Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 57

28 The barrier breaks

Admit, the barrier of the light attribute is more than me. I can’t spare.

The wand has been thrown towards Patrick, so he picks up the sword from the ground and prepares it.

He knew what swordsmanship was like, and slammed his sword into the barrier like a baseball bat.

“Uh, my hands are numb.”

Although there was a thunderous roar, there was no flaw in the barrier. By the way, my sword was safe.

Is this a magic? It’s courtesy to visit the top magic of darkness here.

“Black Hole!”

The black hole was somewhat smaller this time, as the duke should not be erased.

A black sphere about the size of a human head swallows a part of the barrier that emits faint light. And after the black hole disappears … there is no barrier! The barrier had a circular hole.

Yeah, after all I’m a wizard. It is said to be a brain muscle in the streets, but it is a guard behind the brains.

The duke looks at the barrier with a hole with astonishment eyes.

“No way, it’s a legendary magic tool !?

He groaned as he noticed something. When I was caught, I looked ahead and found that the hole was gradually closing.

There was also a repair function. The speed of repairing the barrier breakage has been escalating and is likely to close completely.

The hole through which I could pass my head is now large enough to hold my arm.

“Oh! Wait, wait!”

I inadvertently put my right hand into the closing hole. If this happens, I’ll open it with my powers. Worship the muscles.

The barrier of light is completely closed without my arms.

Entanglement accident occurred. From the elbow left behind in the barrier, it falls to the bottom with the ground.

“Oh, there’s a romance about using such a barrier in a cutting attack. What do you think of the Duke?”

“Wow ah! Hey, are you okay?

The cut surface of the arm was a beautiful plane. I’ve been injured in various ways until now, but this is my first cross section. Even when his arm was cut by a sickle monster, it was a more messy scar.

“Isn’t this sticking if you push it?”

“Hey! Blood! If you get so much blood!”

“Oh, the blood on the right side of the body is less comfortable.

In a narrow barrier, the Duke moves away from my arm to the last minute. It is a form that leaves my back in the barrier on the other side of me.

Even if you don’t get so nervous … Well, he’s a pervert in the hands of a woman, and I’m in trouble trying to bring my arm home.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think I was scared. Heel.”

The blood splattering around is sucked into my arm. The tip of the arm that has been divided by the barrier remains. I felt that instead of healing and sticking together, it generated new hands and consumed magical power intensely.

But this is something I’m used to. A few seconds after activating the recovery magic, a beautiful right arm has grown and has been restored.

The damage was as if the sleeves of the clothes had become funky with only one quarter length.

“… you’re really human? How did you come to him, I am”

The Duke says uncomfortably, keeping his mouth down.

Also not treated as human. However, since recovery magic users are scarce, it is easy to mistake them for angels.

The demons will be managed by Patrick and Liu, so they just need to find suicide applicants in front of them.

Our rivalry also turned out to be powerless before the top magic of darkness. Even if a part is erased, it still plays, but the playback speed is also visible.

“This is the end, black hole!”

Spawns a dark sphere that covers about half of the light-emitting cube. The duke kept his back in the barrier, so it was easy to keep him from getting involved.

At the mark where the black hole disappeared, there was a barrier that lost about half. When I turned to the Duke to secure the rest, his chest glowed brightly.

He wears well-made clothes. What is the amount of light that can be seen even on the fine fabric?

I was about to jump into the barrier and stopped immediately.

Judgment that could be said to be a wild intuition helped. The barrier returned to its original state in an instant, with an unprecedented playback speed.

If it didn’t stop, the upper and lower bodies would be goodbye. Dangerous.

Even recovery spells that can be managed by losing arms or legs may be severe when halved. I haven’t tried it, so I don’t really know.

The Duke doesn’t seem to understand what happened either, and strangely picks up a glowing gem from his pocket. After seeing it, he grinned and said,

“I thought it couldn’t be used anymore but … yes, it’s a legendary magic tool.”

“Maybe it is …”

“Oh, it’s the body of the Barrier Magic. It’s hard to steal.”

Are those jewels the true identity of the barrier? The power is unknown, but someday the limit should come. Until that time, if you turn off the barrier and replay it, then …

If you erase the entire barrier, you will have a piece, but with it the Duke will be gone. After all we have to compare the roots.

Although I was thinking of an operation, etc., only the dark attribute magic and physical attack can prevent the barrier. The magic of the other attributes should be straightforward.

Wait for the city to calm down and let Patrick blow the duke with the wind.

A duel with Yukai can be done later. Now is the time to be patient.

“It seems to be a patience comparison”

“… have you forgotten? My aim is not to let you be a monster opponent.”

The duke regains his tone and smiles badly, as if he was accustomed to his arm, which was left at his feet. And continued.

“If you die with regret, that’s fine. It may sound a little weak, but it’s OK.”

With that said, he pulled out the dagger. And hit your neck.

“Well, wait a minute.”

If you die like that, you’ll definitely be dreaming.

The one who came out immediately was the left hand. The right hand that has just grown is not yet in good shape.

Just before touching the barrier, the extended left hand is seen. The jewel that shines on the ring finger is the same color as Patrick’s eyes.

Just pull your hand back.


Dangerous, the engagement ring was about to break. Is it usually better to end up?

This is my treasure. Every time I look at it, I remember Patrick who put the magic of the wind attribute … wind?

“… Thank you, Patrick”

Duke Hillrose, who is still trying to cut his neck, holds his left hand towards him.

“My daughter asked only Eleanor, only that child.”

“It’s fast to say a will. And my daughter is sleeping at my house now.”

“What !? That girl is at Ronald-”


In response to my words, his ring enhances the green light.

Suddenly, a stormy wind.

