Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 89

4-01 Starts with Level Measurement

◆ Level measurement begins 4-01

The season is autumn, and the first Harvest Festival is approaching as we arrive in Dolkness territory.

It feels like you’ve spent a few years in this place, but it’s not even a year since you graduated from school.The Duke of Hillrose’s magnificent self-harm has been stopped, and my parallel world, the Yumiera 2, has emerged, and so on, so the sense of time may have gone wrong.

It’s almost a month since we defeated the evil gods.The body that was depleted by rewinding the parallel world’s time is also in good shape.The body is in excellent shape, but the mind is still damaged.What the hell, the Holy Dolkness Empire…

No.2, let’s forget about the speed of nation-building.Let’s think about something more fun.

Fun, funny… Patrick, my fiancée, appeared in my head…. I see! Level measurement!

We also have that crystal magic tool that was used at the school entrance ceremony.One in a family, level measuring instrument.It was an expensive substitute in some cases, but there is no alternative.It’s great for pulling occasionally and seeing 99 numbers.

And I can measure Patrick’s level.Maybe it’s time to reach level 99.

If you’re cheating, it’s a celebration.Level 99 Happy birthday party, but for some reason I switched to wedding plans, so it’ll be quiet.

Also, I want to check my level. I completely forgot about the shock of No.2’s disturbance, but I exceeded my level limit.Well, a million or tens of millions.Until now, there are many things I want to know whether the limit of 99 is the blue ceiling or whether a new upper limit has been set.

“The level goes up, everywhere. The asymmetry between the furnace and the bamboo shoot is divergent ”

Go for the example crystal while singing the fully original song “Level Up Song”.

Coincidentally, copyright measures are implemented in the second half because the first half of the lyrics were covered with existing songs.I tried to write a lyrics full of originality so I couldn’t get used to it.

The melody is also eccentric to dispel the suspicion of chanting.It feels like a mixture of folk songs and metal.

It’s finally rusty. I sing with a mix of singing and opera.

“A horrible device teaches the hunter meteorites ”

“Please quit! I’m so anxious!”

The hallway of the Mansion. It can be stopped by a blue eleanor singing in a good mood.I have been dating her since school, but it is unusual for her to look so disgusting.

Speaking of which, when I went to Karaoke in my previous life, my friends complained.Sometimes it is called a strange radio wave.I may be a phonetic idiot just because I am unconscious.

“Oh, I’m sorry. You were a bad singer.”

“I’m not good at it… but I think it’s beyond that.”

I apologized in anticipation of being said not to be so bad, but Eleanora came after me.Beyond bad luck… maybe…?

“Does that mean you’re good on the contrary?”

“No, it means you’re going crazy.”

Eleanora’s eyes are scary.About half of them have a serious angry atmosphere.

Surprisingly, she is knowledgeable in the arts.I guess you couldn’t forgive my halfway song.The lyrics are fine, but maybe they were too odd with melody.

“Especially where?Is that how I sing? Is it a melody? ”

“The worst part is lyrics!What is it, that list of worries! ”

I was denied even the most confident lyrics.You don’t have to say anything like that…I also get hurt by the boulder. It is too painful to be told by gentle Eleanora.

If you’re a normal person, you’re going to break your heart here and seal your singing in public.But I’m not frustrated. I want to practice hard enough to get her to admit it.

“Okay, I’ll show you again, so please listen to me.”

“… where was Yumiera on her way?”

“Let’s go get the level measurement crystal…”

“I want to see it! I can’t wait to see that crystal!”

I didn’t think Eleanora would eat that much.

What caused my condition to change suddenly even though I didn’t seem interested in it until now?Maybe she was hiding from me and raising her level?If you want to see your growth, nod with plenty of nod the other day.

Well, shall we measure it together?

“Absolutely! I love level measurements!”

Ah, preaching hobbies to friends is fun.

It’s kind of like a friend to measure levels together.I don’t like singing that much, so I’ll put it behind me.

Go to the crystal. Move your stopped leg and you’ll hear a rattling voice from behind.

“Phew… thank you.”

“Huh? What?”

“Now it’s level! Yumiela-san, hurry!”

As my level rises, my hearing intensifies.But it’s normal to miss people’s stories.If your voice is low or low, it feels like your brain doesn’t recognize it because the frequencies aren’t right.

If you had been aware of all the sounds entering the Yumierelyer for 24 hours, your brain would have flattened.

That’s why I didn’t know what Eleanora was murmuring about.She keeps pushing me down the hallway.

“Crystal is the one you used at the entrance ceremony, right?You had it at home, too. ”

“It fits with that crystal.I miss it, but it’s what got me so noticed. ”

I don’t remember much about the entrance ceremony.

“It’s the entrance ceremony that made a scene at level 99.You’ve seen Eleanora-sama, haven’t you? ”

“I’m sorry, I found out about Yumiera a little after the entrance ceremony.I thought you were at the entrance ceremony. ”

When I missed the old days, I discovered the fact of shock.Master Eleanor, I can’t remember seeing a Level 99 human.

I thought the whole school was watching at that time…She was too big in a sense, and reviewed one more thing.

She can’t help but raise her voice to the point where she feels negative about not recognizing me.

