Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 5

05 Tea Party with Queen

After an audience with His Majesty the King, I was invited by the Queen to a tea party.

I was taken to the private space of the royal family at the back of the royal castle, and I was passed through the room where the queen would be.

The queen and one maid were waiting for tea in a small, cozy interior.

“Yumiera-san, you came very often.

I really wanted to talk with His Majesty, but His Majesty is busy. ”

The queen was a person who felt youthful in a calm adult atmosphere.

“I’m Yumiera Dorknes. Thank you for your invitation, Her Majesty the Queen.”

“Because this is an informal place, don’t be afraid to be too scared.”

The Queen smiles softly and looks at the maid. Then, the maid who finished making tea leaves me outside the room.

“The conversation in this room won’t leak out, because it’s a story we can’t really tell.”

What? The smell of trouble has come. I want to return early.

“Huh, don’t be so cautious? Do you and I like you?”

The response at the audience was wonderful. Someone like you got the strong power and I was relieved. ”

“Oh, thank you very much?”

I am surprised at the surprisingly high rating.

“Don’t you think it’s a hassle to have power? And it seems like you’re sick.

“ I’m terrified when you imagine you’re an ambitious person or your mind is empty. ”

“Um, why can you trust me so much?”

“Many nobles pretend to be greedy and approach the royal family.

Do you think you are forgiven to interact with the royal family? Unfortunately, those people can be trusted. ”

There is no way to say before him that he does not want to be involved with the royal family.

“Let’s get into the subject.

This is information that only the royal family and a few nobles know, but two years later the Demon King will be resurrected. ”

I was very surprised at what the Queen said.

However, it is not about the resurrection of the Demon King, but about what he predicted exactly.

As soon as the heroine was in third grade in the game, two years later, the Demon King was resurrected without warning.

The royal family may have information about the Demon King that was not revealed in the game.

“The Demon King …?”

“Yes, I want you to cooperate in defeating the Demon King.

The army has to work hard to hold down the demons, so a few elite teams need to defeat the Demon King. ”

“Okay, it’s a crisis in the kingdom, and of course I’ll help you.”

In the unlikely event that I myself had defeated the Demon King, I would reply with two replies.

“Thank you, Yumiera.

I’m sorry to say this to you who bet on life …

You don’t want the kingdom to defeat the Demon King. ”

Is it inconvenient for me to defeat the Demon King? Given the intention of the statement, I come up with the answer.

“Does it mean that the legitimacy of the king fluctuates?”

The Balshine Kingdom was created by the heroes and saints who sealed the Demon King, and the royal family were their descendants.

The king rules this country because he is a descendant of the brave.

However, if someone unrelated to the royal family defeats the Demon King, the theory will fluctuate.

“I understand well, that’s right.

Descendants of the hero are only ostensible, but the king’s name is important. ”

The Queen says astonished.

I noticed that the prince was participating in the demon defeat in the game, so it’s a bit of a trick.

“Edwin is going to be the demon.

I’m glad that Yumiera can participate as a saint …

The Queen says, but if she is celebrated as a saint, she will marry Prince Edwin. I don’t like royalties because it’s absolutely troublesome.

“I think Alicia, who uses light magic, is more suitable for a saint than me, who uses dark magic.

He seemed to get along well with His Highness, Edwin. ”

Sacrifice the heroine.

“Is it refused again? If you don’t like it, you can definitely say disgusting?

Oh, how about marrying Morris if you hate Edwin? ”

“I hate it.”

I was refused immediately because I was offered the first prince. If you don’t like it, it’s Queen who said that you don’t like it.

“Hehehe, I don’t forcibly cooperate even if I don’t hate that much.

Anyway, I would like to tell my two sons to say so clearly. ”

The Queen laughs with a couscous, wondering if I had refused to marry the prince once and for all.

After the laughter stops, the Queen returns to a serious face and changes the topic.

“I’ll talk more about the Devil at a later date.

The problem at hand is the aristocrats who try to bring Yumiera into their faction.

The information that you are at level 99 has been circulated, so I think that the retraction work will start tomorrow. ”

“Isn’t it okay if you enter the Majesty’s faction?”

“I and my Majesty are mainstream, but the faction is not monolithic. Within the mainstream, Yumiera’s engagement will begin.

Well, the mainstream is moderate, so there are few problems. Yumiera seems to be able to get around well. ”

The queen’s lecture continues on me, who is not familiar with the noble faction.

“It’s important to note that extremists, including the Duke of Hillrose, are leading the way.

We are proposing a war on invasion of other nations, so stay away.

After that, watch out for contact with intelligence agents from other countries. If I make a compelling offer, I promise to have more, as I or my Majesty say. ”

Hearing the overwhelming response, I realize that it has become a human strategic weapon.

When she realizes she doesn’t know about the Dorknes faction, she asks a question, and the queen answers hardly.

“The aristocrats who are said to be the Dorknes or the central mood are extremists.

The result is a match between the Dukes who want to make the faction a bit larger and their willingness to join the central faction. ”

The fact that the Dorknes were extremists was probably at the mercy of Duke Hillrose.

“What should I do if my parents ask me to adopt or be a fiance to the Duke of Hillrose?”

“I’ll give you a royal order to keep the family members of Dorknes from transferring Yumiera’s register.

I think other nobles will raise criticism, so I think the deadline is limited to school graduation. ”

“Thank you, that’s enough.”

Let’s manage the relationship with my parents’ home by graduation.

“Yumiera, what do you think of your parents?”

When I’m worried about my relationship with my parents’ house, I’m just asked about that.

“I can’t say anything because I’ve never met anyone as far as I can remember.

I don’t think they’re really good people, so I’d like to cut them off if they can do it. ”

No wonder that I never saw my parents before, the queen breathed and made a sad face.

“I see … I’m going to adopt my child if I can … Yumiera refuse.

But you can think of me as my mother. Please come and play whenever you want. ”

I’m in trouble if my mental age is over 30.

“Thank you. I just receive your feelings.”

After that, I talked about my life in Dorknes.

As my story progresses, the Queen somehow looks sad. By the time the fun level up (dungeon edition) was started, tears were flowing.

“I will send my Majesty’s hand to the school. If you have any trouble, please tell him.”

For some reason I seemed to have the queen’s asylum, so I left a castle with a large amount of sweets.

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