The duke, who has received it, falls backwards with a tatara.

“That’s goodbye.”

He did not let go of the clasped dagger. It takes time to bring it back to push it to your neck.

Did daggers come first? Okay, he’s letting go of what he was holding with his other hand.

“I’m aiming at the other.”

The wind, which moves as I wish, creates a small tornado and floats the gem rolling on the ground.

Sorry, Barrier-chan. I have to break your body. Strong you can erase black holes. Without the Duke, the whole barrier could be destroyed in its entirety, so it’s okay for me to win? Huh?

In a magical wind, jewels fly through the barrier. It hit the ironic barrier that developed ironically.

The jewel shattered, colliding with the light barriers it was generating.


The barrier disappears in an instant as the body breaks.

The blade is digging into the duke’s neck, which is astonishingly open.

I kicked the ground and jumped in front of him, playing a dagger.

“It was late … seems like …”

Duke Hillrose was blowing blood from his neck. Distorting the mouth, saying so with empty eyes.

“No, you were in time? Heel”

I can grow my arms. It is really easy to heal a scraped neck.

The Duke, whose wounds are completely closed, gradually regains his eyes. He seemed immediately conscious and stared at me. Haha, honor the angel of lifesaver.

“… Damn, this devil!”

“Are you not too cruel?”

“Hm, I didn’t use any wasted effort. The plan has already come to light, I can’t avoid execution because I rebelled against the royal family.”

“Oh, that’s it? Your daughter seems to have come home without going to Ronald …”

“What !? Is there really Eleanor?”

Nowadays in the royal capital, extremist aristocrats are wondering that no duke will come to the rally. Perhaps the biggest hole in his plan was the transfer of important documents to Eleanor.

“That’s right, now I think we can put things in secret …”

“I can’t do that … it’s the role of the Duke, our destiny.”

“Is it for the kingdom? I think we’ve done enough.”

“No, no, I won’t talk anymore, I ask my daughter. That girl looks so lonely and does so with care. … ”

He had left his son elsewhere in anticipation of the Duke’s destruction. I was wondering why Eleanor was different, but the truth was that she simply didn’t want to let go of her cute daughter.

“If Eleanor is so important, why not stay with him?”

“Can I ask you? Is it useless?”

Listen to the story of people.

Well, I don’t want to do the same thing as the Duke, but maybe I can take care of Eleanor.

“Well, that’s okay. I’m not going to be a noble, and I want to be able to fight to some extent.”

“Do you want him to do something like an adventurer?”

“It’s okay, I’ll help you level up. Ah! A big whistle with a monster call, can I get it? I want to use it to raise my level.”

“Oh, what are you up to let Eleanor do !? I have to defend Eleanora to die!”

No, I’m completely kind now. I knew that if he trusted her, he could trust her.

I don’t know what I’m worried about, but I think it’s okay.

“If you don’t like that, live. And meet Eleanor again. I love him and my dad too.”

The Duke of Hillrose groaned and relaxed his shoulders. In this way, the turmoil that he caused has reached a temporary stage.

“What is this sign?”

Duke Hillrose shudders and says: I feel that the air in the place has changed.

“I feel nostalgic somewhere.”

“No, it’s even more horrible …?

He looked around, and nailed to one point.

Looking at the direction, there is one knight.

A large horse with fine armor and black miasma. And there is no head on both horses.

“Durahan … did it exist?”

The monster that is handed down when you spread death is the final boss of the dark dungeon. Does the sound of that flute even attract monsters in the dungeon?

Demons led by Durahan appear one after another. They are all strong enemies in the deep dungeon. If you think in terms of total power, it may be stronger than Demon King.

The duke was absent from the signs of deep death.

“I’ll leave it! It will be tough if you don’t cooperate with Ashton’s son”

“It’s okay”

“On what basis!”

“Only the generals will be defeated for the time being. The duke will be in a safe place after that.”

I run towards the headless knight. I don’t care that the duke is making a noise behind.

Stand alone against the strongest demons.

I felt that my face and eyes held by the knight’s left hand met, but I couldn’t confirm it because my eyes were hidden by the helmet.

The next moment I thought it was due to my mind, the horse that walked calmly fell nervous. The knight on his back was shaken off because he still swung his nose up.


A headless horse, whose head has been shaken down, runs with all its power and goes away in a flash.

Durahan picked up the dropped neck and turned to me. Oh, this time I definitely met my eyes.

I’m not a friend you don’t know, just say hello.

“It’s been a long time. I used to take care of it many times in the past.”

Oh, I really miss it. I finish my level up in the dark dungeon. How many times have you defeated Durahan until you reach level 99? It’s a tedious relationship to count.

Such a headless knight ran at full speed with his back to me.


“… Are you running away?”

The duke, frightened by Durahan, mutters. No way, a monster that is said to spread death runs away.

“wait a minute”

As I followed, the knight sped up further. It was a desperate run … oh, I fell. The clasped neck rolls around.

In the past, Durahan became more agile as he struggled, with the last one struggling to strike. Did he try desperately to escape?

It was a little pitiful, but even Patrick couldn’t release a monster that seemed to struggle.

I cast magic at Durahan, getting up and looking for her neck.

“Hey, was it okay? Pia!”

Looking back at the stab I found, the Duke was being attacked by several demons. Durahan is not the only monster that has forgotten.

The words told by the Duke earlier go through my mind. My ability is totally unsuitable for defense.

After chasing Durahan, he was far away from him. Long range attacks are of course possible, but involve the Duke. I can’t make it from now on.

A swarm of demons rushing to the Duke of Hillrose, I had no choice but to watch it silently.

On that day, Duke Hillrose, the mastermind of the uproar, died.

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