Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 54

25 Challenge from Duke

The day after Patrick’s abrupt proposal, a letter arrived at the late afternoon mansion.

The sender is Duke Hillrose, who is politely stamped with the seal of the duke. Patrick and the two fearfully confirm the overly suspicious letter that the gardener’s uncle received from the mysterious man.

“… to Patrick. Come to the Royal Castle today.”

“Is it our aim to pull us apart?”

I do not know the ultimate purpose of Duke Hillrose, but this letter has one purpose. To separate Patrick from me.

The duke’s hand brought the person, which suggests that the time was specified.

Patrick, frowning, said relentlessly.

“I don’t want to be complimented by Duke Hillrose. Ignore it and I and Yumiera should stay here.”

“But if you don’t come, the royal city will be hard. Isn’t the Duke himself in the royal city?”

“But I’m leaving here …”

Here, Dorknes territory and the royal capital, one of them is perverted and the other is their favorite. If you think normally, your favorite is a royal capital. So the purpose of the duke is to keep me away from the royal capital?

Are you willing to do something in the royal capital that Patrick alone cannot handle?

Possibility is low, but vice versa. His purpose is me and this territory, trying to keep Patrick away from me.

“Which is Patrick the favorite?”

“Eighty-nine, probably the royal capital”

“I think so, why should I go to the capital city?”

Honmaru’s response is to me, if anything, Patrick’s answering machine, I feel that is the best solution.

Patrick looked into my eyes after a moment of silence.

“Yumiera can’t overlook the crisis of the royal capital, is that true?”


“Yumiela is concerned about this territory, is that OK?”

“that’s right”

He confirms my will. I have two concerns, but I’m alone, maybe Patrick will let me choose. They are motivated to make choices.

He says with a serious face without any time.

“Be prepared to save one as anything, and abandon the other. You can choose Yumiela, the capital city or your territory, which is more important.


I laughed unintentionally. Is Patrick going to say something tough? You have the idea of choosing one and going out there together.

Patrick is not willing to forsake one from the end. Absolutely both are OK, because I and he are there.

“Then I’ll protect my house, but I’m still a lord.

“I see. I’ll go back as soon as I have something.”

“What is something?”

“I wonder if Yumiera did something.”

Eh, is it me?

“Do you not trust me so much?”

“When you were a freshman at the school, you never trust the whistle of a demon call.”

“Then come back if I blow the flute.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

With no credit, I trust Patrick to leave the capital. He trusted me with zero credit and gave me territory.

Liu, who felt the disturbing air, and looked into the house from the window, barked at Guon.

Patrick jumps over Liu’s back and takes off in the direction of the capital city.

◆ ◆ ◆

A few minutes later, the outside of the house becomes noisy.

No way, was the aim of the Duke my territory? The timing was too good, did you watch Patrick come out?

If you rush out of the house, you will find one carriage with the duke’s crest. The person who comes out from inside is of course …

“Yumiera! I’m here!”

You are!

Eleanor jumped out of the carriage. I gently rushed to me, so I gently take it.

“… well, what are you doing?”

“Congratulations on your marriage!”

……What are you talking about?

I calm down the excitement of Eleanor and guide her into the mansion, asking her circumstances. It was only yesterday that he proposed, why she knows.

“So where did you hear about marriage?”

“This is a letter! What kind of proposal was it? Oh! It’s a wonderful ring, a jewel you’ve never seen.”

Read the letter she sent, leaving Eleanor swelling alone. The content is that Patrick and I will be married, and a wedding will soon be held on the territory.

I checked the envelope, thinking that I had no memory of this and found that my signature was firmly in it. Definitely my character.

Perhaps this is an invitation to a “patrick level 99 congratulations party”? What mistake was made? Damon is surprisingly awkward.

Well, it’s definitely true to get married. We will be happy.

Wow, my self-paced lady has lost my mind.

Um, what? Duke’s coup? I can’t do such a big deal if I let my daughter go. Like a wedding invitation, maybe everyone is misunderstanding.

Suddenly, I was worried about the envelope that Eleanor was holding aside. That’s not the letter I gave you, right?

“Elenora, what’s that envelope?”

“Huh? Envelope?” Oh, this was a letter I had to send to my brother.

“Yes, to Ronald.”

The letter had nothing to do with me.

Eleanora then tears the envelope at hand. Opening the seal and coming out of it are a few documents.

“Um, were you happy to open it?”

“It’s a letter between family members. There’s nothing wrong with me.”

Do you believe so? Privacy is also among family members. She has no brother other than her brother, and her mother has passed away. So what did the Duke say to Ronald?

Eleanor is reading documents with a difficult face. And offered it to me.

“I don’t understand. Do you understand Yumiera?”

“Yeah … I guess I can’t read it.”

While saying so in words, she reads documents without winning her curiosity.

The content was a coup plan. The royal city is attacked by a demon, and the riot is used to capture the king and prince, and take control of the kingdom. He seems to borrow his skill from neighboring Remrest.

A rally is also held with extremist aristocrats who support the Duke. The date is today’s night.

“… I had to read it.”

I read a great monster. Why is the Duke giving Ronald this? Maybe Ronald betray and be on the duke’s side?

As my thoughts went around my mind, a small note fell from a gap in the documents. Eleanor picks up from the floor and reads aloud.

“Ronald asks Eleanor … Well, if you’re a father, I’m all right.”

It is unpredictable how her brother will move, but there is one clear thing.

The Duke of Hillrose is completely black. I definitely want to start a coup. How did you tell her?

Eleanor asks what she does not want to hear the most.

“So what did the letter say?”

“… Duke Hillrose, Eleanor’s dad will have a coup.”

One day she will know. If it’s just early or late, let’s say it now.

“Coup d’etat?”

“Rebellion … oh, you feel like you’re trying to defeat His Majesty. I’m going to turn the kingdom over.”

“Such …”

“Well, the royal capital will be devastated, so it’s better to stay at home for a while. If you’re alone, Eleanor will hide it.”

She might have been shocked, she trembles down and traps. Eleanor, who had been doing so for a while, turned upwards and stared at me.

“I can’t!”

“No, but here is the Duke’s plan.”

“I can’t do it … I might not be able to marry Edwin.”

I came here and wondered if I could marry the prince, but it seems different. She keeps on making a darker voice.

“Maybe Yumiera dislikes me.”

“Suddenly what …”

“Maybe my brother isn’t really thinking about me either.”

Elora repeats her negative remarks and begins to look down again. She spins her words while she is about to cry.

“Maybe there’s no one who likes me.”


When I approach her worried, she says sheep, crying.

“But! But my father! I absolutely love the Kingdom of Balshine! I don’t know much about the world and I don’t know what others are thinking, It’s absolutely my father loves the country! ”

Eleanor replied dignifiedly with tears and tears. The Hill Duke loves the kingdom.

She buries her face in my chest and begins to cry like a child.

And she fell asleep as if she was tired of tears or a broken thread.

While watching Eleanor’s sleeping face brought to her bed, Rita gently gives out a piece of paper. It’s wrinkled as if it had been rolled up a while ago.

“I was thrown at the door”

“this is……”

The duck’s coat of arms was on the wrinkled paper, and the text on it was terribly straightforward.

“Waiting outside the city”

Needless to say who will be waiting. It’s almost time to settle with a terrible father who makes his only daughter cry.

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