Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 59

Extra 03 03

Liu is cute. It’s so cute that she can understand even if she says she only eats macaroons. Is the fairy out?

However, as a dragon, Liu cannot eat any amount of ordinary food. Liu, whose body is mostly composed of magic, is a staple of monsters, also a mass of magic.

The meals are good enough once every few months, but it seems a bit poor.

That’s why I buy big meats from butchers and give them to Liu as a luxury item. It is a masterpiece to eat huge raw meat deliciously.

Today we had a huge beef prepared by a butcher shop in Dorknes. Are you pleased?

“Ryu! I brought the meat.”

I present a lump of meat of the size of me to Liu relaxing in the mansion’s garden. Liu rejoiced at the rice for the first time in a long time, and was excitedly covered with meat.

“Huh? Don’t you eat?”

Liu, who smelled the smell of the meat, turned away from Puy.

I smell that the meat is rotten, but I don’t feel any rotten smell.

“What’s wrong? Are you hungry?”

Liu worried that something might be wrong, but Liu closed her eyes unconsciously and missed her face.

Is this a puberty?

Do you care about your weight? Do you feel embarrassing to have your mother eat it? I don’t know.

Just say that if you want to eat, I will withdraw. Well, I’m worried.

May not be related to puberty. There are worries that food does not pass through the throat, and all the bad reasons go beyond my mind.

Are you thinking too much? Is there any possibility that you just like or dislike it?

“Surely raw meat is a bit …”

I thought of it as raw meat because it was a dragon, but it might have been terrible to eat something that was not cooked.

So I came up with a strategy. A strategy of naming and fishing with smell.

When I moved to the area behind the mansion, I started a bonfire and started to bake the raw meat on the iron skewer. Turn the skewers and skewer and cook the meat evenly.

I wanted to do this once. Can you burn it well?

The size of the scent stimulates Liu’s appetite. A delicious smell drifts out of nowhere. I appear with Liu’s roasted meat where Liu’s belly rang.

That’s a perfect strategy.

Baking meat takes longer than expected. I thought it would end with a light melody one-phrase, but it was still raw. It might be a little better than scoring at severe timing.

While watching the slowly roasting meat, he ponders various reasons why Liu has no appetite.

Because I was full? I guess it’s hard to imagine someone getting food … My child cannot imitate eating something from a stranger.

The smell of appetite gradually came out. Gently listen to Liu from behind the walls of the mansion.

“… Elora came!”

Eleanor, who has been living in our house, has just arrived at Liu.

Eleanor is offering something to Liu. Is that … a macaron? Well, now Liu is anorexic. I can’t eat such sweets. A dragon?

“Ryu, macaroons! You can eat them!”

Liu gives a squeaky snack of the fashionable sweets that he has offered out. I was satisfied with my cheeks.


I was halfway out of the shadow behind the wall, and suddenly shouted out.

Liu noticed the voice and met her eyes. You must be kidding? Do you choose the macaroon that the woman brought over the meat I prepared?

Liu eats the rest of the macaroons while looking uncomfortable. It has a big mouth and macaroons are like beans. Ahaha

And the thief cat seemed to notice me too. I will talk to you later.

“Oh? Do you eat Yumiera too?”

Is it a matter of riding this woman’s strategy? The sin of pursuing pure Liu with cunning skills is heavy.

If you think about it, the money to buy that macaroon is my money. What an evil woman? How to steal my Liu with my money.

“No, it’s fine.”

“Is that so delicious?”

Eleanor says depressed. Don’t be fooled by that gesture.

“How many times does Liu eat sweets?”

“Um … I don’t know because I was at school. I’ve lived here and I’ve seen Liu more often.”

What is that? Did she squeeze Liu to strangle her with cotton? This snake.

“Well, I’m doing smart things.”


“… I do something a little clever.”

“Hey, it’s such a wise thing … I was praised.”

It’s an idiot, but it’s a really good girl … it wasn’t. This was a ridiculous woman.

Eleanor doesn’t care for me, who is hostile.

“Lyu likes sweets. What does Yumiera eat?”

