Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won’t Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 12

11. Magic Instruments and Magic Swords

“Mr. Dari, do you like magic equipment or something?

“Love it. Because I’m also involved at work”

I accidentally answered with vegetables, but Wolff seems happy.

Beautiful golden eyes glistened and I saw Dahlia.

“Then I want you to tell me something. I’ve never seen it before, but it’s a folk magic guide, do you have a sword?

“I don’t think there’s a sword. As a magic guide, there are magic knives. The sword is a blacksmith, and I thought you might be a magician or an alchemist if you were to grant it.”

There are three major producers of magic guides in this world that Darya knows.

First of all, the Wizard.

From Darya’s senses, he is a wizard, and he excels in external magic such as attack magic and healing magic.

In particular, those who are good at attacking magic have many places to play in the country’s magical leadership units, adventurers, etc. Some of the things that are good at healing magic are temples, knights, and paths as adventurers.

Some people sometimes make magic guides, and others name them magic guides.

Alchemist next.

Alchemists tend to create a variety of objects with creative magic, creating a variety of objects, including potions, rare metals, and golems.

Many people specialize in granting magic, so this one also has a magician.

Finally, a magic conductor.

It is the job of a magician to make magic guides by using materials and techniques and, in some cases, by granting magic. Many people can’t use or have little magic, such as attack magic or healing magic.

Unfortunately, it tends to be seen a little lighter than a magician, an alchemist.

Besides this, some people make magic aids in academic relationships and hobbies.

In this world, making magic tools is nothing special.

“What kind of magic do you impart to a knife?

“The most common is rust (rust) prevention. And then there’s the research and mischief, but one or the other.”

“Would you like to sharpen it to prevent rust? It would seem useful if you could grant it to the sword.”

“What is the grant of the sword used by Mr. Wolfe?

“Troop swords usually contain hardness enhancements. Still broke.”

“That, speaking of, did you have a sword?

Darya got worried. Could it have been lost in the woods?

“I stabbed Wyburn and it broke from the roots. So keep it up, I’m coming.”

“This crusade, Wyburn?

Speaking of Wyburn, he is a strong dragon breed, a demon with strong wings and sharp clawed feet.

Darya remembered the vivid wound on Wolfe’s shoulder. I guess that was Wyburn’s nail mark.

“Oh, it was a red Wyburn, if I knocked one down, I’d have another. When I handled it, he snagged me with his fingernails and ran away. Thanks to me, the magician can’t strike magic, the knight can’t use the reinforcing bow, and I think it’ll probably be a sermon and a reflection when I get back to the castle…”

“Wow… but I got caught with my fingernails and you’re well safe…”

“No, I stabbed him from the bottom, because he fell lightly. It was better when it fell. I was strengthening myself, and the tree was cushioned, so there was nothing I could do.”

“I knew it was dangerous…”

“No, if you strengthen your body, you won’t get hurt that way, you have good healing magic, and you’re rarely in death.”

Darya understood that it was rare, and still not zero.

“Back to the story, has Mr. Dalli ever seen ‘The Devil’s Sword’?

“I’ve seen The Devil’s Sword of Fire in a commercial guild. No one’s coming out, just the outside.”

One of the items this world feels fantastic about, Demon Sword.

Spirits, Holy Spirits, English spirits, etc. may dwell in weapons and protective equipment, and such things are much stronger than normal, says they possess special powers.

Previously, it was the Demon Sword of Fire that entered the commercial guild as a merchandise.

The sheath and handles were red and decorated with a sumptuous pattern with added gold. Unfortunately, no one could see the blade because it could not be pulled out.

I remember it then decided to go to auction, 100 gold coins from the start value and it was great and expensive.

After a much hectic auction, I heard it was a well-known adventurer who bought it.

“The Devil’s Sword of Fire, I wanted to see that…”

“Does Mr. Wolfe look closely at the Devil’s Sword?

“I guess the most visible is the Demon Sword of the Captain of the Demon Crusade.” Ash Hand, “I say, but when I stab it, it burns and turns to ash all at once. It’s famous in this country because it’s a clan-fixed demon sword and the captain’s clan has always inherited it. Nobody else can pull it out, and when I touch it when I’m pulling it out, it burns except the captain.”

Wouldn’t that sword be an advanced version of the blazing sword?

And perhaps the young man in front of you would be an ash-handed (ash-handed) burn-experienced.

“There are two other famous demon swords in the castle that have no Lord (or Lord), but they’re incompatible and no one can pull them out. I’ve tried it since I joined the Knights too, but I couldn’t get either of them out”

“Magic compatibility, after all? Or do you have any special qualifications?

“The Devil’s Sword in the castle is said to see the integrity of the soul and a strong sense of purpose. I don’t have either one at all, so it’s obvious I can’t pull it out.”

Wolff laughing out loud and teasing is just awesome.

“I’ve never seen it before, but they call it the Talking Devil’s Sword in other countries.”

“When you say ‘Talking Demon Sword’, it seems convenient for lonely solo travelers and people without friends…”

“What doesn’t that bother you, Mr. Dari?

“It would be useful if you could give me directions or something.”

I remember talking car navigation and smartphone maps from my previous life, and I said it.

“That’s better ‘Talking Map’, not the Devil’s Sword, right?

Exactly. Wolfe may be out there, suitable for developers.

Darya is half interested and asks about other things.

“No talking shield, no armor?

