Married To The Male Lead’s Father

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Yang Shuqing’s move to buy Taichi did not hide the King Jin. A few days ago, King Jin and Yang Wanling, who had infiltrated the Qin Palace, were on the line. Both parties were waiting for the opportunity to clear Yang Shu in one fell swoop.

As long as King Qin did not rebel, Emperor Qian Yuan would not move him, but Yang Shuqing was different.

Jiang Ningbao has been following the progress of both parties.

Recently, Grandpa Guo has been idle and spent most of his time in the house to accompany Jiang Ningbao and his two children. The two little guys walked steadily but couldn’t talk yet. Jiang Ningbao thought about it, anyway, nothing happened. Start teaching them to speak.

“Come on, Qigeer, shout a mother… mother…”

Qi Geer opened his big black grape-like eyes and made a few clicks in his mouth. Then he held a clean hair ball and grinded the newly grown teeth, even if he didn’t call the mother, Jiang Ningbao was not disappointed. Several times.

Then turn to Lin Geer.

Brother Lin is a very active person. His little white hands are holding the hairy hydrangea and playing hydrangea from time to time. He is very happy to play, and he does not care about Jiang Ningbao who is teaching him to speak.

Sometimes she turned around and pointed her at her.

Jiang Ningbao: “…”

Mrs. Xie looked at her with a smile. In her view, Ning Bao was idle, and she was not yet one year old. Where would the grandchildren talk?

“Cough, Ning Bao, don’t worry, wait for Zhou Yan to teach them to speak later.”

Jiang Ningbao blushed embarrassedly.

She was not in a hurry, she just wanted to tease the two little guys.

After teasing the child, Jiang Ningbao handed over the two little guys to Mrs. Xie, and took her maid back to the main yard. From the black guards, she learned that Ding Guo Gong was reading in the house. Jiang Ningbao thought about it and brought some snacks from the small kitchen. Enter the house with the iced fruits.

Ding Guogong saw the beautiful woman who came in, put down the book in his hand, his eyebrows bloomed with tenderness, did not see the two sons, a slight disappointment crossed his eyes.

“Ningbo, what about children?”

“At my mother.”

Jiang Ningbao placed the snacks and fruits on the short table, then sat on the low couch and sat opposite Dingguo Gong. He then used a bamboo stick to fork a piece of watermelon meat for Ding Guogong.

“Duke Guo, I received a secret letter from Yang Wanling. The secret letter said about Yang Shuqing’s false pregnancy. It seems that she did not hesitate to expose what she was still alive. She wanted to join me in dealing with Yang Shuqing.”

Jiang Ningbao said of this, her smile converged, and Yang Wanling’s actions seemed a little radical. She did not know that her every move was under the supervision of Ding Guo Gong and Jin Wang.

Ding Guo Gong was eating the watermelon meat of his young wife’s fork, and after hearing the secret letter she said, Mei Feng slightly condensed: “Ning Bao, you should not mix it in.”

Jiang Ningbao ate a snack and frowned, “Did Yang Wanling already unite with King Jin? She exposed herself so much and punctured Yang Shuqing’s false pregnancy. She deliberately poked me here, Grandpa Guo, you What exactly does she mean? I don’t believe she doesn’t know the plan of King Jin.”

“I’ll handle it.” Ding Guo Gong’s eyebrow flashed a bit.

Neither of the two sisters in Anyuanhou’s house is a fuel-efficient lamp. This Yang Wanling is not a good one. Dingguo Gong is very angry when he counts it on Ning Bao’s head.

Jiang Ningbao listened to Ding Guogong’s words, and he was relieved.

Qin Wangfu

Yang Wanling, who had not received a reply from Mrs. Ding Guogong, flashed a trace of irritability and disappointment. She exposed Yang Shuqing’s secret, but Mrs. Ding Guogong did not move at all.

Looking at her roughened hands, she thought that she had been boiling water in the kitchen these days, and looked at Yang Shuqing’s high appearance. She suddenly regretted that she had impulsively sneaked into Qin Wangfu to revenge Yang Shuqing.

She wanted to leave Qin Wangfu.

However, it was not easy for Qin Wangfu to come in, it was even easier to leave, and King Jin would not allow her to leave abruptly. She had to find another way to get on the line with Duke of Dingguo and let her help get her out of Qin Wangfu.

But Ding Guo Gong’s wife did not move.

Did she not receive her letter?

Thinking of this possibility, Yang Wanling’s complexion changed.

If it were not Yang Shuqing’s calculation, she was still a high-ranking virgin, and she would not be sent to the cold palace. She had already planned to wait for a period of time to design and rejoice with Emperor Qian Yuan, to be the emperor’s veritable concubine.

Unfortunately, everything is gone.

The place in Lenggong was not occupied by human beings, even with the care of Emperor Qian Yuan, but the Queen Mother secretly shot, making her miserable, she could only ask to die from the palace.

“A Ling, why are you here, Yang Side Fei wants to take a bath, and you’re going to boil water.” A rough maid came hurriedly and saw Yang Wanling lazy, disgruntled.

Yang Wanling gritted her teeth and responded.

The thought of Yang Wanling, who had been used to being the master for a while, was blackened for three or four months, and regretted that he personally infiltrated Qin Wangfu to deal with Yang Shuqing.

But she couldn’t break the Jin King’s plan and destroy the Jin King’s plan. She couldn’t do it. She also wanted to knock Yang Shuqing down.

