Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 8

08 New school director

After school, my teacher told me that I was being called by the school director and went to the school’s drawing room. What is that grandfather’s school director doing? He wouldn’t have swallowed the story that I was the Demon King.

However, the person waiting in the reception room was not the grandfather I had assumed.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Yumiera. I’m Ronald, the new school director.”

“Nice to meet you, Yumiela Dorknes. What was the former school director?”

“I’m retired because of the circumstances. You don’t have to worry because you’ll never see him again.”

Ronald, who smiles with a smile, is very young, unlike his predecessor. Isn’t he 30 years old?

His smile seemed to be an artificial one, as if he had just reproduced a model of smile that would give people a sense of security.

“I’m at the school with my Majesty’s life. I’m confident that I know about the rumored Demon King.”

He seems to be what the Queen was saying. Being informed of the Demon King is likely to be a trustworthy person of His Majesty.

“I’m also in trouble with Princess Edwin. No way you would talk about state secrets in front of the public. You were a disaster.”

I see the bitter face of almost all the students in the school being avoided, and he continues to talk without worrying.

“I can’t say that His Highness was such a careless person. He said he’s been ragged or unstable these days. The two people who support him usually have the same tone.”

“What happened to your Highness?”

There must have been something that made them unstable recently. Most likely, my cause.

“Haha, do you say that?

Well, let’s talk about their circumstances. Your Highness and his two best friends didn’t know any setbacks. He was excellent since he was a child and by far the same age. At the same time, his self-esteem was high, but he did not work badly before he knew he was losing.

However, those who shatter their pride appeared. They probably didn’t want to admit. I think those who defeat themselves are demon kings, so much as to stabilize the spirit. ”

After all it was me.

However, I am in a very different situation from the game scenario.

We didn’t expect things to go according to the scenario, but if we were different from the beginning, it might have a big impact.

“I understand them, but how can I be scared by the students around me?”

“It’s almost impossible to get rid of the rumors that came out once. The official debate about the resurrection of the Demon King is denied, but many believe it.

It’s better not to erase your rumors. Well, because your strength is not unreliable. There are voices in the Royal Palace that you fear you are a dangerous person. ”

Well, from the side, I don’t know because I’m a mysterious person at the sudden appearance of level 99.

“I think few people don’t scare you. I’m a little scared.”

Ronald says that without showing any fear. I’m scared of his unbreakable smile.

“Oh, please be assured that your Majesty knows that you are unlikely to be a Demon King.”

He would have thought that the resurrection of the Demon King had been accelerated by two years, but he was not suspicious from the beginning.

Was it solid evidence that I was not a Demon King?

“Does the royal family know details about the Demon King?”

“No Comment”

He answered even more with a smile. Isn’t it like answering yes?

Ronald is well acquainted with the state of Prince Edwin since his childhood, the idea of His Majesty, and information that can only be known from the country’s heavyweights.

Perhaps he is young and in significant positions. I am also worried that I did not give my home name when I introduced myself.

I was wondering who he was, but it seems to him.

“I’m just the school director. I’m the liaison between you and your Majesty.

Tell me if you have any questions to ask your Majesty, and we can answer them quickly depending on the case. ”

Being able to respond immediately means that you have your own discretion. This person is still a great man.

“Well, you’re not just an army person. There are things that only the Queen likes. My job will be easier.”

He seems to have read his thoughts again, though I haven’t answered anything or moved his expression.

The secret of my previous life seems to be bad and this person is not good.

“So, let’s talk about the future.

That said, today’s main purpose is to connect faces, so it’s like a side effect. I want you to go to the management side in an outdoor exercise. ”

Outdoor exercises are basically raising the level. The school considers safety and lets students hunt for monsters.

Does it help Prince Edwin, the Demon King’s rebels, raise their level?

“Yes, I understand. Should I support my Highness?”

“No, that’s not it. You’re going to be in a different group from your Highness.”

He asked me he was wondering.

“Ask me, can you cooperate with them and fight?”

Oh, that’s it.

“Well, it’s a problem that we need to solve someday, but it’s hard to do it right away.”

It will not be the defeat of Demon King together as it is. Occasionally, they have to understand that I am an ally.

“I understand, but it seems like I’ll be troubled by grouping.”

It’s obvious whether you want to be with a shard or a popular prince, or a swatch or a demon king.

“I’m going to do the grouping as usual. I’ll split the central and local nobles. You’re a local.”

“It’s pretty rough.”

“There’s a reason. There’s a huge difference between the central and local motivations for raising the level.”

Indeed, few will be willing to raise the level of the central noble. After graduating from school, many people take over the house or become officials. No matter how high the level, there are few advantages.

Conversely, local aristocrats, especially small territories, may themselves be able to respond to demons. Often he becomes a soldier even after his second son who cannot take over his home.

“In such a motivated gathering, are the Highness all right?”

“I’m planning to raise their level just two years from now. I’ll have at least level 40.”

At level 40 you can’t help fighting the Demon King. The appropriate level in the game was 60-70.

“Is it 40? I want to be about level 60.”

“I’m Adolf and level 60? That’s impossible in two years.”

Well, if you think so, is level 40 the one who worked hard?

That’s not the case with my support, but I’ll keep it for a while.

“I see. What should I do specifically?”

“I would like to ask for an emergency response with the teacher of the lead. Since it is a forest near the royal city, I think that it will be rare.”

The forest near the royal capital is probably the first stage of the game. Certainly, the demons that appear are all weak. I don’t think I have anything to do.

“I just want to watch the battle without doing anything.”

“Well, that’s right. You’ve heard that your level-up is so weird, so don’t do anything weird?”

Ending? What does it mean that my level up is strange? It may be a bit strange to have no self-protecting amulet and to fight alone.

It’s normal to blow the whistle of a monster call, right?

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