My conscience hurt when she saw Eleanor’s carefree smile.

Yes, I didn’t know what Liu liked. Eleanor understood.

Isn’t it bad for me? I was content to give raw meat on my own because of the prejudice of being a dragon. Instead of seeing his own child, he was pushing the ideal dragon statue.

I’m disqualified. I’m sorry, I’m ashamed, I’m sorry for Liu.

I look at Liu’s face.

“I’m sorry, Liu. I’ll do my best in the future.”

After seeing my determination, Liu roared in a lazy atmosphere. Lack of trust is self-employed. I have to show my seriousness not by words but by action.

For some reason, Liu’s lazy appearance looked like Patrick. Strange.

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Buy and give raw meat to children. It is impossible if you think now. If you compare it to a human, it’s like offering raw rice. Not even a convenience store lunch.

Until now I was a completely abandoned neglect bastard.

From now on, let’s cook loving dishes with a lot of time and effort.

After wearing the apron, I bought a variety of ingredients and went to the mansion kitchen.

On the way, I came across Patrick.

“What’s wrong? Put on an unusual look.”

“I’m going to cook now”

“… Aren’t you saying that nobles don’t cook before?”

I feel like saying. He would have argued that it was better not to cook or make confectionery because it would only bother the servants.

However, the situation is different now.

“I thought I had to make a loving home cooking for Liu”

“… Did you not say that if you change your taste with love, you won’t have any trouble?”

Did you say? I feel like I said. I could say that.

But things are different now.

“Love is the most important thing in cooking. The power of love is great.”


No matter how good a cook’s dishes are, they will be hazed before loving dishes.

However, Patrick’s expression is not so good. Are you worried?

“Maybe … do you think I’m a clumsy person who can’t cook?”

“No … I don’t think so … like hair …”

I have never cooked since I was reincarnated in this world, but my culinary skills in previous life were decent. That was, of course, humble and objectively significant.

Make sure to put the soup soup before and after the cup ramen, and there is also a technique to add hot water until the line is perfect. Also, it is possible to squeeze retort curry without waste.

I can make one or two home cooking easily. On top of that, I’m so loving that it’s perfect to be affectionate.

Seeing me full of confidence and love, Patrick would have relieved.

“Where does that confidence come from … so what does Yumiera intend to make?”


Liu likes sweets, but she can’t be a parent to eat only sweets. I’ve never made stews before, but well, you can afford it.

When he hears the menu, he points to the ingredients I have. His fingertips were trembling and trembling.

“If it’s a stew, is that material strange?”

“Oh, this strawberry jam? Liu is a sweet tooth, so I’m going to give it a sweet flavor. And this is a secret cicada shell!”

Patrick’s expression will become steeper as he introduces other ingredients.

I don’t know why I don’t look good for my time …

“Okay, I’m going to give Patrick a taste, so don’t worry.”

To be jealous of Liu isn’t he too cute? Yes, let’s serve loving home cooking not only to your beloved child, but also to your beloved fiancee.

Oh, this is definitely an explosion. If you do a love love event, such as eating lover’s home cooking, you will definitely be a doting route.

Perhaps because he’s too happy, he’s been silent for a while and tells him to squeeze.

“… I think it would be better to have a professional look at you. Ah, don’t you know how easy it is to use it in your first kitchen? I’m worried that Yumiera won’t hurt you.”

“I see. Thank you Patrick.”

Everywhere in the kitchen is the same. And I’m not so bad that I get hurt with a kitchen knife or fire.

But take care of him. You will not be exposed to professional supervision. This is the way women can do it.

I turn down the cook in the house and start cooking in the kitchen. The stew was good. It is a scene that fails in the usual flow, but I can really cook. Fuhaha.

Mr. Cook, who was watching my skill next to me, ran away while holding his mouth and tears. It may have hurt his pride as a cook. Did something bad.

Yumiera stew is completed.

Well, let’s act on everyone immediately.

Ellenora was mistaken for poison.

Liu flew away in the sky.

Patrick fell asleep for three days.

the end.

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