Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 9

09 Outdoor training

During the field work, I had no spare time.

While only 20 students participate in the training, only a group of about 3 wolf-shaped monsters appears sporadically.

It’s in the woods, but it’s set on a cliff-backed square with a good view, so there’s no fragmentation. It seems like an overkill when multiple people slash on one demon or multiple magics land.

“Oh, spare time.

“I think so. This is certainly inefficient.”

A reply is made to my solitude. Looks like someone was asking.

As I turned to my voice, I saw a gray-haired young man fighting like a stumbling block.

He is certainly Patrick Ashbaton. At the time of enrollment, the level had reached 10 at the time of enrollment, as was the case of William Marie. Most of the students are experienced in fighting monsters.

“I think it would be fine to have more demons.”

“Yes, I think that it would be enough if we divided into avant-garde and rear-guard and cooperated.”

Oh? Although it’s a bit simple, it’s rare to talk to me. I was a little glad when I was talking to him for the first time in a long time, and I continued talking to him.

“In the Ash Baton territory, split up into avant-garde and rear-guard, and raise the level?”

“Yes. The avant-garde holds down the demon, and the rear-guard attacks. This is the basic.”

Isn’t the level biased? Experience distribution is determined by the amount of damage done to monsters.

“Isn’t that avant-garde not growing?”

“I’ll do the opposite. The rear guard magically stops the monsters from moving, and the front guard attacks. The stability drops.”

Indeed, I have sought to raise the level of individual efficiency, but it would be different for a group.

“Can this be done by the members here?”

When I asked if the pupils could do the Ash Baton level up, he replied curiously.

“I think you can do that … but I don’t think there’s any point here because the number of demons is small.”

“If there are few demons, I have good ones.”

The school director told me that it was good to just watch, but I could cooperate a bit. I take out the whistle of a monster call from my bosom.

“Is it? Is it a demon call fist !? Hey, stop blowing-

For some reason he turned his face blue and stopped me, but after I had already breathed in a lot and blew my whistle.

The teacher who noticed the sound of the whistle early came out to protect the students, but I stopped it.

“That’s too much protection. It looks like Patrick will take the lead.”

As I point to Patrick, Patrick hastily joins a group of students and begins giving directions.

“Break up the avant-garde and the rear guard! The avant-garde concentrates solely on stopping the demon!

As for the rear guard, a person with a lot of magic will play a range attack role! Because the avant-garde stops what you miss, the rest of the rearguards will attack! ”

When he is impressed by Patrick’s precise instructions, he seems to be finally engaging with a group of demons. The bushes in front rush.

Well, as a result, they were able to survive the wave of demons without injuring anyone.

Their cooperation, led by Patrick, was lean and I was impressed with no knowledge of team fighting.

After the battle, the students are tired and some are sitting out of magic.

“Hey, Yumiera! What did you do suddenly!”

Despite the fact that he came out one time ago and stopped the herd of monsters, Patrick is still cheerful and approaches him.

What is he so angry about? Pia, he was an avant-garde. Are you angry that your level does not rise?

“It’s okay if you don’t worry. Some people will run out of magic, so I’ll stop.”

Patrick looks at me with a smile smiling with peace of mind because she helps her to improve her avant-garde level.

Don’t worry too much. I once again blew the whistle of the demon call.

Everyone at this place has a clear explanation of what you’re doing, as you’re seen.

“Because I stop the movement of the demon, the avant-garde please stab slowly.”

I stop the monsters that jumped into the square one after another with dark binds.

Dark bind is a dark magic in which a black hand emerges from the target’s shadow, and that hand grabs the enemy and stops moving.

The students were sitting on a second swarm of monsters, but apparently noticed that the monsters were caught in the shadows and could not move. The face of the avant-garde is slashing into the demons one after another.

By the time the demons were cleared, the plaza smelled of blood. Normally, this is left for a day and the monsters are gathered together by smell, but this will not be possible this time.

“Because the corpses of demons will be erased, please collect those who want materials as soon as possible.”

When I say so, it’s surprising that everyone starts collecting monster material. The most common wolf-shaped monster must have been worth the fangs.

The schoolgirl was also afraid of stripping off the tusks of the wolf, and thought that the local aristocrat was quite strong. When this becomes a central noble, you will also dislike touching the dead monster.

Waiting for everyone to make a little extra money, I will melt the corpses of monsters until there is nothing left in the flames of darkness.

There Patrick talked at the end of my work.

“Yumiera, let me know ahead of time that you will blow the whistle for a demon call.”

He had a tired face.

“Thank you, Patrick’s command was wonderful.”

“Huh … no offense.”

“What are you talking about?”

Ill? Did something wrong? When he asked back, he looked even more tired.

When I looked back, there was a sound coming from the bushes behind, and the monster was about to pop out.

He suddenly jumped in front of me, thinking Patrick was near and needed to attack him so he couldn’t get involved. An unrecognized event makes my head blank.

Why did he come before me?

It’s too late when he thinks he needs to keep Patrick anyway, and he bites his left arm with a demon.

“Black Hole!”

I was in a hurry and unintentionally released the top magic, and all but the monster’s head disappeared.

“Guu, potion …”

He lifts the demon’s head with his right arm and moans in pain, telling him to prepare a potion.

“Okay, I can use recovery magic. Heels.”

In the world, heels are light magic, but dark magic also has heels. In the game, there is also a boss character with a subordinate who uses recovery magic, and that subordinate uses a heel while being a monster of darkness attribute.

I didn’t use the game Yumiela, but I could use it normally. It seems that the back boss himself will use recovery magic and claims will come, but there is no help for what could be used.

The only drawback is that it looks very bad. The light heel heals the wound and heals it, whereas the dark heel regenerates the flesh bulging from the wound. The wound itself heals cleanly, but the process is very grotesque.

“… Wow”

Patrick screamed late in the sight.

“I think it’s okay, is there any pain?”

“No, it’s okay.

I was a little worried that it was a side effect for those who were not dark, so I was relieved.

“Why did you come before me?”

“Sorry, I thought it was dangerous …”

Dangerous? A monster? No, me? What does it mean to worry about me?

“Dangerous? I?”

Patrick roared when I was wondering.

“Take care of yourself more! I don’t have a guardian amulet? I’m too late after something.”

He really seemed to care for me. This is my first time, so I’m somewhat embarrassed.

“Oh, thank you very much”

I thanked him and continued.

“I’m going to tell you more! I don’t usually blow the whistle of a demon call! Some of the guys here see the demon for the first time!

“Oh, sorry.”

I apologize for a moment, but Patrick’s preaching that I was insane continued for a while.

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