Married To The Male Lead’s Father

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Yang Shuqing has been paying attention to the movements of the Dingguo government. He learned that Jiang Ningbao sent someone to send Mrs. Jiang back to Jiang’s house. He also rescued Jiang Yue’s young boy, and his eyes were filled with sneers. It seems that as long as Mrs. Jiang is present, Jiang Ningbao will certainly not People who gave up the Jiang family.

People from the Jiang family… It seems that they have to make good use of it.

Yang Shuqing’s eyes were drooping, playing with the jade Ruyi in his hand. This jade Ruyi was a token of sentiment sent by King Qin. It was extremely precious. Yang Shuqing’s eyebrows stretched.

The grand wedding… Fengguanxia Xia… Married scenery… The last life, everything she has not experienced, this life has been realized, now, she is going to marry King Qin as a side concubine.

Retracing the old path of the previous life, only this life, she married the affectionate King Qin, no longer a fake benevolence and righteousness, and counted her affectionate King Jin.

“Miss, King Qin sent someone to send you the tangerine you love to eat.” Clinique brought a tray of green peel tangerines with joy.

After the marriage between King Qin and Miss Qin was settled, King Qin no longer avoided suspicion, and often sent some miserable food or fruits over there.

Things aren’t expensive, it’s your heart.

“Huh, is there a tangerine at this time?” Yang Shuqing heard a sweet smile from Qingli’s face upon hearing that King Qin had sent the fruit.

The indifferent person of King Qin and Xie Jingyi was really different. King Qin’s behavior made her think of Jiang Ningbao who was so jealous that Ding Guogong also likes to send fresh fruit from Zhuangzi to Jiang Ningbao for tasting.

“Yeah, I heard that it is the earliest mature batch, Miss, King Qin really cares for you.” Clinique said while peeling the tangerine, breaking the tangerine flesh on the fruit plate.

Yang Shuqing was sweet in his heart and smiled in his eyebrows. He took a bamboo stick and poked a piece in his mouth. The orange juice was juicy and the taste was sour and sweet, especially delicious.

The choice of Qin Wang was right.

She did not regret marrying Xie Jingyi. After all, Xie Jingyi gave her a beautiful wedding, but she hated him even more because of him, she was humiliated by Jiang Ningbao.

Originally designed to kill Xie Jingyi’s official position, he did not expect him to become the commander of the Imperial Guard, and I heard that many official media came to the door, which made Yang Shu almost spitting blood.

“Speaking of it, Jiang Ningbao has been marrying Ding Guo Gong for almost four months, and has never participated in the banquet hosted by the Gonghuo people. I really don’t know what she thought.”

Yang Shuqing ate a few tangerines and thoughtfully opened his mouth.

“Maybe she feels that she is the wife of Ding Guo Gong, and there is no need to attend the banquet hosted by these husbands.” Qian Rong quickly said her guess.

Yang Shuqing narrowed her eyes. She had an intuition and there are secrets here.

“I still feel something is wrong.”

“Isn’t it always the wife of Ding Guo Gong who is pregnant?”

I don’t know if this is the truth. When the end of the year is made public, I don’t know how many people will be shocked.

Yang Shuqing snorted.

This is absolutely impossible.

Perhaps it is really as Qian Rong said, I can’t look down on the banquet hosted by the Gonghuo people, the chrysanthemum feast hosted by Princess Rui, I heard that I sent a post to Jiang Ningbao, but Jiang Ningbao refused.

Continue to die.

When Ding Guo Gong is gone, sometimes she regrets.

Yang Shuqing sneered again and again. She was the least looking at this kind of woman who once gained power and thought she was high above the other.

Jiang Ningbao did not know that Yang Shuqing had followed her all the time, and speculated about her with the greatest malicious intention. She recently likes to eat sweet and sour fruits. Now it is the season of tangerine ripening.

Ding Guogong gave Jiang Ningbao the first batch of ripe tangerines.

“Ningbao, I checked. Mrs. Jiang did not lie. At that time, the servant maid she sent to serve your grandmother was found. She died two years ago, but before she died, she sent a letter to Jiang. Old lady, this letter has been searched in Mrs. Jiang’s house and confirmed what she said.”

Ding Guo Gong peeled a green tangerine tangerine to Jiang Ningbao, and said the investigation data. He did not expect that his father-in-law had such a life experience.

“Your grandmother’s husband’s family was the innocent family that was affected in the unprecedented huge corruption case that year. There were many officials who were innocently affected at that time.”

Ding Guo Gong opened the peeled tangerines and sent them one by one to Jiang Ningbao’s mouth.

In the huge corruption case of the previous dynasty, it can be said that most of the officials of the court were cleaned, and the families of beheaded officials were countless. The blood stains on the execution ground had not dried up for several months.

Even if decades have passed, it is still frightening.

This was an iron-blooded method that the Emperor Xian had just enthroned in less than two years. The annihilation operation filled the hollowed-out treasury. The young Emperor Emperor was wise and wise, but as he grew older, he became obsessed with women and became comatose.

Later, he died suddenly and died very disgracefully.

Jiang Ningbao ate a petal of tangerine, and learned that Mrs. Jiang did not deceive her. After a moment of silence, she couldn’t help but ask: “Government Grandpa, can you reverse the case after a few decades?”

There are too many wrong cases in history, and Jiang Ningbao did not expect such a thing to happen to her father’s family.

It would be nice if the wrongs could be washed away.

Mrs. Jiang did not like her and her mother Yang, but she was okay with her father. If her father had rebelled against Mrs. Jiang, she would marry her mother, and Mrs. Jiang would not be dissatisfied with her father.

