Married To The Male Lead’s Father

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

As soon as the elder lady Zhang got the sutra, she felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn’t care, and she really lived up to Jiang Ningbao’s expectations. Once she got the sutra, she couldn’t help but open it.

Something went wrong with this turn.

An eerie breath emanated from the Buddhist scriptures. The first lady, Zhang, bears the brunt of it.

Her body instantly became cold, and there seemed to be something raging in her body.

“Ah, what the hell, it’s so cold, it hurts…”

Zhang’s trembling, the blood on his face faded, his eyes were full of terror, his white lips screamed in horror, and the Buddhist scriptures in his hand were thrown out by her.

“Slap” to the ground.

Jiang Ningbao had long known that the evil spirit of the Buddhist scriptures would not make people lose their minds and become idiots.

However, the evil spirit erodes into the body, the body will become cold and weak, and the whole person is easy to be irritable and irritable.

So she didn’t stop the death of the uncle Zhang’s.

All the people in the flower hall were frightened when they saw it, and they stepped back in horror.

The Buddhist scripture that was thrown to the ground was opened, and the cold and tyrannical breath between the lines was dissipated. The old lady Jiang, who was supported by the maidservant of the red apricot, was swept by the cold breath. Shouted anxiously.

“Four girls, close the sutra soon.”

Jiang Ningbao responded, lowering her eyelids, a smile flashed under her eyes, and quickly walked over to pick up the Buddhist scriptures. The strange thing was that the Buddhist scriptures that had not been closed reached Jiang Ningbao’s hands.

Jiang Ningbao didn’t find it.

“Grandmother, Auntie Niang, the Buddhist scriptures have been closed, and the evil spirit will not escape again.”

Ding Guo Gong copied the Buddhist scriptures to purify the body’s evil spirits. The words in the Buddhist scriptures revealed a strong sense of evil spirits, but it was much lighter than Ding Guo Gong himself who had conquered the evil spirits by wearing red sandalwood beads.

Women’s physique is yin, and they are particularly sensitive to cold qi. Especially women with poor health are more susceptible to erosion.

The eldest lady Zhang is the closest to the Buddhist scriptures, bears the brunt of the blaze most, I am afraid that it is going to be a serious illness, and eat more yang qi to supplement the body yang. Mrs. Jiang is only slightly affected by the dissipation of qi. There should be some minor illnesses in Japan.

The windows in the flower hall are all open and ventilated, and they will dissipate in a short time. The frightened Zhang’s teeth tremble, and he is tremblingly supported by Yangmao. The bun is slightly messy and soaked. The whole portrait is from the water. The bubble is out of the ordinary, there is still unfazed fear in the eyes.

At this moment, Zhang’s intestines were regretful.

The Buddhist scriptures published by Ding Guo Gong really cannot be read by the average person. Her eyes are like hardened poison, and they are shot at Jiang Ningbao. They are all damn nieces, causing her to make a big ugly face in front of her servants.

A maidservant served two bowls of Ningshen tea soup with a dazzling look.

“Old lady, madam, take a sip of Ningshen tea soup and suppress it.”

Mrs. Jiang’s face was as thick as water. After taking the Ningshen Tea Soup from Hongxing, the whole person slowed down, and the whole person slowed down. The old lady Zhang also drank a bowl of Ningshen Tea Soup, the warm tea soup entrance, cold ice His body warmed up a little, and his face improved slightly.

The two wanted to scold Jiang Ningbao. Their eyes saw Jiang Ningbao caressing the Buddhist scriptures in their hands, and there was a trembling in her heart. She was afraid that she would accidentally open the Buddhist scriptures. Madam Jiang had to wave her hand to let her leave.

“Four girls, go back first.”

Mrs. Jiang now has a psychological shadow on the Buddhist scriptures.

Jiang Ningbao’s mouth flashed a little imperceptible smile, Shi Shiran saluted Mrs. Jiang and the embarrassed elder lady Zhang, and left Shou Jintang briskly.

