Marked Thousands Of Billions, The Flower Teacher Asked Me To Rent A Supercar For Two Thousand Coins

Chapter 187

Chapter 189


“Sister Chen Zhu, you… What did you say? Hearing

this, Chen Xi was directly dumbfounded.

He looked at Chen Zhu incredulously.

At this time, even if she is stupid, it is impossible not to hear what Chen Zhu means!

Chen Zhu, and Ning Chuan are… That kind of relationship?!

Ning Chuan was a little surprised by this sentence.

Although the two agreed to eat cake tonight.

But the relationship is not yet determined.

He didn’t expect that Chen Zhu would be so open.

It seems that she is ready for sufficient enlightenment.

I have to say that Chen Zhu’s words are really clever.

Three words and two words directly made Chen Xi a little confused.

In addition, she herself has a good impression of Ning Chuan, and she also has a desire to worship.

Now being encouraged by Chen Zhu like this made her feel a little itchy in her heart.

It’s just that the sisters Chen Zhu said made Chen Xi feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Chen Zhu, shouldn’t this be testing himself?

Since the two were in that kind of relationship, how could Chen Zhu be willing to help Ning Chuan find other women?

She didn’t dare to look at Chen Zhu or answer.

Chen Zhu naturally understood what she was thinking, and said with a smile: ”

Don’t worry, since I said so, I definitely didn’t have other ideas.”

“It’s just ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“President Ning appreciates you so much, with this identity, there will be various performances, opportunities, and albums in the future.”

“Isn’t it more convenient for you to change your name?”

This sentence really moved Chen Xi’s heart.

She pursed her lips lightly, and couldn’t help but yearn for the future.

To be honest, when Chen Xi first debuted, he really experienced too many twists and turns.

With her personality, as well as her lack of interest in marketing, she concentrates on only music.

This situation has led to her being eliminated by most companies.

Now in Tianyu, although I met Chen Zhu, I could barely tolerate her, which made her produce a lot of good songs.

But as her requirements and skills become more and more advanced, it becomes more and more difficult to get better and more suitable songs.

And Ning Chuan’s appearance is almost a savior-like existence for her.

It was as if an angel had suddenly descended on him.

“Sister Chen, and… Mr. Ning. ”

Are you kidding me?”

Chen Xi hesitated for a moment and spoke.

It was all like a dream.

It made her a little afraid to wake up.

“How so?”

Seeing this, Ning Chuan also had to speak.

But he knew he just needed to give an affirmative answer.

As for the rest, just leave it to Chen Zhu.

Chen Zhu naturally understood what Ning Chuan meant, and said with a smile:

“Moreover, you originally made music.”

“Emotions are definitely good for you to make music.”

“President Ning’s goal has never been to help you out with songs.”

“It’s about slowly teaching you how to become a better singer.”

“I can even write my own song.”

“How can you do this without life experience?”

I have to say that Chen Zhu is almost completely full of firepower.

Almost say anything, leaving no gap for Chen Xi.

Every sentence seemed to poke Chen Xi’s heart.

Seeing Chen Zhu working so hard, Ning Chuan couldn’t help but decide.

When eating this big cake today, I need to put a little more thought.

Chen Zhu’s efforts cannot be allowed to be in vain.

“Having said all this, my mouth is almost dry.”

“How are you feeling?”

Chen Zhu smiled and asked softly.

It can’t always be output, but it has to be seduced.

Otherwise, if Chen Xi didn’t get it right, he would listen to it with his left ear and his right ear would appear.

“I… I do not know. ”

I… I don’t know how to answer.

Chen Xi said sternly.

To be honest, although she was moved, for some reason, she was still a little afraid to agree.

Seeing this, Ning Chuan knew that he had to speak, and said with a smile:

“It’s okay, you can think about it casually.”

“But there’s one thing you can rest assured.”

“Making songs for you is not just because of what Chen Zhu said.”

“More importantly, because you are an artist in my company.

“This is the first priority.”

“All I have to do is make sure you have a song to sing.”

“Even if you don’t agree, it’s okay, if you need a song in the future, I will help you with your heart.”

As the saying goes, you want to get away with it.

However, if Chen Xi really didn’t like it, Ning Chuan wouldn’t force it.

After all, a gentleman loves his daughter, and he has a way of taking it.

If you use interests to get involved, it is very boring.

Moreover, even if he disagrees, with Chen Xi’s ability, he can definitely help Tianyu earn considerable money.

This is also a reward in a sense for Ning Chuan.

“Well… Okay, thank you Mr. Ning. Hearing

Ning Chuan’s words, Chen Xi suddenly felt inexplicably relieved.

She immediately looked at Ning Chuandao with a smile.

“There’s another song on the album, go record it.”

“I’ll talk about this later.”

Seeing this, Ning Chuan waved his hand and signaled.

It’s like Raiders Bai Mengmeng in the first place.

Just give her enough time for her to figure it out.

Chen Xi nodded excitedly:


“I… I’m going to record it.

After that, she bowed slightly and left carefully.

Ning Chuan’s words were almost equivalent to giving her a booster.

Although what Chen Zhu said before was good, it always made her feel forced to be coerced.

Although the feeling is not very strong, it is still a little uncomfortable.

But now Ning Chuan gave her such a step, and also gave such a guarantee.

This made her feel indescribably comfortable.

Seeing Chen Xi leave like this, Chen Zhu couldn’t help but shake his head slightly:

“President Ning, I did my best to help you today.”

“Why did you let her go?”

There was a bit of disgust in the tone.

Ning Chuan smiled and said, ”

No hurry.”

“If because of this incident, she is flustered, and even affects the recording of songs, it is our biggest loss.”

“I think she’ll figure it out.”

“So what you said is true?”

Chen Zhu blinked and said with a smile: ”

Even if she doesn’t agree, are you willing to give her a new song?”

Ning Chuan smiled leisurely:

“Do I seem to be the kind of person who likes to use this kind of condition to subtly rule others?”

When Chen Zhu heard this, he immediately giggled and said, ”

If others say it,

then I definitely won’t believe it.”

“Mr. Kening, I absolutely believe it.”

Ning Chuan smiled and said, “However,

she still has to think about it.”

“What about you who want to be sisters to her?”

While speaking, Ning Chuan looked into Chen Zhu’s eyes.

Chen Zhu was originally still smiling.

Hearing this, his face suddenly turned slightly red:

“I… I…” ”

Of course I’m ready.”

“Tonight… Just eat. Looking

at Chen Zhu, who had just abducted others like a demon, he now looked shy.

Qin Feng couldn’t help but smile bitterly.


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