Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 171: Dao and Law

'Space Transfer- Transfer need a medium, turning the vacuum into a medium, transfer anywhere within the range.'

This Space Transfer seems the same as Rose Space Transfer. He felt relieved after gaining this move. Although it was a little different from Instant Escape, it could be used for the same purpose. Finally, Johnny found these were all the changes that occurred within these ten days.

But the scary part was the time flow outside the Primal Chaos Bead. It seems not even the night has passed. He couldn't help but sneak a glance at his status. Except for bloodline abilities, nothing new was added.

Although everything was finished, he didn't think that way. He could still feel major changes in his heart. It was beaming with vitality. Johnny stood up and walked towards his mother. Su Ling seems to be waiting for him.

After he stood up, she also walked near him. There was some disappointment in her eyes and some unwillingness too. Seeing those eyes, Johnny felt sadness in his heart. Although everything happened too fast, he had accepted her.

And there was no reason for not accepting her. After all, she was his biological mother.

"Are you leaving?" Johnny couldn't help but ask with sadness flashing in his eyes.

Su Ling nodded her head but her eyes were filled with sadness. She lifted her hand and fondles his cheeks, saying "Johnny, rush up! You need to rush and cultivate faster. Search for opportunities and try to unlock your Destiny Bloodline too."

"Umm!" Although his heart was sour, he still nodded his head with a forced smile.

"And, there will be new and stronger enemies. My appearance has caused the change in Karma and now you would be haunted by new and strong enemies. You can't rely on your big brother, understand?" Johnny didn't understand what she meant by relying on his big brother.

He was sure he hasn't relied on anyone else except those treasures of his.

"Young master, as long as anyone tried to sense this sword, he can sense little lord and little lord can do the same. And as long as he can sense a threat for you, he will definitely kill your enemy." The sword spirit inside the Black Dragon Sword spoke

"Really? What if big brother is very far away?" Johnny asked with confusion. He can understand the sword spirit's words but he still got a question.

"Under three swords, he is invincible." At this moment, the sword spirit voice seemed very proud when he praised Long Yan. But Johnny didn't have time to talk with him now. He looked at his mother and nodded his head.

"Alright, I'll leave. Be careful son!" Giving a kiss on his forehead, her figure slowly disappeared. Johnny knew that body wasn't her real body but she was still able to stay with him for so long, it was truly awesome.

It might be a lack of communication or feeling, Johnny didn't shed tears after his mother left, or maybe he got matured. Thinking of this, Johnny insisted on the last option with the proud look on his face.

"Alright, little black tell me more about big brother! And yourself."

After Johnny asked him as the space around him began to disappear. He returned back to his own universe. The sword spirit inside seemed excited to brag about his little lord, so he didn't waste time and started speaking.

"Little lord is a very caring mild temperament person. Usually, he doesn't slaughter but once he does, the number would be no less than a million, and the highest can reach up to a trillion. There were only two occasions where he got angry."

"On the first occasion, he didn't slaughter anyone because he was living with his master. But for the second occasion, he got angry because of the Little Madam kidnapping. In his search, he slaughtered hundreds of galaxies to find her."

"Of course, his ruthlessness can't be compared with the lord. Once the lord gets angry, he slaughters the entire universe. Just imagine a number of galaxies in a single universe, and once he gets super angry, five or six universes will get slaughtered."

"Shit! Is he really not a psychopath?" Johnny couldn't help but curse his own father. It was really amazing such a person is only called ruthless, not psycho.

Just the planet earth holds nearly three billion peoples, and there would be more than billions of galaxies in a single universe. He can not even count the total number of people living in a universe. But this made him think of something.

"Little black, does he destroys the universe or kill all the creature within the universe?" Johnny couldn't help but ask. He had some thoughts in his mind and wanted to know whether he was true or not.

"Of course, he destroys the universe. It seems hard but a universe is just like a planet with a huge space. And every universe has a core, as long the core is destroyed the universe will be destroyed too. But that core is protected by the universe, so unless one destroys it from the inside, it can only be destroyed when the entire universe gets destroyed."

"Lord uses Dao of Destruction, Dao of Catastrophe, Dao of Space-Time, Dao of Life and Death, and Dao of Sword to destroy the universe." Little black inside the sword spoke with a proud tone but Johnny felt the chill on his back.

"So, did big brother used the same power when he killed those billions of creatures?" After confirming his guess, Johnny asked with a curious look on his face.

"No, he used Supreme Law of Space-Time, Destruction, and Dao of Sword." The little black answered with an honest tone but his words made Johnny confused and he asked "What is the difference between Supreme Laws and Dao?"

"Young Master, you won't understand it. But if you want to know, just think Law as a universe and Dao as a Multiverse."

"So, Law is less powerful than Dao." The multiverse is definitely bigger than the universe. If so, then Law is less powerful than dao.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Young master, your thoughts are a little naïve. Well, your cultivation is low that's why you can't see the universe clearly. Just think for a second, the universe comes under the multiverse but is the multiverse really an end?"

"What if I say you, this multiverse is a part of a bigger universe but that universe is also the part of a bigger multiverse. The universe is part of the multiverse, but the multiverse is also part of a universe. This sounds a little idiotic, doesn't it?"

"Universe and multiverse are just some random names. What I was trying to teach you is the limit. Universe has limits while the multiverse do not. But if you can break that limit, you can reach into a higher universe. In other words, Law is limited while Dao is not."

"But if Law can break its limit, it will get even more powerful than Dao. Master Zhen's Dao of Sword has no limits and so he can continuously practice and get stronger. But little lord's Dao of Sword has limits because of the interference of Laws."

"Remember when little lord told you, Master Zhen refines sword and nothing else. This means his Dao of Sword is completely pure and there would be no limits to it. But for Little Lord, he has merged his Dao of Sword with Supreme Law of Space-Time, so he needs to break his limit and get stronger."

"As Little Miss said, he had completely believed there would be no realm above Eternal Realm, so his belief became his limit and he got weaker than Master Zhen and others. Even though, both of them had equal talent in the sword."

"Sorry, I wouldn't call it equal talent in sword but they did have equal talent. Master Zhen's sword talent and Little Lord's sword and physique talent were equal. But due to his talent, he ended practice Supreme Laws."

"Unlike Dao, Supreme Laws requires certain talent and qualities. Little Lord had Space-Time Physique allowing him to practice Supreme Laws. But this also became his hindrance, no maybe not, because if not for this physique, he might not even meet Lord or even became strong like them." 

"And there is another reason why I took universe and multiverse as an example. A multiverse has a vast number of the universe, and the different universe has different kinds of qualities. Some are same, some are parallel, some are big, some are small, some have powerful technologies, some have no technology, some have weak cultivators, and some have strong cultivators."

"There are no limits in terms of different qualities and properties. But the universe is different. One universe has a fixed number of laws. These laws and Supreme Laws are the same. Fixed numbers of laws mean you must have talent in one of those or you won't be able to practice it."

"While dao requires no talent, whatever you love, you can practice. Of course, talent is still required. In my journey with the little lord, we have encountered many people with a vast number of different daos but we haven't encountered more than a handful of people practice Supreme Laws."

"In short, Laws have limits and are fixed. Dao is infinite."

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