Speaking of the entrance ceremony! This is the moment when Yumeera and Patrick met their destiny!Was there anything you could feel since then? ”

“Ah, you didn’t recognize Patrick at the entrance ceremony.Someone with a slightly higher level… I think it’s something I remember. ”

“Ah, my chest starts ringing the moment my eyes meet….”

I don’t think so.

Eleanora became a puddle in the answer to the zero romantic element.Reality is like that.It’s not like they fall in love with each other.

While I was doing that, I arrived at my destination.On the first floor of the Mansion, there is a room in a warehouse.The unused furniture is pushed in.

Rita and others don’t look good enough for me to go to the warehouse room, but I’m sorry if I should bother to get a servant to bring it.

“Where did you put it before… oh, there it is.”

Frequently used, it was placed on the shelf immediately after entering the room.

Hold it with both hands and show it to Eleanora.

Now you can measure it.

That’s right.

Oops? Eleanora’s reaction to the level measurements we just took is slow.

It’s a corner, so I want you to boost your mood.How does it turn into a beard…?

Is it a song?

“Ahhh! It’s crystal! I did it!Let’s measure it! ”

Eh, ah, yes.

Eleanora’s tension rose rapidly.I knew I wanted to check my level.

Then let’s give Eleanora the best.

Of course, I’ll do it here. Take it to your room… I won’t be in any trouble.Because I eat the confectionery I bought in front of the convenience store.

A small, tall desk nearby.I can’t think of anything other than placing a vase, so I put the crystal on it and encourage Eleanora to put her hands on it.

“Please, just put your hand on this.”

“… yes”

She shook her neck vertically and raised her right hand.

I used to think Eleanora was Level 1.It’s only natural if you’ve never defeated a monster.But to see how she was showing interest in the crystal, she must have hidden and raised her level.

That’s what happens when Lew and I go out together.Along with the most powerful dragons, we can ensure their safety.

Eleanora’s level is…

Ah, level one.

Well, that’s true.

It was level one. Besides, he knew.Why, why would you want to measure it?

When the brain is filled with doubt, the weakest lady retreats from the crystal.

It’s Yumeela’s turn now.

“I’ll finish. After Patrick.”

“What? Are you still not feeling well?”

“… of course there’s a reason.”

It was certified as abnormal simply by refraining from measuring the level.Well, I can’t help but feel like I’m going to the crystal first.

The reason for my last turn naturally exists.

In a recent incident, I exceeded the level 99 cap.Of course, it’s over a hundred, and it could be tens or tens of millions.

Completely out of standard. I have the strength of a cheetah.It’s a crazy title situation like “I’m the only one in the world where level 99 is the limit.”

Oh, I’m really sorry if there’s such a book.Even if it’s not an exact match, it feels similar.Forgive me for being a Level 99 villain.

I missed the point. As a classic development of such stories, the crystal of level measurement will crack…The magic tools couldn’t stand the forces beyond their limits.

My estimate is that there is an 80% chance that the crystal will break.It is unclear whether it will crack or explode, but it will definitely break.The remaining 20 percent is… I wonder if the error indication is not measurable, and if each of the two indications with a level above 99 is 10 percent.

Even if you subtract 20%, you won’t be disappointed.Errors are similar to breaking, and it’s good to know the numbers properly.

It’s been a long time. That’s why I use magic tools next to Patrick.

To give an approximate explanation, Eleanora looked convinced.

“I see, because Yumeera will destroy things again!”

“Break things again!?”

“Eh… that’s right, right?”

I try to argue that I don’t always break things… but there are a lot of things in my brain that I’ve broken so far.I’ve destroyed everything from dangerous to precious.

I don’t like to affirm Yumiera, the saboteur, so I will not reply to Eleanora’s inquiry.

“… so let’s find Patrick.I don’t think it’s time to show up. ”

“Yes, it’s convenient. Patrick won’t come.”

She is skeptical, but the rate at which Patrick shows up at his convenience is unusual.Uh, Pat, I wonder if you’ll come.I think I’ll be there sometime.

Such a convenient man… makes a bad impression.Good timing, not the same.

Hmm… ahh! It’s popping up in the pinch!Yes, Patrick is the man who shows up in the pinch!

“Help me, Patrick!”

“Help me, couldn’t you get a little more emotional?”

“But I’m coming. If you kidnap a child, it will be easier for you to come.”

“That kind of thing…?”

Yes, he will. He will come.Believe me, I’ll definitely come.

– Five minutes.

You’re not coming.

That’s right.

It didn’t come. The reality is ruthless.Happiness wasn’t about coming, it was about going looking for it.

The happy blue bird ended up in the house of Chilthill and Mitthill.But their journey was definitely meaningful in the search for the blue bird.

Happiness may be familiar.But the attitude to seek happiness for oneself is above all else!Ah, I’m just saying that you don’t have a cohabitant in the right place.

When I think about happiness, Eleanora lifts the crystal a little bit.

“You’re thinking weird things again.I’ll be there soon. ”

Please don’t drop it.

Eleanora walks out with her crystal lifted up, and it’s dangerous to watch.

Don’t drop it, okay? I can’t allow it to fall to the floor and break because I can’t stand it.

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