled without harm. Usually that’s it. I have never seen such a scene.

And Patrick must have had an older brother. I want to say hello to my brother too.

“And who is Patrick’s brother?”

“Ah, my older brother meets Yumiera … I guess he doesn’t want to meet his face.”

Do you hate me even if you don’t see me? My stomach is getting hurt.

Liu didn’t know that he would fly as slowly as possible, but he could finally see the city.

Although there is a bit of air in the event of an emergency, there is no major confusion.

“Well, where should I get off?”

“Are in the center is the lord’s house. Get down to the garden there.”

Liu slowly descends toward the house pointed to by Patrick. Is that Patrick’s house? Landing Liu seems to be fine, as there is a large space that will also serve as a training ground.

There, a woman jumped out of the mansion. As she shakes her hand toward us, the long silver hair shakes and reflects the glitter and sunshine.

Is he a little older than me? Patrick shouldn’t have a sister … Brother! ? I haven’t heard that my brother-in-law is so cute.

“Maybe that person is Patrick-”

“Oh, my mother.”

Well, if you’re a transvestite brother and a too young mother, the latter is more realistic.

Liu flew down to the ground while I was thinking of silly things.

Alright, it’s the First Mother-in-law. I’ll give you a preemptive strike with level 99 power.

Jumping from Liu, I ran to Patrick’s mother and bowed deeply.

“Nice to meet you, Yumiera Dorknes. Thank you, Stepmom!”

“Oh, don’t be so smart?”

“Thank you for your concern!”

Due to high political judgment, the preemptive strike was canceled.

When I raise my head, Patrick’s mother stares straight into her face. I was wondering what I was doing, and my cheek was grabbed. The cheeks and cheeks are moved up and down.

“Cute! As Patrick says, his face doesn’t change at all. But his son can understand your expression.”

“My mother is in trouble with Yumiera.”

“No, I’m not in any trouble. Please touch as much as you want.”

If you can build a good relationship just by touching the cheeks, that’s okay.

I watch Patrick’s mother, touching her cheeks as much as she wants. Really young, looks only in his twenties.

With a young mom, good-looking, and usually good-looking, Patrick may be a good hero in a beautiful girl game. Oh, but is there a person with a unique heroine position?

She’s been messing around with my face for a moment and guides us into the house.

“Let’s get in. Well, Liu … can’t get in, but are you OK?”

“Yes.No problem”

When I looked back, Liu was using her tail as a pillow and wobbling. cute. I’m tired today because I flew a good distance.

Liu can sleep anywhere, and I can sleep everywhere. A child is like a parent.

How good is your mother-in-law to be able to take care of Liu? I can’t count on my previous reputation.

We are passed through a drawing room-like room. The mother-in-law walking in front of her looked back when she opened the door.

“Patrick, you go elsewhere. Someone wants to see you, because it’s my home after a long absence?”

“…… Because there is a report about a case that a country has attacked.”

“Good, because I hear from Yumiera-chan”

She told me to interrupt Patrick’s story.

I had forgotten it, but it was during the bride-mother war. It is a palliative to separate Patrick …

He sighs and says:

“Don’t say anything weird in front of Yumiera. Don’t do anything weird too.”

Would you go Patrick? And never do anything weird.

He whispers in my ear before entering the room.

“Don’t say the word Remrest in front of my mother.”

I was sighing in my ears. Stop, I didn’t like Patrick because of her good voice. That’s why we want you to stop imitating such things. You have to do it once more, in some cases two or three times, or at worst as many times as you want. It is definitely not my hope.

And … what is Patrick doing now? The content of the story never came to my mind. Oh, you can do it again! For accurate information transmission. This can’t be helped.

He tried to tell him three more times because he couldn’t hear it, but Patrick had already disappeared.

I know It’s a boy who changes as soon as his son is gone. I saw it in a daytime dora.

Patrick’s mother opened her mouth when she was scared.

“Don’t stand in such a place and come in and sit down? I’m glad Yumiela came. I’ve always wanted to meet you.”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

I wonder if I wanted to meet all the time means that I was looking forward to my wife’s chatter. I am determined and sit down on her face.

“So how far have you been with your son?”