After Mrs. Jiang Ningbao left, Mrs. Jiang stared at the maidservant in the lobby with a bad face, without saying a word.

The same is true of Zhang’s.

A dark face, his eyes were terrible.

The atmosphere was depressed, and all the men were pale, shaking and kneeling in unison.

“Old lady spares his life!”

Not to mention how the old lady in the Shou Jintang would dispose of the few maidservants who were present. Chun Xi, who was waiting outside, saw the girl coming out and greeted him quickly.

“Girl, are you okay?”

Chunxi heard the screams from Shou Jintang outside the courtyard and couldn’t help asking.

Jiang Ningbao smiled slightly: “What can I do?” It is the eldest ladies Zhang and Mrs. Jiang who are estimated to be busy in the house these days.

Chun Xi was confused.

On the way back to the courtyard, Jiang Ningbao’s mouth curled up, exuding a pleasant breath. He didn’t expect the Buddhist scriptures given by Ding Guo Gong to have such functions. It was… really amazing.

You can carry it with you later.

As soon as the “Vajra Sutra” comes out, who will compete with each other.

The servants of Changning Bo House looked at Jiang Ningbao with a hint of respect, and Jiang Ningbao, who was in a good mood, didn’t care, and the people in the house would see the wind and rudder.

Just back in the courtyard, Bai Mei in the courtyard and the four maidservants greeted him respectfully. Jiang Ningbao smiled faintly, waved them away, and returned to the house to put the Buddhist scriptures sent by Ding Guo Gong in an empty box.

Chun Xi handed over a set of jewelry sent by Mrs. Xie.

Jiang Ningbao looked at the delicate jewelry box in front of her, and a soft smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Today is a good day. She has to write a letter to tell her brother.

When Jiang Ningbao wrote and wrote a letter, Changningbo and Dingguo government were not calm.

The eldest lady Zhang saw the old lady dispose of a few maidservants and was taken away from Shou Jintang. Once she returned to the courtyard, she immediately sent someone to invite the master, and then the old lady also sent someone to invite the master.

For a time, Changning Bo Man was panicked. I wondered what happened to the old lady and the big lady. They even invited the master together.

Isn’t something unclean in the house…

The people in the house who had done evil things were so scared that they were almost gone.

Jiang Ningbao just asked Chun Xi to send the letter out, and she closed her eyes in the house to keep her eyes closed. When Chun Xi came back, she told her the movements in the house and learned that Mrs. Jiang and his wife Zhang’s behavior couldn’t help but laugh.

“Girl, is there really something unclean in the house?” Chun Xi asked worriedly.

Jiang Ningbao smiled: “I don’t know if there are any unclean things in the house, but it is definitely not the reason why the old lady and the old lady invited the master.”

Chun Xi was stunned and suddenly remembered that when the master was in Shoujin Hall, she heard the scream, like the voice of the old lady, and she couldn’t help but curiously asked, “Girl, what the hell is going on?”

“Guo Gongye’s Buddhist scriptures.” Jiang Ningbao did not sell Guanzi, and said directly.

Chun Xi took a breath, and her eyes widened: “The old lady and the old lady… have actually read the Buddhist scriptures copied by Grandpa Guo?”

“Yeah, I said that the Buddhist scriptures were tainted by the father-in-law. The grandmother and the auntie didn’t believe it. They just wanted to read the Buddhist scriptures copied by the father-in-law.” Jiang Ningbao sighed, but the beautiful eyes were full of smiles. .

Chun Xi’s mouth was wide open, and for a while he said, “The old lady and the old lady have courage.”

“Yeah, courage is commendable. These days, the auntie may be sick in bed and her temper will be irritable and irritable. The old lady is okay, and it hasn’t been affected much.” Jiang Ningbao sighed, and there was a trace of worry in the eyebrows.

Chunxi: “…”

The girl is getting stronger and stronger.

The most powerful one is the grandfather of the country.

