Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 4

04 Audience with the King

The day after the black hole appeared above the school, I was at the Royal Castle to have an audience with His Majesty the King.

The black ball that floated in the sky yesterday seemed to have been witnessed by many people even though it disappeared immediately, and the royal capital seemed to be in a little fuss.

A knight was dispatched to the school to investigate and, of course, I was interviewed. He emphasized, of course, that Prince Edwin was responsible.

It seems that not only the prince and the school director, but also the school teachers and the students who were seen were heard.

It seems that school uniforms are acceptable for the audience. It seems to be treated as a full dress just like military uniforms.

When the heavy doors open during the audience, the guide knight is urged to enter.

In the back of the room, which was decorated with red carpets and luxurious furnishings, sat the beauty of a middle-aged man. He is next to the Queen under his Majesty, and the surroundings are probably the state’s heavyweights.

He has knowledge of the main nobles, but does not know who is who because the faces and names do not match.

As you walk through the audience and take the courtesy of the ministry, your Majesty calls out.

“Yumiela Dorknes, raise your head”

As I raise my head, His Majesty continues his words.

“I also know what happened at the school. It seems that bad breath and school teachers have been rude. Miss Yumiera, sorry.”

The audience is snarling by the Majesty who is lightly bowed and apologizes. I didn’t think I would receive an apology from His Majesty either.

“Yes, it is not your Majesty apologizing.

I did something irrelevant and annoyed me around. I’m sorry”

In a hurry I apologize, and your Majesty says in a gentle voice.

“Miss Yumiera, raise your head. There were many ways to check your level, at the entrance ceremony, whether you would measure your strength or use magic.

I think it would be unreasonable to denounce it with a one-sided decision. ”

“But it’s hard to believe that such a delicate daughter’s level is 99. Some of my minions are suspicious.

So I’m going to let Adolf make a judgment. Everyone will agree with his words. ”

His Majesty says that he is as strong as his Majesty.

Whether he is the Commander of the Knights of Adolf or he is the knight claimed to be the strongest in the kingdom. The level is about 60. Considering that the appropriate level of the Demon Battle in the game was 60-70, you can see its strength.

He stands in front of me and silently pulls out his sword and swings his sword across his head aiming at my neck. Oh, suddenly?

Is it OK to fight back or use magic without permission in front of the king? I am not told by His Majesty to fight or to prevent the attack.

You should still avoid it. But don’t fly backwards. You must avoid the movement allowed between audiences.

I thought so quickly and bowed deeply to avoid Adolf’s attack. A sword grazed over his head.

“No one in the Knights can handle the current blow, and he seems to have had the time to think about avoiding it.

Adolph said that he was angry from the surroundings who noticed his sword swinging late.

“I’m sorry, Miss Yumiera. It’s shameful to be surprised as a knight, but I’m going against my Majesty’s life.”

Adolf apologizes in a voice that can only be heard by me.

Apparently it was instructed by His Majesty in advance.

His Majesty is too guilty to pretend to be a wind of belief and to have his men do the dirty job. The first apology may also be in favor of subsequent conversations.

“I’m sorry suddenly, Miss Yumiera, nothing is injured.

Now, can you show me the magic? You can use something smaller here. ”

His Majesty asks Adolph to show his dark magic after he returns.

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

Activate the shadow lance, thinking of magic that has as little danger to the surroundings as possible.

When several black spears protruded from my shadow, a throbbing from around occurred.

“Well, dark magic is rare.

An old man in a robe answers his Majesty’s question.

“Dark attributes are just one attribute, just like 4 attributes and light attributes.

It can be said that it is a very powerful attribute, weak in light attributes but strong in 4 attributes.

How you use it is up to you. ”

“Dark magic is used by higher demons. Isn’t it really bad?”

“Some monsters manipulate the four attributes, and there is a literature that there is a monster with the light attribute that is uncertain.

Perhaps there were many people who inflated bad imagination because there were few dark users. ”

“Well, people are afraid of scarce and unfamiliar things. I guess black hair may be the same reason why it is hated.”

Your Majesty and the chief sorcerer talk to each other. This question and answer would have worked for me.

Dark magic and black hair are very grateful because their image in the world is the worst.

