Magical Device Craftsman Dahlia Won’t Hang Her Head Down Anymore

Chapter 6

05. Discovery in a new home

Going down to the first floor of the commercial guild, Marcella was already standing by.

I was with two men who came from the shipping guild.

All three of them have vibrant green armbands of the shipping guild. They say this is this color because it “carries light as fast as the wind”.

“Darya, have you finished the process?

“Yeah. It’s all over, we’ll be right there.”

“Well, let’s just say we carry it right away.”

Quickly, move to the house that was supposed to be your new home, in a big carriage.

But even if it’s a carriage, it’s a gray eight-legged horse (Slapenil) that’s pulling it off.

Because they are much more powerful than horses, they have a lot of use in shipping guilds.

He looked about 1.5 times bigger than a normal horse, but with an unexpectedly warm face and cute black eyes.

When we traveled by carriage, we arrived at the house in a few minutes.

As a location condition for his new home, Tobias valued his proximity to the commercial guild and his own home, the Orlando Chamber of Commerce. I was thinking about transporting goods and meeting.

But that doesn’t make sense to me anymore either.

There was no one in my new home.

Dalya just relaxes a little and checks her luggage and furniture.

“It’s a box in the hallway and a box in the workplace, the last time they carried it. It hasn’t been loaded yet, so please keep it up.”

Until last week, Tobias came to work at the workshop of Darya’s house.

As we came to this new home, Tobias made the equipment a lot newer, but Darya was bringing in the old stuff because she liked the stuff she was used to. It’s in packaged condition, so I’m just gonna keep bringing it back.

“The furniture was closets and dressers, wasn’t it?

“Yeah, I haven’t put anything in there yet.”

The closet and dresser are the shapes of my mother.

Most of all, I don’t even know my mother’s face, so I have a stronger sense of the furniture that my father cared about.

Both are in places that were supposed to be Darya’s room.

“Okay. If you’re packing, let’s carry it as it is. Closet and dresser, double cloth.”

At Marcella’s behest, the man in the transport guild began to prepare the cloth.

“Is there anything else you’d like to carry?

“Bed in the bedroom is what I bought, but there’s a bed in the tower… I don’t know what to do”

“Break it down and carry it, or sell it all. You can let Tobias buy it off.”

Talking, heading to the bedroom.

I bought a large double bed in Tobias’s hope, but I recall that it was a good price.

The lights on the side table of the bed, half the interest of the work pattern, ordered with brightness adjustment with the new demonic conductor.

Darya enters the bedroom while I’m just trying to see what kind of making it is.


As a result of a step in, he returned and closed the door, shortly after checking the side table.

All the bedding put together on an ivory basis was messy and pillows fell on the floor.

“Darya, what’s up?

“Uh, hey…”

Reply to Marcella behind you, cloudy.

“Was there someone there?

“No, now, I’m not.”

“… I’m sorry, can I see inside? Because thieves may be in or hiding.”

“Oh, yeah.”

Darya jumped out the door.

I didn’t seem to think about thieves, but I also hear that new homes are easy to target. Vigilance and confirmation will be important.

“Um, don’t I have to come in?

“Oh, I’ll check. It’s the type of room with a sink and toilet next to the bedroom.”


It’s a shipping guild, and Marcella knows the spacing of all sorts of houses. They predicted an interval without having to explain it.

After his ears had first wandered, he entered the room with a metal rod in his hand, vigilant.

“… Tobias… that big fool… die at the top…”

Dos’ handy voice leaked low between the doors, but Darya decides she didn’t hear anything.

“… I wasn’t a thief. We just have one or two idiots.”

Tobias seems to have been removed from Marcella’s frame of friends as well as his count as a human being.

“Excuse me! Just Mr. Marcella, can I have a word?

“Oh, I’ll be right there”

The man who was working in another room called Marcella, who came out.

I thought it was a story within the shipping guild, so Darya looked blurry at the boxes piled up in the hallway.

Less luggage than I thought. I wanted to carry it after my new home was cleaned up, and I’ve left my clothes and books out of season at my original house. That seemed right.

“Ah-, Darya, do you have a minute?

Marcella with her face in the hallway, but her expression is terribly dark. Her eyes were shaded.

“What’s going on?

“It’s so hard to say… there’s a woman’s clothes in the closet”

“… That’s fast.”

“I’m sorry, but make sure. That wasn’t Darya’s, was it?

“Yeah, definitely”

Pale yellow puff sleeve dress with a colorful small floral stall. And a pink gown full of lace.

Just the size before the design, and I can tell right away that it’s not Darya’s.

I don’t have a single piece of clothing of this lineage in the first place.

“And then there was that one in the dresser.”