Dingguo Government

After Ding Guo Gong escorted Jiang Ningbao away, Xie Jingyi and Yang Shuqing came to Rongxitang together with Mrs. Xie.

Yang Shuqing showed a dignified and gentle smile, and generously sent a jar of health wine to Mrs. Xie. Although this jar of health wine was extremely precious, it was insignificant compared with the approval of Mrs. Xie.

Mrs. Xie didn’t have two years to live well. In the last life, after Ding Guo Gong’s death, Mrs. Xie gave up in two months.

Wait about two years.

In the future, the backyard of Dingguo Government will be her world. For these two years, she must not make mistakes.

According to her understanding of Xie Shizi in the past two years, Xie Shizi’s affection for Mrs. Xie and Ding Guogong is more respectful, but not close. Xie Shizi is close to the second room of Xie’s family.

Yang Shuqing also has a bias.

For the first time, Mrs. Xie, who was sitting in the high hall, saw the adopted granddaughter who would rather betray her and return to the girl she wanted to marry. The daughter-in-law of Anyuanhou had a good figure, a beautiful appearance, and a decent and decent behavior.

But Mrs. Xie, who had been drinking the magical medicinal wine, had excellent eyesight, and she could see through the deep sorrow of her eyes.

Ms. Xie prefers the little girl of the Jiang family more than the elder lady of Anyuan Hou, who has a unique temperament, is clean and pure, looks soft and weak, but actually has a tougher temper than anyone else.

Such a tough woman is very suitable for Aheng.

“It’s a nice girl, and Yier has a good vision.” Mrs. Xie smiled and casually praised her, and asked Huang Ma to put away the health wine and take off an excellent bracelet of water on her wrist. She should meet.

“Thank you Mrs. Lao for complimenting.” Yang Shuqing took the bracelet from the old lady and put it on her wrist. She smiled shyly and shyly, secretly, it seemed that Mrs. Xie had a good first impression of her.

Mrs. Xie smiled slightly and took a sip of tea.

“Old lady, today is the date of the marriage between Shizi and me. It is not appropriate to see the blood. Can Shizi’s rod punishment…can it be changed to tomorrow?” Yang Shuqing bit her lip and looked at Mrs. Xie with an uneasy face, sorry Opening.

Xie Jingyi aside stunned, apparently did not expect Shu Qing to say such a thing.

“Shu Qing, my father said a word, don’t embarrass your grandmother.”

Fifty sticks are not heavy.

Xie Jingyi knows his adoptive father’s temperament best, and has always been the same.

Especially involving grandmother.

Shu Qing is embarrassing the grandmother. The adoptive father knows that he will be more angry. The grandmother is the reverse scale of the adoptive father.

A look of consternation and grievances appeared on Yang Shuqing’s face, his eyes slightly flushed: “I just don’t want you to see blood on the big day when we got married, and it doesn’t mean you can avoid punishment.”

“I know, but this is my father’s order.” Xie Jingyi grabbed her heart and stroked her hair with a natural movement, as if it had been done countless times.

Mrs. Xie glanced at the interaction between her grandson and his eldest daughter, Anyuan Hou, and felt something was wrong. This acquaintance was only a few days old. The grandson and his eldest daughter, Anyuan, were too familiar.

Suppressing the doubts and a trace of suspicion in the bottom of my heart, Mrs. Xie looked at Zhao Guanjia below and asked, “Zhao Guanjia, what rod punishment?”

The housekeeper Zhao glanced at Xie Shizi and Ms. Yang, frowning almost unnoticedly, and said respectfully what happened at the gate at 1510. After listening to Mrs. Xie, her heart was warm.

The son is angry for her and Ning Bao girl.

“This matter will not be said until Aheng comes back.” Mrs. Xie pondered for a while.

Yang Shuqing’s eyes flashed a bit of disappointment, but he still raised a smile and talked to Mrs. Xie. She kept trying to make Mrs. Xie happy. The smile on Mrs. Xie’s face was a little closer.

