Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 36

07 Duke Princess

Eleanor attacks the royal city of Dorknes. I was surprised at the early visit and of course Patrick. But what surprised me most was Prince Edwin.

Patrick guides him out of the drawing room.

“Well, did Eleanora miss the dragon?”

“His Highness, for the time being, goes to another room. Yumiera, I’ll have a little more detail from her Highness. I’ve asked Miss Eleanor’s partner.”

Well, I hate it. I had no time to say that I was left alone in the reception room.

When I was thinking of escaping, the door of the room opened vigorously and Eleanor appeared. It seems that he did not match the prince with the last minute, and there is only relief there.

“It’s been a long time! Yumiera-san, I’m here!”

“It’s been a long time. If I could tell me in advance that I was coming, I could have had a little more entertaining.”

“Well, did you look forward to my coming?”

“……That’s right”

She told me to let her know in advance if she would come, but she didn’t know anything.

As far as I can see at school, Eleanor is in this shape all the time. I don’t deliberately ignore my dislikes, I don’t really know.

I decided to turn back and urged her, who sat in front of me.

“So, what kind of business is it? It’s almost sudden, so there’s an important story, right?”

“Is there no reason to go to your friend’s house?”

“……is not it”

Friends … Sweet, but don’t be fooled. She’s Eleanor Hillrose, the daughter of a duke who is the main character of extremist aristocrats.

Even if she is a good person who likes me without counting, I don’t want to get along.

Well, shake the topic of Prince Edwin appropriately, let’s talk as much as you like, and let’s go home.

“What’s the status of His Highness recently?”

“Are you listening ?? … I made a mistake, I’m glad you can tell me”

Eleanor’s eyes shine, and she suddenly cools down and repeats. I’m just looking from above.

Looking at the reaction, I was full of talking about the prince from the beginning.

I say without feeling at all.

“I want to hear it, please let me know”

“I can’t help it! It’s special!”

Okay, so please talk and go home.

Eleanor began speaking with a slightly raised voice.

“Where do you want to start? From the beginning, my encounter with Edwin-

“I’ve heard that about ten times. What’s happening recently since graduating from school?”

You may listen to her story as if you had overtaken at the school, but she will also search for her information. It would be a profit if you could see the current status of the royal capital and the idea of Duke Hillrose at least.

Even if you don’t bother to ask for details, Eleanora will be willing to tell you more details.

However, she clouded her expression and stood still.

“Recently …?”

“Yes, this is the latest story.”

Eleanor is hard to talk about. And it’s a story about my favorite prince.

Eleanor paused and talked with Potsuri Potsuri.

“After graduating from school, everyone around me said that now is an opportunity. Now that I can be a lover with Edwin, I can get married. But Edwin died a year ago. I’m saying that it’s a chance … ”

She was concerned about Alicia, who was even a thief cat in the past, and knew that Prince Edwin liked Alicia.

Still, I still like the prince. The reason why I continue to attack while thinking about it is because I am fired around.

I could easily imagine Eleanora’s entourage guiding her, saying good-looking words.

Eleanora is essentially a kind and good person. A little … a little? Although there is something in the middle from the top.

When I came to her at the school, I thought she had been inspired by her surroundings to instruct her to go to Alicia in the past. It is free of malice and it is easy to believe the words around.

“Well, by the way, who said that this is an opportunity?”

“Um … all my friends.”

All around Eleanora at the school were daughters of extremist aristocrats. She would have no problem thinking she was being used in extremist politics.

Of course, that would include her father, Duke of Hillrose.

“What about your family? What about the Duke of Hillrose?”

“Dad shouldn’t get too close to Edwin. You should leave a little time.”

“What? Duke?”

Let the second prince take over the throne and make the queen Eleanora. The leader of the project thought it must be Duke Hillrose. But why did he wait for the plan?

I and I have met Duke once at the ceremony after the defeat of the Demon King. He gave a brief acknowledgment and nothing else. I have no idea what the Duke is.

Eleanor says I’m addicted to thinking.

“What do you think of Yumiera? Can I go see Edwin?”

“… well, I think it’s better to take a break as Duke Hillrose says.”

“Well, then we do! It was hard to avoid a sad face in front of Edwin! I don’t want to bother Edwin!”

