Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 187

Chapter 177 – Handicap Past Transactions

Leaving the immature kingdom of heaven, Pachidang even crossed the endless void and returned to his wizard tower.

In the still extremely simple room, Patch’s figure wearing a robe suddenly appeared along with a crack, but when his feet landed, the original white robe on his body instantly turned black, as if It’s dark night.

“I didn’t expect to have such a role in creating this demiplane. If it weren’t for this demiplane, I am afraid that Jehovah would not have been able to go to Asgard so easily, right?”

After his feet landed, Patch slowly sat down in front of the desk, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, forming an inexplicable smile.

The nine major countries talk about each other, but apart from Asgard, it is obviously extremely difficult for other countries to go to another country, and the earth is almost impossible.

Before Patch, if there was anyone on Earth who could lead to another country, that person would undoubtedly be the supreme venerable of Kama Taj—Mage Ancient One.

I don’t know how many years Gu Yi has lived. Although her strength is slightly inferior to that of Odin, she is also very likely to step into the forbidden field and reach the same level as Yahweh and the three gods of magic, and…

Gu Yi also served as the guardian of the earth for countless years, so he must have dealt with the nine major countries and Asgard a lot. She definitely knows the method or route to other countries without thinking about it. A lot of them.

And Jehovah can only adopt a tricky method without her way.

Pull the half-plane heaven from the earth to the surrounding area of Asgard, and keep it in the same dimensional world, that is to say, use the half-plane heaven to build a special transfer station.

In fact, when creating this half-plane before, Paqi didn’t expect that the independent half-plane in the void would have such an effect, but fortunately, it’s not too late for him to know now.

And precisely because of this special opportunity, Jehovah personally tested it once.

But these are not the most critical, there is only one issue that Paqi is most concerned about now, and that is…

The smile on Patch’s face hadn’t appeared for a few seconds before it quickly subsided, and at the same time, his deep voice sounded immediately.

“It’s just that even if Jehovah went to Asgard to meet Odin and learned about the hidden power of the earth, he probably wouldn’t be able to compromise with us easily. Odin has ruled the nine kingdoms for so long, so it’s obvious that he suddenly gave up. There is no possibility at all, if I want to completely control the earth or the nine countries, I must make a more perfect plan while accumulating strength.”

While talking, some haze suddenly rose between Patch’s brows and eyes, and he paused for a while before continuing to whisper to himself: “After all, that old guy Odin has the real secret of the World Tree in his hands. , and his strength… I’m afraid he is slightly stronger than Yahweh.”

Odin, the father of the gods in Asgard, who is somewhat stronger than Yahweh, no doubt, Patch’s troubles are now caused by him, or because of a series of influences he may bring.

He didn’t think too much about this issue, because Patch knew that it is better to show it with actual actions than to think too much, and the action he planned will come soon, when…

“I don’t know what kind of changes will happen to control the earth and even the entire nine countries?”

Patch didn’t know, and he didn’t want to think about it, because it would be clear when that day came.

Not long after, the sun outside the window was already in the middle of the sky, and Patch also walked from his room to the bottom of the tower along the spiral staircase.

Now Patch no longer needs to eat to replenish himself, so he came to the first floor of the tower not to taste the lunch prepared by Orianna, but because…

He wants to hear how the task he entrusted to Owen has been completed.

When they walked down the stairs, Owen and Elizabeth happened to be sitting at the long table eating the veal steak cooked by Orianna. into the mouth.

After Owen chewed and swallowed the steak in his mouth, and then wiped his greasy mouth with the napkin on his collar, he turned his head and looked at Patch.

When Owen’s eyes turned, Patch’s lips parted slightly, and a low voice sounded immediately.

“How is it? Owen, how is the work I told you going?”

As the sound sounded, Patch raised his eyelids slightly, and his questioning eyes fixed on Owen at the long table randomly.

“Master, don’t you still believe me? Of course I have completed all the things you told me?” Owen scratched his head lightly, then reached out to take off the tablecloth between the generals, and said with a smile.

“Of course I believe you, but if you let me know that you are playing sloppy with me, Owen, do you understand how you should be punished?” Patch nodded seriously, but when he talked about the latter, A weird smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

And Owen, who happened to see Patch’s smile, trembled and couldn’t help shivering, his smiling face drooped quickly.


Owen’s expression suddenly became flustered, his eyeballs twitched in his eyes, and it took more than ten seconds before he burst into crying at Patch.

“Master, I really can’t be blamed for the failure of this mission! I didn’t know that those guys from S.H.I.E.L.D. would have so many evil ideas!”

“In that case…”

Paqicai’s calm and breezy expression suddenly changed, his face quickly darkened, his eyes fixed on Owen instantly, and his gaze was as sharp as a knife, so that Owen couldn’t help but shuddered a few more times, ” Didn’t you get what I said?”

“Uh…Master, I really didn’t get that thing, but I have successfully completed another task you gave me!” Seeing Patch’s appearance like this, Owen didn’t dare to talk nonsense anymore, and hurriedly Things are said.

“Another mission?”

But after hearing what he said, Patch couldn’t help showing some doubts on his face, and asked in a puzzled voice: “Didn’t I just ask you to go to SHIELD to get that thing back? There is still something there.” What another mission?”

“No way? Master, how can you forget?”