“Missing Yumiera, reaching the world’s first height was wonderful.

I’d like to ask about the process leading up to that. ”

Your Majesty wants to know how to level up. It can be said that it is related to national power. I don’t think it’s helpful because I didn’t do anything special.

“I don’t do anything special; I just kept defeating the demon.

I was lucky enough to be able to handle some magic since level 1. ”

“Is there a teacher?”

“No, I’m self-taught. I defeated monsters alone in the territory forest, and after getting used to it, continued dive into the dungeon.”

“Dungeon? Is there a dungeon in Dorkness?”

“There is a dungeon where a lot of monsters of the dark attribute appear. It seems that it is not popular because it is disadvantageous to 4 attributes.”

I’ve never seen anyone in a drknes dungeon.

In games, it is a bonus stage for heroines with light attributes.

“Are there no teachers? Are you training?”

“Yes. I thought that defeating demons and raising their level would be stronger than training in combat.”

“Oh, oh, right?”

For some reason, he was donated. In this country, it seems like theory to fight demons after training well.

“Did the house be dangerous?”

“Ah, it’s hard to say, but I’m out of the house without permission …

I wouldn’t notice if I stayed at home only the day when the tutor came. ”

“My parents … oh, sorry.”

Remembering that my parents wouldn’t leave the royal capital, I was able to see poor things. It was fun and fun.

“Another special thing … oh, I was wearing a growth amulet.”

Amulets are equipment that can have various effects. A growth amulet has the effect of doubling experience.

In the game, it was an item that could be purchased after defeating the Demon King, but was sold normally in stores.

“If you don’t have a guardian amulet !?”

Amulets affect each other, or have no effect if you have two or more.

A guardian talisman has the effect of preventing a single, fatal attack. It’s rarely used in games, but it’s really useful in reality.

At the store, it was the most expensive and expensive.

“Ah, I also used the flute of the monster call. I will blow it out in the forest and dungeon.”

The demon call whistle is an item that is forced to encounter with the demon.

Unlike a game, walking around doesn’t mean that monsters will always appear, so it’s very useful.

“Adolf, can you imitate?”

“I can’t let go of the amulet of guard, and I can’t do it because it’s scary, like blowing a whistle for a monster when I’m alone.”

Your Majesty and Adolph are looking at you here.

It’s surprising that I just raised the level with efficiency in mind. I met the eyes that seemed to die sometimes.

His Majesty coughs out his mouth in a strict atmosphere.

“Yumiera Dorknes, I want you to use her power as a kingdom sword.”

“Yes, His Majesty the King. As one of His Majesty’s minions, he will serve as a shield to the Kingdom of Balshine.”

He nods to His Majesty’s question, but rephrases the national sword as a national shield.

It is a statement that it will not invade other countries as a human weapon.

“I understand. Let’s exercise power in case of national danger.”

I am relieved that my intention was understood and accepted.

“I would like to reward you for your unexplored feat. Feel free to say so if you have hope.

Prepare treasures of rank and territory and national treasures. It’s no fool to be welcomed by the royal family. ”

His audience’s angry remarks slammed the audience.

But this is being tested. Do I want money or honor, or marriage with the prince?

“I am grateful for the extraordinary medal.

What I want is a peaceful life. If the country and surroundings are peaceful and there is enough clothing, food and shelter, there is nothing more to be desired. ”

“Yes, I swear I will do my best for your peace.

But you have no desire. Say if you have something else you want, and get as much as you can. ”

His Majesty says he’s satisfied with my answer, but it also gives a bit of a bitter feel.

You’re probably worried that you can’t have a chain that ties me to the country.

That’s right, if you hate something, you’re going to run away from home.

Thus the audience is over and I leave from between the audience.

I was nervous. However, he was reassured that he could speak.

He also assumed that he would be asked to become a soldier and join the war. If that happens, I will run away with all my might.

When I finally get home, I arrive at the guide knight, but it seems different from the way I came.

Ask the knight to go deeper and deeper into the castle.

“It looks like you’re going in a different direction from the exit …”

“Yes, Yumiera is invited to the Queen’s tea ceremony.”

Apparently I still can’t return from Ojo.

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