“You’ve never heard of a shield. Maybe if someone had it hidden. And if I were to talk with armor, it would be neckless (Durahan). Though I don’t want to wear that on a boulder.”

“Mr. Wolfe, have you ever seen neckless armor (Durahan)?

Neck unarmed (Durahan). It’s a unique demon of fantasy.

I don’t want to inadvertently encounter it, but if it’s a safe observation, I’d like to try it awesome. I wonder on what principle it works.

“When I went on a crusade, there was one in the cave.” Life Gaspare Shikba Homecoming Re “was told the word of warning, and it was quite powerful, but it was accompanied by a high priest, so one purification and it was over in five minutes”

“Something’s not hanging up a bit. So, what shape is it with no neck armor (Durahan)? What’s in it?”

“He had a long sword with big black armor, without a helmet. Both felt pretty good. And the contents were calla. After the clergy had purified, the magician of the castle had returned with care, but I was very sorry to find no tricks, neither in armor nor in swords”

“That’s right…”

I know how that magician feels.

I still want to understand the tricks and mechanisms.

Is the power still moving in a soulful thing, or is it creating a ‘neckless armor character’ that is purely magical and impersonal?

Even if it is merely armor and sword, I want to solve the whole part and look at the back surface without scratching it. I’d just like to check out the material in detail, if possible.

“I wish I was in a position to show Dali that armor…”

They got Wolfe in trouble because they figured it out for themselves.

For the second time today, Dalya shakes her neck wide to the side.

“Yeah, just talking is so funny, and I appreciate it. Because it’s gonna be a seed for work.”

That’s where I got annoyed.

I was obsessed with the story, but if you think about Wolfe’s eyes, you should call a doctor early.

“It’s time to move. From here to Wangdu, it takes a long time.”

“Sorry, I was obsessed with the story”

“I’m sorry we talked so long.”

Extinguish the fireworks completely and soil them from the top. Let it be in the same condition it was when it came to the ground and return the luggage it was serving to the carriage.

Wolfe’s clothes are still half dry, so I decided to snag them into the carriage and keep them in the wind for now, and the armor piled up behind the boxcarriage.

When the two of us rode to your table, Wolfe nodded heavily.

I haven’t slept in forever. You’ll be pretty sleepy.

“It’s going to take a while, so sleep to the king’s capital. I’ll wake you up near the walls of Wang Du, so you can get dressed there.”

“I’m fine. I guess it’s because of the potion, I’m not that sleepy. If it’s not out of the way, can I talk to you a little more?

“Of course.”

When he regained his grip on the reins, Dahlia remembered the white wine he had been drinking when he came.

I opened the bag and it’s getting a little bubbly from the carriage move.

I was a little sorry that I drank this one at noon and gave Wolfe all the red wine.

“What’s wrong?

“On the verge of drinking white wine. Forget it completely.”

“Can I have a bite?

I gave Wolf water and red wine, but he didn’t drink it for two days. The truth is I may still have been thirsty.

“I’m sorry I almost drank! If you’re thirsty, you can drink it all.”

“I’m sorry I’m the taka! Well… white wine is my weakness.”

That’s what I said with a serious face, and to the man who started drinking wine from the bottle, Dahlia just happened to blow out.

Travel time from then on, the two continued to talk about the Devil’s Guide and the Devil’s Sword all the time.

Dariya talked about the magic guides that are out in the King’s Capital for ordinary people, and Wolfe talked about the magic swords and magic guides that are in the Royal Castle.

Time quickly passed when we were thriving in a way that introduced each other to things we didn’t know.

Where the gates of Wang Du are nearer, stop the carriage once and have it changed on the carrier.

Unfortunately, the clothes were still half dry. It looks a little cold, so I decide to have my coat worn as it is.

In the end, Wolfe never slept.

After all, even if it was just the knights and they looked like they were having fun talking, they would have been on guard all along. Darya was so convinced.

Inside the gate, he says, is a building where soldiers are stationed.

Wolfe said he’d go over there first, get confirmation, and then go to the royal castle.

To the boulder, there is no way a common man’s carriage can go light to the royal castle, so it is a farewell here.

When I stopped the carriage in front of the building, it suddenly rained.

Wolf goes down from your stand and tries to take off his coat, so he hastily stops.

“I have a bad cold, so keep wearing it. Sand lizards (sandlizards), so it won’t rain through.”

“Sorry, I’ll borrow it. Thanks for today. That was really helpful. I’ll give you the address and I’ll pay you later.”

“Fine. I’m looking out for you on a demonic crusade, so I thought it was the support of a common man.”

“At least let me buy you a drink at the store.”

Is this an invitation to build friendship?

I enjoyed talking to Wolf a lot. If I could, I’d rather see him again and talk to him.

But even for a reason, it’s still rude to deceive me into pretending to be a man.

Unfortunately, I guess we should just end it like this.

“Call me if you see me in the city. Then I’ll make sure you enjoy it.”

I deliberately said that brightly.

The wide king’s capital, the noble and knightly Wolf, and the common man’s self are unlimited to be reunited.

Rainfoot got even stronger. Wolf said something, but I can’t hear him.

Just then, a carriage came from behind.

“I’ve got the back, now!

I’m sorry for Wolfe, but I’ll cut the story off on the grounds of the carriage and let the eight-legged horse (Slapenil) move on.

“… see you later, Dali!

I could clearly hear the voice calling on me.

Only Wolfe’s beautiful smile strikes me badly for some reason.

For Darya, it was a meaningful holiday.

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