But when thinking of his brother’s future, Jiang Ningbao still can’t put all her hopes on Mrs. Jiang, and there are no impenetrable walls in the world.

Yang Shuqing, the heroine, has been watching.

Of course Jiang Ningbao cannot leave this hidden danger. Since the family of the grandfather and the grandfather are innocently affected, there is a chance of washing out the wrongs.

This needs the help of Ding Guo Gong.

Ding Guo Gong nodded slightly, and a smile appeared in his eyes: “Yes, I have already mentioned this to the emperor. The emperor decided to pardon the innocent officials and their descendants in the huge corruption case through the big marriage. The case was reversed.”

Jiang Ningbao was relieved, but she didn’t expect Ding Guogong to do so much for her when she didn’t know. Jiang Ningbao was touched and gave out a trace of sweetness. She couldn’t help holding Ding Guogong’s thin lips. Take a kiss.

“Grandpa, thank you!”

A flash of flame flashed through Ding Guogong’s eyes, a pair of iron arms snapped Jiang Ningbao in his arms, grabbed her red lips, and deepened the kiss.

After a lingering kiss, Jiang Ningbao’s cheeks were flushed and her eyes were faintly charming.

Ding Guogong thought of his wife’s pregnancy in her arms, and she suddenly suppressed the restlessness of her lower abdomen. She put a kiss on her face, her big hands lingered on her raised abdomen, and asked in a low voice.

“Ning Bao, did the kid make you trouble today?”

Since Dr. Chen confirmed that Jiang Ningbao was pregnant with twins, Ding Guogong’s heart for Jiang Ningbao’s growing hair, he would ask a few questions about it every day, for fear that she had a slight discomfort.

It’s heart-wrenching.

Jiang Ningbao shook her head, the blush on Qiao’s face faded, and there was a hint of worry: “The child is very good, but my appetite has become bigger. I have to eat several meals a day, and it will not take long for me to eat a big one. Fatty.”

Her face was originally a goose egg face, and now it is slowly becoming round.

It is conceivable that in a few months, she will be more mellow.

Ding Guogong looked at his young wife’s worried appearance, and she laughed dumbly, worried that the young wife would eat less in order not to become fat, and quickly said: “Ning Bao, even if you become a big fat man, it is also the most beautiful fat man.”

Jiang Ningbao: “…”

Ding Guogong’s wood, what is the most beautiful fat man, and where can the fat man be beautiful, Jiang Ningbao decided to wait until the child is born, and brew a medicinal wine that can lose weight.

Two days later, when Qiu Wei arrived, Jiang Ningbao put on a princess dress, and went to the examination room with Chun Xi and Huang Ma and Ding Guo Gong’s personal guard.

The carriage with the mark of Dingguo Government arrived at the open space in front of the examination room and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Here is at the foot of the emperor. There are many talents in the Beijing Middle School Entrance Examination, and there are many young talents. Jiang Jin is tall and handsome, and he is also very attractive among the young talents.

When Jiang Ningbao came over, he saw him at a glance.

Jiang Jin was also surrounded by aunt and a group of maidservants. When she saw Jiang Ningbao coming down from the carriage, the aunt gave her a blame and glared at her.

Jiang Jin also gave her sister a disapproval.

“Aunt, brother, you can rest assured that there are so many guards around me. It’s okay. I want to send my brother to the examination room in person. When the brother goes in, I will go back to the house.”

Jiang Ningbao raised a bright smile.

Jiang Jin looked at his sister’s rounded face and knew that his sister was very well served these days. He smiled helplessly: “You… This is not allowed in the future, the brother-in-law will be worried.”

Jiang Ningbao nodded quickly.

Several people talked together. Jiang Ningbao personally helped his elder brother to check the items he needed to bring, and found no omissions before letting go.

Jiang Jin looked at her sister’s behavior with amusement, and she was warm in her heart. When he tested his talents, his sister checked his items like this.

The bell struck and the examiner came out. The candidates were due to enter the examination room. All the candidates lined up for examination. Jiang Jin and sister-in-law said aloud and took their belongings to the queue.

When Jiang Jin entered the examination room, Jiang Ningbao and her aunt left, and came back after nine days.

During this period, Jiang Mingyao was married.

On the day of her marriage, Jiang Ningbao sent Zhao Guanjia and Chun Xi to pass by, and she raised the fetus in the house.

At the same time, Emperor Qian Yuan reversed the case of the huge corruption case decades ago, and the entire Dayue Dynasty was shaken.

Yang Shuqing, the reborn, panicked.

Obviously there was no such rebellion in the previous life, but this life happened. Could someone get the same chance as her again?

Mrs. Jiang’s heart is also not calm.

These Jiang Ningbao didn’t know. She was busy sending the treasurer in secret to send her grandfather’s family back to Beijing. If there were no accidents, she would not recognize her grandfather’s family in her life, but just take appropriate care in private.

Nine days later, Jiang Jin came out of the examination room. Compared with the haggard appearance of other people, he was radiant, standing tall, and Jiang Ningbao couldn’t help raising his mouth when he saw such a big brother.

After returning his elder brother to his house, the next step is to wait for the time to be released. Jiang Ningbao has confidence in his elder brother.

Sure enough, if her elder brother passed the test, she was still the first in the rural examination.

Hearing Ding Guogong said that the examiners for this examination included King Qin. If Jiang Jin’s answer was too good, he might not get the name of’Xie Yuan’.

Jiang Ningbao was speechless, and Yang Shuqing was really alive.

With the end of Qiu Wei, the weather gradually became colder, Yang Shuqing married King Qin, and became the concubine of King Qin.

Jiang Ningbao has been pregnant for five months and her belly is getting bigger and bigger, which can no longer be covered.

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