This little girl is a good thing.

It’s just that it’s not good to be too arrogant, but the grandchildren like it, and Mrs. Xie can’t say anything. This little girl will live in peace with the grandchildren.

Even if the grandson can’t succeed in the future, but with the connections and power of the grand palace, the ability to support the grandson will surely rise in the future.

Xie Jingyi saw the happy scene of her grandmother and her fiancee, relieved slightly in her heart, the corner of her mouth rose unconsciously, and a gentle smile flashed in her eyes.

For most of this time, Ding Guo Gong Xie Heng finally came back. Yang Shuqing’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Mrs. Xie with a look of hope, and Mrs. Xie soothed her.

The happy day of raising grandchildren is indeed not suitable for seeing blood.

Mrs. Xie came to intercede, but the stick punishment was still carried out as scheduled.

There is no room for negotiation.

Mrs. Xie only said a few words. When she saw that her son did not agree, she said nothing. She had a weighing scale in her heart. After all, her pro-son was more important than her grandson. Especially, this grandson seems to have been lost in love recently.

Yang Shuqing’s face sank slightly, and he glanced nervously at Xie Jingyi, holding his sleeve, his eyes full of worry. Xie Jingyi gave Yang Shuqing a soothing look, and he simply lay on the ground.

Performed by Ding Guo Gong’s two black guards.


Xie Jingyi lay motionless on the ground, and the people in the entire courtyard were sent a clean, quiet, only sound of sticks falling on people.

This is decent for Ding Guo Gong to keep his adopted son.

Only Deng Guogong Xie Heng, Zhao Guanjia, Yang Shuqing, Xie Jingyi’s close-fitting servants, and several black-clothes guards.

Mrs. Xie is too old to watch the staff.

Yang Shuqing’s heart was violently hurt once every stick fell. She clenched her fist and clenched her lower lip. Her heart was full of hate, and her eyes were faintly scarlet.

Jiang Ningbao… Jiang Ningbao…

If it weren’t for her, Shizi would suffer from this kind of flesh.

The humiliation suffered by the son of the world today, she will surely return it a hundredfold.

After more than forty strokes, a trace of blood penetrated from the messy dark red silver thread brocade, Xie Shizi’s forehead was wet by cold sweat, and the wet answer did not fit into the garment.


Fifty stick punishment is a solid stick punishment.

Rao is Xie Jingyi’s excellent body. After fifty strokes, he was helped back to the courtyard. In addition to Yang Shuqing, who had red eyes, there was also a superb medical doctor sitting in the Dingguo government.

As the sun went down, Yang Shuqing stepped back and forth from the Dingguo Mansion and waited for the carriage. His head was full of blood stains on Xie Shizi’s body.

“Jiang Ningbao!”

The two maidservants Qian Rong and Clinique in the carriage lowered their heads, their fingers trembling constantly, and the atmosphere dared not breathe.

Upon returning to Anyuanhou Mansion, the beaming Anyuanhou Mansion seemed to be overshadowed. The servants in the mansion saw the lady returning to the mansion with a stiff smile on her face.

Yang Shuqing was aware of the strangeness in the house, and was stopped by several sisters who had deliberately awaited her.

Yang Shuqing sighed, but now was provoked and ridiculed by someone blocking the road. He immediately exploded his combat effectiveness, slammed a few sisters out of the air, and gave a bad breath.

At this time, the maid Clinique lowered her eyebrows and looked at the news.

Yang Shuqing’s face was instantly dark, and he stuck his heart in one breath.

It’s almost exploding.

The day went through ups and downs, and it was a good day when everything was going well, but she suffered unsuccessfully one after another, especially when the fiancé was still seeing the blood on the day of the marriage.

This makes outsiders think of her.

Jiang Ningbao really is her nemesis, and it’s always good to meet her.

Ding Guo Gong is also too inhuman.

It won’t work for a day.

Yang Shuqing couldn’t help feeling resentful to go to Ding Guo Gong.

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