“No matter how far you are told”

“Oh! It’s a little red! Yumiera is cute!”


that? Maybe she ’s an ordinary gentle person, right? It would be embarrassing if I had just expanded my paranoia without permission. If you think carefully, I’m not a bride because Patrick comes to the Dorknes family as a son-in-law. The bride-mother war did not exist from the beginning.

And a person who looks so kind cannot change quickly.

“Oh, but first I have to ask the battlefield. I have a lot to talk about.”

“It’s the case that Remrest has attacked. All troops have withdrawn from the army of Remrest. The frontier has been in a fort along the border for a while … Oh, mother-in-law?”

“Hah !! The garbage worms in Remrest! If you wind up your tail and flee, it’s like coming from the beginning. To! ”

…… I thought that people changed so quickly in an instant.

Her eyes glisten and her mouth is distorted. I’m scared.

“Ah, that … there was no damage.”

“Damage !? I can’t be satisfactorily welcoming Yumiera-chan is here, what is it without saying that it’s damage !? Remrest has to be eradicated.”

Okay, I seem to be very important. I’m glad. But I’m more glad if you calm down.

I think Patrick was careful about this earlier. I didn’t care if my voice was good.

I need to get your mother-in-law to calm down soon. I have to say something, something clever …

“I’ll be with you if you destroy Remrest.”

Oh, I poured oil on the fire. No, I’m just crazy, and if she likes it, it’s an ant …

All right, Patrick and Margin Haku will stop you when you need it. Only she, she has only the accelerator and gasoline. Brake and coolant are left to the male team.

I don’t know why she hates her neighbors so much, but my statement will heat it up even more.

I thought, but Patrick’s mother suddenly lost her expression. Expressionless is the scariest. That’s not what I said.

My heart sounds buzzing. She was expressionless for a few seconds, but it seemed like a ridiculously long time to me.

Suddenly, her mother smiles and says. scared.

“… Oh, I’m sorry, I got a little hot. You shouldn’t involve Yumiera-chan.”

“I don’t care, it’s okay. I think it’s okay in those countries for the time being. It looks like the country is divided, and I don’t think we can afford the military again.”

“Yeah, that was good. So, why don’t you hear about meeting your son? I’ll blur that important thing.”

“Um, the first time I talked was during an outdoor exercise-”

I keep talking, pretending to be nothing but the wind, but I was terrified in my mind as to when I would change suddenly.

◆ ◆ ◆

Did you talk about tens of minutes, Patrick came back at that much time. slow.

“Yumiera is tired of his long journey, so please do it today.”

“I’m sorry Yumiera-chan, I’m just having fun”

“No, I enjoyed it too.”

Is a lie. I was really scared.

After that, he is asked by Patrick while being guided between guests.

“Isn’t it possible to do well with my mother? I guess you haven’t mentioned the names of the countries?”

“… I told you.”

“Oh, sorry, I should have been with me too.”

More worrisome is why she hears the name of a country and suddenly changes.

Before I heard, Patrick explained.

“Well, there are many people who do not like their neighbors because of their location, but their mother is particularly extreme, not so much except for her mother.”

“Yes, I know it.”

“The reason my mother hates her neighbors so much … because her wedding was crushed.”


Is that a wedding? That wedding when you wear a wedding dress, cut a cake, or say a vow when you get married?

“My mother is from the Central Marquis, and my marriage to my father, who inherits the frontier, was greatly opposed by my parents’ family. It was no longer a ceremony, and my father had to go reinforcements to the border. ”

Sure, you’ll get angry if you ruin a single important event in your life. If I get in the way of my wedding with Patrick … Isn’t that good? I don’t need to wear a dress, right? I don’t have to behave in front of everyone, right? Rather lucky?

In the first place, what is the convention of holding such an event? I don’t want to do it if I don’t have to. The disadvantage is that you can no longer eat large cakes.

“Hey, are we going to have a wedding? Future story?”

“Of course. I won’t disturb anyone, I’ll do it no matter what, grandly.”

“… Isn’t it an ant not to do it? Patrick, you hate that, right?”

“I don’t really like splendid events, but I think weddings are different.”

That’s a lie, why are you so reluctant Patrick?

“Wedding …”

The event with a happy image seemed to me something wrong.

It’s a long way off, so let’s put it on hold for now.

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