Longevity and cultivation of immortality in the last days begins with having many children and many blessings!

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Wang Nanhua also became his wife.

She is pregnant and is the second child.

And her best friend Cong Mei also has a good impression of Li Changqing.

Wang Nanhua saw Xianggong coming, his face solemn, and asked what was wrong.

Li Changqing told her that her husband was surrounded, Wang Nanhua was shocked, Li Changqing put her at ease and used meditation.

Wang Nanhua looked at Xianggong in surprise.

Li Changqing said leisurely: “Don’t be surprised, you are a lot more powerful than me.”

Li Changqing also did not talk nonsense, telling Wang Nanhua that he was going to save the old man.

Wang Nanhua was very calm, and under the meditation technique, she knew that this was not a good choice.

Li Changqing said that he had a way to save the old man.

But Wang Nanhua must follow.

Wang Nanhua looked at Li Changqing quietly, and Li Changqing also responded to her.

Li Changqing naturally knew what she was thinking, in case Li Changqing was a person from Zhao Guo, and she used Wang Nanhua herself to blackmail Wang Dong…

However, Wang Nanhua chose to believe Li Changqing.

“I’ll go get someone to get a car.”

Xi Jing said quietly behind Li Changqing.

Li Changqing said, “No need, the car is too slow.”

Xi Jing was puzzled: “Then what should I do?”

They looked at each other, and saw Li Changqing with a smile on his face, pinching his fingers and pointing at each other.

In an instant, a pure white cloud appeared on the ground.

Li Changqing stretched out his hand: “Wife, please.”

Xi Jing and Wang Nanhua were shocked.

“Xianggong, are you an immortal?”

Wang Nanhua asked in surprise.

Xi Jing looked at Li Changqing with admiration.

This method can actually attract clouds.

Li Changqing said, “It’s not yet.

Li Changqing took Xi Jing and Wang Nanhua onto the clouds.

Xi Jing and Wang Nanhua were still a little apprehensive, but after stepping on, they were relieved, and their feet were extremely steady.

You can also lie down directly, and it is very soft.

Li Changqing spoke, and in an instant, the clouds rose, startling Xi Jing and Wang Nanhua.

Li Changqing took the opportunity to put his arm around them, “Don’t panic, I’m here.”

Xi Jing and Wang Nanhua’s faces were slightly red, but they found that there was no wind, it was extremely warm, and the clouds were like cloud beds, quickly flying high.

The scenery of the wolf capital under the feet appears, and the lights of ten thousand homes are at the feet.

Li Changqing accelerated and led the two to the frontier of the Wolf Country.

Small courtyard.

The spirit turtle and the cat, dog and bird all watched in shock as Li Changqing flew away with the two main mothers.

“My God, the master is too powerful!”

The greyhound said.

They have all opened their minds and can talk to each other.

The rest of the spirit beasts all nodded, and

the master was an immortal!

Under the moonlight.

The largest military camp in the Wolf Country looked extremely bleak.

In recent days, they have all known the news that they are surrounded.

There was no camp roar at night, and the mutiny was already in the old man’s royal army.

However, this still does not change the reality of the low momentum of the soldiers of the Wolf Country.

In the handsome tent, the old man sat on the big handsome chair, his face was as heavy as water.

He already knew that this battle would be lost!

At this time, a familiar voice sounded outside the door.


As soon as the old man looked up, he found that it was his daughter Nanhua standing outside the handsome tent.

There is also his son-in-law Li Changqing, and Li Changqing’s concubine Xi Jing.


The old man stood up, his face was ugly, how did his daughter and son-in-law come from?

Were they captured?

How else did it come in?

Outside, it was surrounded by the army of the Zhao Kingdom!

“How did you get here? Are there any injuries!?

The old man asked quickly.

Wang Nanhua’s face turned red, and he said very excitedly: “We flew here!” The

old man was stunned and scratched his head: “Flew here?!”

Wang Nanhua said, “That’s right, it flew here!” Do the clouds fly in! ”

The old man is confused, what kind of mess?

Wang Nanhua explained to his father that the more he listened, the more confused he became.

He looked at Li Changqing, his son-in-law is a fairy? Can you still summon clouds? Fly?!

He doesn’t believe it at all?!

However, he couldn’t imagine how the three of them came in.

Can’t always be enemies when they come in?!

Li Changqing stopped his wife and didn’t let her talk again, and if she talked again, the old man was about to collapse!

Li Changqing asked Xi Jing and Wang Nanhua to sit down on the side.

Li Changqing invited the old man to talk outside, and the old man realized that something was wrong and followed Li Changqing out.

The barracks were quiet, and the atmosphere was depressing.

The old man looked at Li Changqing: “Changqing, what do you want to say?”

Li Changqing looked at the old man and said leisurely, “Father-in-law, you know that the Wolf Country is already defeated. The

old man frowned: “The wolf country will be defeated?” Not necessarily, you want to persuade me to surrender?! The

old man’s face was solemn: “You received Zhao Guo’s money?!” Or a woman?

The old man glared at Li Changqing and bluffed: “Don’t think that you are my son-in-law, I dare not take what you do, quickly explain.”

Li Changqing couldn’t laugh or cry, his husband was really hot-tempered.

Li Changqing said, “Sort of, but I didn’t take the benefits of Zhao Guo.”

Li Changqing looked in the direction of Zhao Guo, and his eyes were gentle: “The Empress Taishang over there in the Zhao Kingdom is my woman, and the current female emperor is my daughter.”

Li Changqing looked at the confused old man: “Not only that, Shangshu of the Military Department is my son, and Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites is still my son.”

“The elders of the cabinet of the Zhao Kingdom are also my sons.”

“The principal teacher of the women’s college is also my daughter.”

“Shangshu of the Ministry of Zhao State is still my son.”

The old man felt that his son-in-law was crazy.

Li Changqing still said, “Isn’t the Wolf Country curious about how the Zhao Kingdom has so much grain?”

Li Changqing flipped his hand and took out a potato: “The grain that yields thousands of catties per mu is brought by me.”

“I also brought thousands of pounds of rice per acre.”

Li Changqing paced: “With grain, the population can grow, and only then can there be an army of 500,000 people in the Zhao Kingdom.”

“The Wolf Country will break its bones when it gathers an army of 100,000, while the Zhao Kingdom can easily gather an army of 500,000.”

Li Changqing looked at the old man with a dull face: “Not only that, Zhao Kingdom also has an army of 300,000 people guarding against the Zombie Empire. The

old man muttered: “This, how is this possible?!”

The old man glared at Li Changqing angrily: “Are you crazy?!” What nonsense here?

Li Changqing said, “What I said is true. The

old man frowned and inhaled: “Huh, you said that Empress Taishang of the Zhao Kingdom is your woman?” The female emperor of the Zhao Kingdom is your daughter? The

old man shook his face: “It’s just nonsense!”

Li Changqing said, “Since you don’t believe your father-in-law, let you believe it.” Saying

that, Li Changqing raised his head and launched a fireball technique.

The old man was stunned and asked, “Are you a superpower?!”

Li Changqing shook his head with his hands: “No, I’m not a superpower. ”

The old man didn’t believe it.

At this time, the old man suddenly felt a bright light, and suddenly, he saw the light around him.

Li Changqing smiled and said, “This can be regarded as my gift to your father-in-law. ”

Outside, the army of the Zhao Kingdom, forming a long dragon, is in action.

Those are two words.


The old man was stunned!

He turned his head to look at Li Changqing, covering his heart, gift?

Can this be a gift?

The gift that almost scared me to death?!

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