I think she had been annoying enough, but she thought she was thinking for her.

But there is one thing I do not understand.

“Isn’t it fast?”

“There is no doubt what Yumiera says!”

I don’t want to be so trusted. In other words, it’s easy to listen to what the unfamiliar people say, so you’re in such a troubled situation.

“I don’t know if I believe that much.”

“What does Yumiera say more than others … I feel like I only tell the truth? I have. I don’t trust myself, don’t you usually say that?”

No, I’m saying something quite appropriate.

Anyway, it’s convenient for me to keep her away from the prince, so I’ll keep silent. Eleanora continued.

“And Yumiera-san feels the same as your older brother! Even though his face doesn’t change at first glance, it’s expressive when you look closely.”

“Is my expression changed so much?”


I suppose there should be no expression to acknowledge myself and others … Patrick also said that my face would change a lot. So she’s watching me as much as Patrick … let’s stop talking.

“Elenora’s brother doesn’t change his expression.”

“I’m always smiling and I’m smiling when I get angry.”

“Is that so”

It is Ronald Gakuen’s director who is always laughing. He was very sticky with a sticky smile. I don’t want to see the duke’s traces like that.

I don’t think you trust me just because you’re like your brother. As far as I can tell the story is a person who seems to have a bad smell.

Eleanor grabs my hands and squeezes them.

“That’s why I was happy when I told Yumiera that I and Edwin were definitely married.”

“… Oh, I feel like I said.”

That’s just a glue on the spot or just a mood … I didn’t think I was so serious. What should I do.

After that, she seemed satisfied with the good news of Prince Edwin.

She pauses and whispers her voice.

“And what about Yumiera?”

“What is me? What is it?”

“I’m determined to be with Patrick.”

“I’ve just become a formal fiance the other day.”

It’s embarrassing to say aloud, but it’s not a secret, so I state it. Eleanor smiles like a flower.

“Congratulations! Oh, it was really good!”


“So when is the formula?”

When I saw Eleanor rejoicing like myself, I felt a little guilty that I was trying to keep as far away as possible from what I had been avoiding at the school.

But when asked if I’m going to get along, it’s annoying. Keeping people away from family was what I hate most.

“The wedding is undecided.”

“Well, haven’t you chosen a dress yet? I will choose one together!”

Hey, it would be nice to take part in the ceremony. But is it strange that you are involved from the preparation stage?

It became ridiculous to think seriously. She feels like she’s going no matter how much I reject. The sense of distance is just right.

“Because I choose the dress myself, or do I still need a dress?”

“It’s a matter of course, Yumiera misses the point.”

“Now !?”

What a day when she is told she’s missing.

I even know I need a dress for a wedding. What I wanted to say was about the need for a wedding. Both Patrick and she should stop talking on the premise of opening the ceremony.

“This is the story. Is a wedding necessary?”

“Well, Yumiera-san is really … Patrick is sorry. Isn’t one of the things you need to get married to have a nice ceremony?”

Elora sighs with exaggeration and begins to talk about her wedding. It’s a long one again.

◆ ◆ ◆

“–Oh, but if you recolor, you can wear anything!”

“Elenora-sama, soon …”

“Oh, did you talk too much? I’ll come again!”

Ellenora came back straight, whether she was satisfied with her speech about the wedding.

Will you come again? Let’s go out tomorrow.

A little after Eleanor left the mansion, Patrick and the prince returned to the drawing room as I weakened and left my couch. Two traitors who left me and ran away.

Looking at me more than ever, Patrick tells me to care.

“Sorry Yumiera, are you tired? What about Miss Eleonora?”

“I’m not going to charge for a while.”

That would be good news for Prince Edwin. I’m glad but nothing because I’m coming home instead.

Prince Edwin rounded his eyes, saying that surprise was better than joy.

“What is that Eleanor girl? @What kind of hand did she use?”

“I’m not doing anything in particular. Oh, what kind of girl is her brother? I look like that one.”

“Miss Eleanor’s brother? Was she not the only daughter of the Duke?”

e? Don’t you know Prince Edwin?

That is not the case. Nobles living in the same royal capital, royal and duke. It’s impossible that I’ve never met you, and I don’t even know they exist …

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