Hearing this, Owen opened his mouth involuntarily, and shouted exaggeratedly: “Didn’t you tell me to keep Tony Stark safe when I got that thing? ?”


After being reminded by Owen, Patch thought about it for a while, and finally remembered what he said, but at this moment, Patch couldn’t help showing some doubts, and asked again: “But I remember that I was Doesn’t that seem to be the case with what I told you?”

“The task I gave you at the time should be to let you get that thing by all means, and if possible, go to protect Tony Stark’s safety by the way.”

“Ah…” Seeing Patch’s questioning gaze, Owen’s jaw almost fell to the ground, and he became speechless for a moment.

After a long time, Owen’s voice sounded slowly: “Master, you can’t blame me for this? You said it too hastily at the time, and I didn’t hear it clearly, so…”

But Owen’s explanation was interrupted by Patch’s hand before halfway through his explanation.

“All right.”

Patch couldn’t help rolling his eyes at Owen, and said aloud: “I think that bald guy from S.H.I.E.L.D. must have tricked you? Otherwise, why would you have completely forgotten the mission I gave you, and Protect Tony Stark…”

Well aware of this guy Owen’s bad habits, Patch couldn’t help but twitched slightly: “I guess if it wasn’t that woman from S.H.I.E.L.D. I went for a wave and forgot about you.”

“how is this possible…”

But after hearing Patch’s guess, Owen shook his head decisively, and said with a firm face: “Master, you must trust me! How could I be so easily confused by them? Really Because the enemy is too cunning, I can’t stand it!”


But Patch’s expression still didn’t change a bit, instead he sneered and sneered: “Owen, do you think I need to ask them for verification in person?”

Upon hearing this, Owen’s face immediately froze, he was stunned, and suddenly lowered his head.

“Okay! Master, I admit it.”

Owen looked hopeless, extremely frustrated, and said angrily: “I was indeed captured by their means, but I still got some news about that Rubik’s Cube…”

“Okay, you don’t need to talk nonsense anymore.”

Without giving Owen a chance to explain, Patch pointed at the back with a cold face, and opened his mouth and said: “Go and accept the punishment yourself! The stairs are there, don’t let me take you there?”

Hearing this, Owen finally stared at Patch with pleading eyes for a while. After seeing that he didn’t change his mind at all, he reluctantly stood up from the chair and walked towards the spiral He walked up the stairs, but his face was full of despair.

Watching Owen ascend the stairs, Patch slowly turned his head until the void fog on the upper floor completely covered his figure.

“Although it is punishment, it is also a way to train him. After all, Owen is the only one of my men who can continue to grow. Otherwise, when the real crisis comes, he will definitely not be able to help me with his current strength. “

Sitting on the main seat in front of the long table, Patch, who had just turned his head, couldn’t help but frowned slightly, “It’s just that I should think of a way to change this guy’s lustful problem?”

I don’t know if there is something wrong with the body of the panic demon that Mephitos gave him or there was some omission in the process of creating Owen, which caused Owen, the so-called demon knight, to have a fatal flaw, that is, this guy no matter what he saw Any woman is like a bull in heat who has met a mating partner, completely uncontrollable.

The reason Patch was impressed by his flaw was all because of something that happened on other planets in the Galactic Void.

And even thinking about that matter now, Patch feels terrible in his heart.

There are many living planets in the universe besides the earth. Although the current earth cannot touch them, Patch can go to any planet through his ability, even Patch who has not awakened his own power before. exception.

On alien planets, apart from intelligent life similar to humans on Earth, there are also many strange races, such as those with blue skin, red skin, and golden skin.

Of course, these are still acceptable to Patch. Although he can’t tell whether these strange-skinned people are beautiful or ugly, at least these people are acceptable to Patch.

And the appearance of some special races made Paqi unable to bear to look directly at them, like murlocs, multi-toothed races, etc…

But this guy Owen has such a heavy taste. During the years when Patch and his party wandered the galaxy, this guy even had **** with women from these races more than once, and this guy actually felt good afterwards. Sometimes it also shows the feeling of intoxication.

Just imagine, a murloc woman with gills behind her ears and chin, webbed hands and feet, and a slimy body, and… a multi-toothed woman with layers of sharp teeth in her open mouth.

(For the above races, please refer to “Guardians of the Galaxy”, which are more or less introduced. Please make up your own brain for the specific situation)

For such a woman, Owen, this guy can actually talk about it, so in this regard, Patch also has to wonder whether this guy Owen’s aesthetics has completely collapsed, or… for some other reason.

But the facts show that Owen himself thinks that normal women on earth are more in line with his taste than those women of alien races. UU Reading


Thinking about it, Patch couldn’t help feeling a sudden churning in his stomach, followed by a nauseating feeling.


Shaking his head violently, Patch took a deep breath and tried to get rid of those images in his mind, “I can’t think about it anymore…”

After several minutes, Patch, who had been taking a deep breath, completely turned his brain circuit back, and when his emotions returned to calm, the unspeakable nausea was slightly reduced.

But another thought that followed quickly occupied his mind.

“That guy Owen said just now that he went to protect Tony Stark for a while? If this is the case, then it means that the flogging thing should have happened. If he hadn’t been mentioned today, I’m afraid I would have forgotten the relationship with him.” The second transaction…”

Patch’s eyes suddenly glowed, “It’s just that Tony should have gained a lot, right?”

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