Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 6

06? I am

One week after being called by the Royal Castle, I was moped at the school.

I was still being extorted by high school boys in the school hallway.

“–So do you rule the surrounding countries as colonies.

As explained, you only need to destroy the enemy’s army. You can leave the rest of the politics to my husband, me. ”

Correction, not excuses for extremism, but excuses for extremists.

He talks passionately about the wonders of colonial rule and is one of the most intense militants he has met in the past week. If you are with him, other extremists will be at a poor level.

As expected by the queen, the sons of a high noble came in contact with me the day after he was called by the Royal Castle.

The moderates were relatively easy to get along with.

Men greeted sweets as souvenirs and talked lightly, and women were invited to a tea ceremony.

Perhaps it’s just keeping the faces connected. There was no open political talk.

Then, after coming into contact with seniors, my classmates, who had taken me away from the turmoil the other day, started talking to me.

Have you ever thought you were a dangerous guy who couldn’t communicate?

Extremists have been trying to take me in actively.

They also gave away expensive jewelry and applied for marriage. Of course, both refused carefully.

What I heard from them was that militants were a group of nobles who were dissatisfied with the status quo.

I felt that I was going to use me to enlarge my house rather than use it for war.

The insistence on the war may be the purpose of raising war or acquiring new territories in the war.

“-And ultimately dominates all of this continent. Wonderful?”

It looks like his speech is finally over. The story was so long that he forgot his name, which he might have said at first.

“I refuse.”

I usually refuse with a social order such as “Thank you for your invitation …”, but I don’t feel like that.

“It shouldn’t be bad for you, because you can be my wife with black hair. I’ll buy as much dress and jewelry as I want.”

Some moderates and extremists looked from above, but he was exceptional. No one has ever spoken of black hair.

“Because I’m the type who is stronger than me”

This is a special technique that I have created and that I refuse to marry. There is no opponent who did not do this.

“In today’s era, you can’t do it with just your strength. What matters is your intelligence. I’m excellent in that regard.”

Did not communicate. And he was told something that was right.

When this person is told the orthodox, it gets frustrating. In a habit of trying to operate me as a human weapon.

“That’s right, so I’m not going to do anything brutal, like opposing the army or holding down rebels.”

If I make a declaration that I will not fight, he will panic if his purpose is not fulfilled.

“A person who can only fight like you just listens to what an excellent person like me does without thinking!”

He claims he is excellent, but he doesn’t seem to.

“You say you’re an excellent person, are you in the school year?”

When I was a bit disgusting, he immediately died.

“People are not determined by test scores …”

I think of him without giving up.

“You say you control the continent, but who manages it?”

“Of course I am. I am confident in governing.”

“Governance? Do you mean governing the entire continent?”

“Yes, it is not impossible if you become my wife.”

“Governing the entire continent means taking control of the royal family that governs this country, isn’t it?”


“It means rebelling against the Balshine royal family.”

“No, no, no.”

“Treason is a death penalty under the laws of this country.”

He easily fit into my guided interrogation and turns around with a blue face to see if anyone is listening to the conversation.

No way, it fits so easily. His self-proclaimed excellence helped him out.

“I won’t hear this story.

You may have been listening to the conversation, and I think it’s better to refrain from contacting me.

Maybe you’re just suspicious of being with me? ”

“Well, I’m not telling anyone now.”

He looks frightened and says so and runs away in the hallway.

I heard his miserable scream as he came across someone passing around the corner.

“Welcome, Yumiera-san. I really wanted to talk to you.”

“Thank you for inviting, Eleanor.”

Instead, I am at the school salon.

She was invited to a tea ceremony for Eleanor Hillrose, the daughter of the Duke of Hillrose, the leading extremist.

I thought I could not refuse, but decided that it would be difficult to keep her away at the same school and decided to participate.

She has a long blonde in a vertical roll and is surrounded by her surroundings. More like a villain daughter than me.

The Hillroses, despite having the second power over the royal family, are eager to increase their influence. The ultimate goal is to gain power over the royal family and rule the country from the ground up.

When she was terrified of what she would say to her daughter of such an ambitious duke, she entered the subject.

“Yumiera, give up on Edwin.”

Why does Prince Edwin’s name appear here?

“His Highness Edwin …?”

“Yes, and I’ll allow you to join my faction.”

When Elonora laughs when she looks strange because she can’t see anything at all.

“Don’t be foolish! I know you’ve proposed to your Majesty to engage with Edwin!

You are not worthy of Edwin. If you don’t want to turn me into an enemy, stand back quietly. ”

I think it’s the heroine who should say that, not me.

“I have told my Majesty that she will not withhold her engagement with her.”

“Lie! You met the Queen after the audience? Did you say you wanted to marry Edwin?”

“No, there’s no announcement after a week of that proof?”

“That’s true … you seem to know yourself.

Okay, if I swear I’ll stay away from Him, let me join my faction. ”

“I’m grateful to talk about this, but I would like to refrain from that too …”

“Huh? Why?

No way, you’re just pretending to be uninterested, and you’re really aiming for Edwin-sama, right? ”

What this person is troublesome.

From her perspective, marriage to the prince and entry into the duke’s faction are of the same value. I hate both.

“Because there is much more worthy of Edwin than me.

I think Eleanor is a good match for your Highness. ”

“Well! You have eyes to see.

I’ve danced with Edwin many times. Edwin was very nice during the dance. ”

When I say something I can’t imagine, she gets nervous and starts talking about Prince Edwin’s wonderful things endlessly.

It’s really like Prince Edwin, not for the house.

I’m sorry that I’m too choro and troublesome.

After that, he continued to listen to Prince Eleanor’s talk of Edwin, and the tea ceremony ended with the factions dismissed.

Today I’m tired of the strong two. And she was invited to come to tea ceremony again because she liked Eleanor.

However, the next day, I did not expect that they would be involved in more trouble than they did …

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