Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 58

29 Epilogue

A month after the turmoil caused by the Duke of Hillrose in the territory of Dorknes, I had come to a pioneering village.

After that, we easily destroyed the hordes of monsters, and the damage was almost zero. I think it was fortunate that the nearby village was not affected.

No, there was tremendous damage. The monster-calling flute (extra large) has been destroyed by Patrick. It was too late when I returned to the city with the demons cleaned up. I think this is a serious loss for all of humanity.

Then to the royal capital shortly after a break. It became a big catch for extremist aristocrats who had gathered in the duke’s mansion for a coup.

As a result, he was able to concentrate on his own territory.

We will talk to villagers who are cultivating the fields to start full-scale agriculture next year.

“I’m sorry for your work, how are you lately?”

“Oh! Lord! Thanks to you. We will do our best so that we can eat it alone next year.”

A man in his thirties laughed at me saying that. I’m glad I was afraid of being a bandit or a lie.

So he said as if he remembered.

“Are the lords okay? He was attacked by the Duke.”

“No problem, I am”

“It’s powerful. What happened to the duke?”

“… I’m dead. The duke is gone.”

Wasn’t the story transmitted so far? The only dead in the riot is Duke Hillrose, the mastermind of the rebellion.

He muttered small, yes. To him, the duke should be a vicious noble, but he doesn’t feel happy. I think he is a good person.

I’m forcibly changing the topic because there’s no help in talking dark.

“Um … what kind of suspicious uncle recently came to the village?”

“He’s really amazing! He’s smart and he’s beaten a monster just before!”

About a month ago, the number of residents in this village increased. She looked evil and had a bad personality, so she was worried about getting used to it.

I can fight to some extent. At that time, he was protecting himself from the demons.

“It seems like a suspicious uncle is familiar. Where is he now?”

“You should be at home”

Pointed to one house. He lives alone in the small house.

Knocking on the door of a small but brand-new house returns a male voice from inside. Once inside, there is one middle-aged man.

“It’s been a long time. I’m surprised you’re used to it.”

“… Retirement in the countryside is not surprisingly bad.”

“That’s all. I came to tell you today because everything was settled.”


Explain what happened in the royal capital after the uproar caused by the Duke of Hillrose.

He and Ronald collided into the Duke’s mansion, but about half had left the mansion because the duke did not appear after the scheduled time. They fled, they ran through the unknown.

“I could get rid of them if I moved faster, but Ronald was lax.”

“Isn’t it because of Eleanor that Ronald was late?”

“I don’t think he’s bad!”

I will not talk to him, but he will continue.

According to what I heard, the remaining nobles seemed to have many small items, and the Duke’s plan did not seem to be completed. All captured nobles are destroyed, their private property is confiscated, and they live as ordinary people.

Nobles who have fled well will probably be frightened and calm for a while.

When he talks about the situation, he exudes grumpy.

“I ought to have done more intensely.”

“I’m scared if you say”

It can be said that there was almost no confusion in the kingdom. The shattered aristocratic territory is now under the direct control of the royal family, and the stability of the kingdom seems to have increased.

Stability first, I feel, was the best landing point.

He explained this and that and the circumstances of the kingdom, but his interest seemed to be elsewhere. It is heard while fidgeting.

“And how about that child?”

“I tell her she’s dead, because she’s not a secret person.”

“Okay, that’s fine if she’s safe …. I’m not leveling up?”

“I promised you wouldn’t, unless you’re quiet.”

She had been blocked for a while after her father was informed that she had died, and recently she is regaining her spirit. I want to go out with me today to this village.

At that time, the door of the house is opened. Does she have a tenet that doesn’t knock?

“Yumiera! A caterpillar looks really like a potato …”

Eleanor jumps in and sees him in front of me.

He also stares at Eleanor and does not move.

Eleanor shouted to squeeze.


“… I’m just a villager. Duke Hillrose is dead.”

“That’s right, it was a mistake! I’m too similar to my father.”

“… D, Eleanor?”

Oh, because Elora receives the words at face value.

Seeing him open his mouth, I was desperate to laugh. I thought it was a touching reunion, so it was more interesting.

“Oh, what do you want Yumiera to see?”

Eleanor turns to me and tries another story.

Upon seeing it, he rushed.

“Elenora! @Daddy!”

“Father! I was a father after all!”

“Oh, yes, my daughter, the cutest girl in the world!”

I stepped out of the house with the two hugging each other. Dad! Well, this is why I can’t see my idiot. Can’t I see myself objectively? It’s really terrible.

A short walk around, you’ll find Liu who is crazy about digging outside the village.

“Ryu! Mom!”

Liu is still enthusiastic about moving the front legs and scraping the soil.

You can call out from the neighbor instead of the clay dragon.

“Isn’t she ashamed to be doing her own?”


“It would be fine …”

Patrick sometimes says something weird. He’s a little off, or because he has something different.

The scenery changed in just a few months. I can’t believe it was a place where there wasn’t long ago.

“I feel like I’m finally done.”

“I don’t feel like post-processing was more troublesome.”

Drawing Eleanor to his father, it feels like this series of turmoil is finally over.

The territory has calmed down, and I need to worry about my head.

“What is a wedding?”

“Let’s ask me.”

It’s been almost six months before our wedding, which was decided to be held and scattered with invitations. We are busy with the harvest season, and when it’s over, it’s the day we’re on.

“I think it’s Damon’s choppy.”

“Did Yumiera say something confusing?”

Naturally I was made bad.

I didn’t do anything to get me wrong. If you have any further doubts, we will not have a level 99 congratulations party.

But what shall we do? The proposal has been received, the engagement ring has been received, but the mind is not ready. Considering the mental arrangement and rest for a major event, I think it would be better in about five years.

“Wedding wedding”

“Do you hate Yumiera?”

I hate it. You don’t want to wear a hard-to-move dress, pay attention to the visitors, greet you in a mannerful manner, and do an event packed with tired elements.

But still, if you think it’s a wedding with Patrick, I’m just looking forward to it. Someone laughs unconsciously.

I was happy to be married to him, and I felt like I could enjoy some unfortunate events with him.

“I didn’t find the wedding attractive.”


“But with Patrick–”

I was able to spit out my true feelings, probably because of the rather good atmosphere that had been completed.

I forgot at that time that I also brought an atmosphere crusher to this village.

My words are loudly interrupted.

“Hey! What a thing for Eleanora!”

“Wait for my father! It’s a gift from Yumiera!”

It is father and daughter who run towards this. Does my father also blow the air?

In his hand is a whistle for a demon call. I raised one because I have a lot, but was something unpleasant?

“Is that person too overprotective for her daughter?”

“I think it’s a normal response.”

Seeing a similar parent-child that broke the mood, we looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

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