Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 7

07 I’m not a Demon King

When I had lunch in the school cafeteria, Alicia, a heroine, appeared and came all the way here.

She has never had a direct conversation with her, but she has been glared by all the shootings every time she meets in her classroom.

I was terrified because I was scared and I never hated.

Alicia, who came to me, proclaims a loud voice in the canteen.

“Yumiera-san! You were the resurrected Demon King. I won’t lose to you!”

The atmosphere inside the cafeteria, including me, is pokan.

But why does she know that the Demon King will be resurrected? Maybe she has the same memory and knowledge of games as I did?

“Resurrection of the Demon King? What is it?”

The resurrection of the Demon King is something that only a few people have been informed. Pretend not to know because it is a place with many people.

“Don’t get stuck!-Ed said that the Demon King will be resurrected in two years.”

Ed? Oh, Prince Edwin? It should have been only about a week since we met, but what is a nickname?

Or did that idiot tell Alicia the secret information of the country?

“Are you Mr. Edwin? Did you say you were the Demon King?”

“No, Prince Edwin only said that the Demon King will be resurrected two years later, but I know!-You are a Demon King?”

No, I’m the back boss, but not the Demon King.

She thought she was a reincarnation, but she seems to have only a strong feeling.

When the Demon King revives, he hears that the prince has spoken, and the inside of the cafeteria is noisy. Some believe it, but others say it is Alicia’s lie.

“I don’t know if your Highness really did so, but is the resurrection of the Demon King two years later? Is there any evidence that I am the Demon King?”

“Because your hair is black! It’s bad to use dark magic with black hair!”

Wow, a bright and positive heroine was a discriminator …

No, not just discrimination between fiction and reality than discrimination. In this world, using dark magic with black hair is a staple of picture book villains.

“Don’t you misunderstand something? This is not a picture book world.”

I deny I’m not a Demon King, but Alicia doesn’t seem to give up.

“But I have dark hair and use dark magic …”

Do I think I’m a Demon King only on those two grounds? Both are born …

“Hair colors and magical attributes that can be used are also born. Could I say born evil? I was a villain since I was a baby?”

This is a difficult question to answer for Alicia who seems to believe in good sex theory.

“Um, I’m going to be a bad person.”

“Does black hair become a bad guy as it grows up? If so, wouldn’t it be better to kill black people in babies?”

“Why can you say such a terrible thing!”

Alicia is indignant, but she is also generally saying bad things.

“You have said that black hair is bad?-If you really say I’m a demon king, please bring proof of evil.”

Of course, there is no evidence of my wrongdoing, and Alicia looks down at her with tears and silences.

I’m sorry that I didn’t have any more trouble, so I decided to leave, but it was too late. A group of three targets enter the cafeteria.

It was William, a brain swordsman, who noticed this situation.

“What are you doing there! What did you do for Alicia!”

If anything, it’s me.

The other two also come here immediately and worry about Alicia.

“Alicia, I’m okay because I came.”

The target trio was depressed by the first day of class, but was encouraged by Alicia to recover. I haven’t tried to get close to me for the past week, but I’ve been back to my usual tone.

“Mr. Alicia denied that the Demon King would be resurrected or that I was the Demon King, saying only impossible things.”

The resurrection of the Demon King should not be mentioned. Alicia said he had heard from Prince Edwin, but if he denied, others would believe it.

“It’s true that the Demon King will be resurrected in two years, though only some humans know.”

The surroundings are confused by Prince Baka’s bomb remarks. I understand that only some humans know, why do you say that?

William and Oswald had no signs of hearing from Prince Edwin.

“Yes, you were the Demon King. As a royal of the Balshine kingdom, I won’t let this nation do anything you want!”

Prince Edwin shows her consent and points her finger at me.

“No. Will the Demon King be resurrected two years later? What am I here now?”

“I’m going to do evil in the future. I don’t think I’ll fool my eyes.”

Prince fool who develops the theory I heard earlier. Did you get along well with Alicia because of the similar thinking circuit?

“Well, there is no law in this country to judge future crimes, isn’t there anyway if the crime plan comes to light?”

“Don’t try to wind up the smoke by saying something difficult! I’ll be defeated!”

Angry William pulls out his sword while saying so. A scream rang from around.

“Well, can you beat me?”

Did you just forget that I was blown away the other day? Oh, it’s like the current demon king.

He remembers his first lesson in swordsmanship and did not try to slash with his sword in his hand.

“Um, do you really think I’m a Demon King?”

She asks Oswald, thinking that the two stupids can’t be talked about.

“Alicia says that. I believe it.”

It seems that it was a lie that cool glasses were smart. Or, what is Alicia for you?

“Alicia encouraged me, who lost her confidence that she couldn’t have the magical talent. She couldn’t lie like that sun.”

Alicia thought it would be quick to capture them, but that was due to my adversity. Both Prince Edwin and William nodded at his words.

“In addition, I understand that your strength is a demon king.”

Yeah, yeah. I can not refute because I am proud of being stronger than the Demon King.

“I see. So I’m sorry.”

I think no more questions are meaningless and will leave this place.

“Wait, will you run away?”

Prince Edwin says, but there is no sign of approaching me.

Aliens will try to leave, ignoring the other two, but Alicia will stand in front of me. Are you brave or reckless?

“Don’t run away!”

“Huh … if I’m a demon king, what do you want to do? do you want to kill? If so, I will resist myself.”

Looking at Alicia’s face from close range, she shouts at a small scream.

“You and the three of you are too weak. If you defeat the Demon King, be stronger.”

I need them to be strong in order to have the real Demon King defeated.

“I won’t lose! I’ll be stronger without using bad methods like Yumiera!”

“Bad way?”

“Ed, Will, and Oz were saying, you must have become stronger because you did something wrong.”

Probably if defeating a demon is bad.

“Is it an excuse for losing me?”

Looking at the three people, they seem to be chart stars, and try to recount, but no words come out.

“You will have enough skills, so try your best to raise the level. The Demon King seems to use dark magic, so please train Alicia’s light magic.”

I leave the cafeteria with some simple advice.

The students who were listening to the conversation around me avoided me and made a way to the exit. It is a relapse even though I am no longer afraid.

Speaking of which, I was like a boss character from the beginning of the story.

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