Let’s be patient first.

“So Yang Wanling sent me a letter to make me accept her love and take her out of Qin Wangfu?” Jiang Ningbao was stunned when he heard Ding Guogong’s words.

“Did she regret it?”

Ding Guogong’s mouth twitched, and he didn’t expect the truth to be so speechless, and nodded slightly: “Yes, Yang Wanling regretted it. She, a lady of Hou Fu, had never suffered bitterly, and sneaked into Qin Wang’s palace. It’s no longer possible to burn hot water for Yang Fangfei.”

Jiang Ningbao: “…”

Boiling water for his enemies, such that Yang Wanling, a delicate and expensive lady, could endure for so long.

If it’s her… it’s estimated that I can’t stand it for three days.

“Grandpa, do we help her, or do we don’t know?” Jiang Ningbao asked after a long silence.

Ding Guogong circled his little wife in her arms, gently brushing the hairline in her ear, and said indifferently: “This is her own choice.”

Jiang Ningbao got it. The father-in-law decided not to know it. She secretly waxed Yang Wanling in her heart, and she ate her own bitter fruits.

Therefore, under the neglect of Jiang Ningbao and Ding Guogong, Yang Wanling continued to be her maid of water in Qin Wang’s mansion. In fact, she was able to enter Yang Shuqing’s yard as a maid of water and was a hit.

Where is the average maidservant so easy to enter Yang Shuqing’s yard.

Especially when Yang Shuqing still hides such a big secret, among them Yang Wanling’s luck as a vicious female match is at work.

The plain and busy days passed quickly, and it was golden autumn and August in a blink of an eye. The autumn was refreshing and the weather was getting colder. Jiang Jin was married, and her sister-in-law Shen Yilan entered the door. Jiang Fu was full of joy.

This time, Mrs. Jiang from Changningbo also came.

Jiang Mingyao, Jiang Shuyan and their husbands all attended Jiang Jin’s wedding.

Jiang Ningbao happily participated in the big brother’s wedding.

Seeing the brother’s cheerful smile, seeing the joyful smile of the father and mother, Jiang Ningbao smiled slightly, and the elder brother finally married the girl she liked. She quietly wished the elder brother happiness in her heart.

Afterwards, Jiang Ningbao stayed quietly in Dingguo’s government to deal with government affairs and raising a baby. Apart from visiting his elder brother, sister-in-law and father-in-law, he rarely went out to attend his wife’s party.

At the end of the year, the cold wind roared.

Jiang Ningbao learned that King Jin had finally acted and passed the news that Qian Rong had stolen to Yang Shuqing’s ears. The whole person was excited. The smile on his face had never broken. Chun Xi and Chun Le were also insiders, and they were also waiting to be optimistic. play.

Xie Jingyi only felt weird, but couldn’t tell where he was weird.

When Yang Shuqing of the Qin Wang Mansion learned that Qian Rong had ran away, he shook his tall, swollen belly, and his face was sullen like water, exasperated: “Damn, Qian Rong betrayed me at this time!”

The doctor she bought has told King Qin that her birth date is on these days, and Qian Rong, who is about to give birth, has sneaked away. Where does her child come from?

“Miss, what should I do now?” Grandma Lu lowered her voice, her face eager and anxious.

Without Qian Rong’s children, the plan to borrow a baby and give birth to a baby is complete.

Yang Shuqing hated Qian Rong who had put her together now, and wanted to dump her eight pieces, she quickly calmed down and immediately made a decision.

According to the current situation, it is impossible to adopt the heirs of the blood of King Qin. The most urgent thing is to pass the current crisis.

Even if it is confusing royal blood!

“Send someone to find Qian Rong, be sure to find her out, but make preparations with both hands, Mother Ma, you send someone to check if there are any pregnant women who have given birth in these days in the capital, take their children first Emergency.”

Grandma Lu changed her face and looked at Miss in amazement. She was cold and sweating and shouted: “Miss, this… this is in case of exposure, but it is a big crime!”

Clinique was terrified, her face pale.

Miss…Miss actually wanted to confuse the royal blood…

“You don’t need to worry, just do what I said!” Yang Shuqing glanced at the faces of Grandma Lu and Clinique. A bit of coldness flashed in his eyes, a bit of a strong man’s broken wrist.

Grandma Lu gritted her teeth, and she is now one with the young lady. Now she only hopes to be able to catch the escaped Qian Rong. It is only a last resort. She really does not want the young lady to go on that path of no return.

Yang Wanling, who has been following the movement of Yang Shuqing’s yard, saw Grandma Lu hurriedly out of the yard, looked down at her hand with frostbite, smiled coldly, waited so long, and finally waited until this day.

She… will soon be able to leave this damn Qin Palace.

Yang Shuqing secretly sent someone to search for Qian Rong and the pregnant woman who was about to give birth, but he couldn’t hide the staring Jin Jin and Ding Guo Gong. After Yang Shu Qing began to send the pain to the delivery room, Ding Guo Gong quickly received the news from the eyeliner, and Tell Jiang Ningbao.

“Ning Bao, Yang Side Princess is about to give birth.”

Jiang Ningbao was excited.

“Grandpa, you said that Yang Shuqing could buy a doctor and several midwives to cover up for her, but how did she get the children outside into the delivery room?”

King Qin likes her so much, and will definitely stay at the door of the delivery room.

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