Marcella points to the table.

There was a pink cosmetic pouch and a silver pendant on top of a white handkerchief. The flat circular pendant top is engraved with an unfamiliar crest.

And Dahlia saw it, and put a wrinkle (wrinkle) between her brows.

“This is probably noble. More than a Viscount.”

“Isn’t that the baron or something?

“I hear the baron doesn’t have many crests. If they gave you a weapon for crusading a big demon, it would be engraved on it.”

Don’t touch it directly, try to flip the pendant top at the edge of the handkerchief.

It was thinner because it was old, but the family name was properly engraved.

“Tarini… yeah, it’s your thing”

The name of the woman Tobias said was Emilia Tarini.

The name Tarini is also a civilian, so I didn’t think it was noble.

“Um, that crest, it could be the Viscount Tarini family. It’s the south street of Wang Du, ruling the city four blocks away. My grandmother’s out there.”

One voice made everyone else look subtle.

The woman Tobias brought into this house was at least an associate of Viscount Tarini, who could have kept a pendant to let him know.

“Do you want me to get Tobias?

“No. The owner of the pendant, now at the Orlando Chamber of Commerce. This one is over. I’m not going to contact you.”

“Okay. But it’ll take a little while, but you better put in a notary and have him prove what you’re taking home. If nobility could be involved, that would be more reassuring. I’ll give you a statement over here, too, the first one I’ve carried.”

“Thanks, I’ll ask for it properly”

There will be extra spending, but there will be no choice to avoid trouble.

“Do notaries call from shipping guilds? Or would you prefer a commercial guild?

“Excuse me, if anyone is a notary in a commercial guild, could you call me? If possible, please ask for Dominic Kempfel”

“Okay. I’ll pick you up right away.”

One man runs off to get a carriage.

“I’m sorry, I put all of you through the trouble…”

“Whether you’re a lover or a couple, when you break up, you can often do it with furniture and luggage. I often call them notaries, and we don’t have a lot of trouble or anything.”

“That’s right. Don’t worry, Mr. Rossetti.”

Let’s get a look at the guys who are obviously caring about us.

Marcella said, as if she had seen through it.

“Darya, I’ll put the cost of the notary on Tobias over here.”

“No, I’ll pay. If you say anything, it’s troublesome.”

“Then I’ll serve it as a ‘celebration of not having to be the daughter-in-law of that fool'”

“I’ll just get the feeling. Instead, when you get back to the tower and settle down, come and have dinner with Irma. Now I’ll drink well, too.”

“Oh, I’d love to let you go, have a nice drink”

When I was with Tobias, Darya only drank up to a glass.

He didn’t like Darya drinking.

‘It’s lame to drink and a woman blushes,’ they said, sooner or later she stopped drinking.

Though Tobias himself has drunk and felt ill, too drunk to be carried home by Marcella.

In the future, you can drink it casually, so it might be a good idea for the three of us to drink it in a city liquor store.

As I chatted with the bump, Dominic the Notary came along, with as many men as he had just done.

“Dominic, I’m sorry I just bothered you earlier”

“No, I told you to talk to me anytime. Never mind.”

To Dominic with a soft smile, Darya explained in a breath about this move, about the furniture and luggage, about things that were not her property.

I meant to explain it pale, but I can’t resist the terrible darkening of the color of sympathy from all of us.

Dominic checked the furniture and luggage without changing his complexion and quickly made the paperwork for me.

“How much is it? I’ll pay you now.”

“No, I had a little extra time just now, so it would be nice to have 3 silver coins for the paperwork”

“Thank you”

Give Dominic a silver coin and get ready to move again. The sun outside shades and is already close to evening.

This carriage for removal has a part to load up behind and a seat for a few people. We loaded our bags and all sat back and moved.

It took longer than when it came because it was getting crowded with carriages and people, but it took about 10 minutes to get to the commercial guild.

“I’m supposed to return the keys to the house via the desk, so I’m just gonna go”

“Shall I leave you?

“You must be tired, both of you. I’ll take the keys.”

Trying to get down in front of a commercial guild, Dominic stopped me.

“No, you can’t ask Dominic to do that…”

“If you go now, you may be caught by the curious.”

Indeed, as soon as I entered the guild, I feel like people with familiar faces are going to ask me about root digging leaves digging.

Now that I feel so tired, honestly, I want to avoid that immensely.

“… sorry, please”

“Yes, I did keep it”

When Dominic kept the keys, he sighed a little and then straightened his gaze to Dahlia.

“Miss Dalya, I know it’s careless to say this, but I think it was a good opportunity and a good choice. I hope you have a lot of luck from now on.”

“… thank you”

Darya returned her words of thanks and finally dropped off his back.

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