Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 204

Chapter 190 – Loki

Nick Fury, who was taking a helicopter to the “Universal Rubik’s Cube” experimental base, received an urgent message from Coulson on the way.

After getting off the plane with Agent Hill, facing Coulson who was walking towards him, Nick Fury quickly asked, “Coulson, how bad is it now?”

Taking off his sunglasses, Coulson frowned slightly and responded, “Sir, the worst thing is that we don’t know the situation right now.”

“Go to the underground base immediately.”

Nick Fury’s expression didn’t change much, he just said something to Coulson and Hill beside him, and then walked towards the elevator leading to the underground base.

The elevator descended rapidly. As soon as he walked out of the elevator door, Coulson, who received the latest message, quickly reported the latest situation to Nick Fury:

“Sir, a few hours ago, Dr. Silvig detected a powerful energy emitted by the Rubik’s Cube, but the space agency did not let the doctor conduct the experiment. The doctor was still in the room at that time. This energy was automatically triggered by the Rubik’s Cube.”

Several people continued to walk forward, Nick Fury pondered for a few seconds, and opened his mouth to ask: “What level is this energy at now?”

“The energy emitted by the Rubik’s Cube is still rising. After we confirmed that the doctor could not close it, we ordered all personnel to evacuate.” Coulson responded quickly.

“How long will it take for all personnel to evacuate?” Nick Fury asked.

“It should be cleared in half an hour.”

“Be sure to hurry up, it’s best not to cause any casualties.” Hearing this, Nick Fury suddenly turned his head and stared.

“Yes, sir.”

After getting the order, Coulson nodded with a serious face, then turned and left.

But while walking down the spiral staircase with Nick Fury, Hill voiced a different opinion.

I saw her frowning and looking at Nick Fury, and said quickly: “Sir, I think it may not be very useful to evacuate now. If you can’t control that energy, I think no matter where you put the Rubik’s Cube It’s useless.”

“All personnel must be evacuated as soon as possible. I have asked Coulson to do this, and I want you to ensure that the second-stage prototype of the Rubik’s Cube can be transferred safely.” Nick Fury turned his head to the side and finished speaking, and then continued step forward.

“Sir, now doesn’t seem like the time to think about these things?”

But this time Nick Fury didn’t answer Hill’s question, he still walked forward, until he reached the stairs of the high platform of the laboratory, he suddenly turned around, stared at Hill with one eye, and said in a deep voice:

“Hill, unless the earth is destroyed, our work must continue. Check the relevant items immediately. I want to ensure that every prototype can be transferred safely and without errors.”

After saying this, Nick Fury immediately continued to walk up to the experimental high platform, and walked towards Dr. Silvig who was deploying the machine.

And Agent Hill paused for a while, then frowned and turned to walk in another direction.

Walking to Dr. Silvig who was testing and deploying the machine, Nick Fury learned some basic information from him, and then handed over Agent Patton who was standing on the high platform of the base.

Seeing him approaching, Nick Fury hurriedly asked, “Barton, did you see what activated the Rubik’s Cube?”

“It was not activated by anything. Dr. Silvig has not done anything to the Rubik’s Cube, and it has not sent any messages. I think even if there is a problem, it will not come from our side.”

Walking to the side of the machine where the Rubik’s Cube was placed, Barton pointed to the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube not far away, and responded aloud.

“Not our side? What do you mean?” Nick Fury was slightly confused.

Turning his head to stare at Nick Fury, Barton responded slowly: “Sir, you should know that the Rubik’s Cube is the communication point on the other side of the universe, or to put it simply, this thing is a two-way portal, and this portal apart from us This side, the other side should also be openable.”

After listening to Agent Button’s explanation, Nick Fury couldn’t help turning his gaze to the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube a few meters in front of him again, placed in the center of the machine.

But just when his and Barton’s eyes touched the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, the octahedron Rubik’s cube in the center of the machine suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of energy was transmitted to the entire base through the Rubik’s Cube, causing everyone in the base to feel the ground shaking violently.

“what happened?”

Nick Fury shouted loudly, but no one answered his words, because the energy emanating from the Rubik’s Cube suddenly gathered together, condensed into a vortex, and suddenly shot a light blue energy beam towards the front .

But when the beam of energy light shot out more than ten meters away, it spread out suddenly, forming an oval shape similar to a portal.

Everyone couldn’t help looking at the teleportation at the other end of the energy beam, but that portal-like thing seemed to be due to the sharp increase in energy emitted by the Rubik’s Cube, and suddenly spewed out all around.

But the energy shock wave radiated to the surroundings was not as powerful as imagined. Everyone just staggered slightly, and then stood firm again.

However, after standing still, everyone present couldn’t help looking towards the place just now, and there, a young man who was crouching on the ground suddenly appeared there.

The young man wears a horned helmet on his head, wears gorgeous ancient Nordic costumes, and holds a uniquely shaped spear in his hand.

When the young man stood up slowly, Nick Fury quickly shouted to him: “Sir, please put down your spear.”

The man didn’t respond aloud, just smiled wildly and evilly, and raised the spear in his hand.

Seeing the man’s movements, the special forces soldier who walked over slowly pulled the trigger of the submachine gun in his hand without hesitation.

“Bang bang…” “Bang bang…”

A series of bullets fired.

But under everyone’s amazed eyes, the bullets flew off immediately after touching the man, and the man… was not affected at all.

Although it did not cause any harm to the man, the man suddenly became angry after seeing the little heat left by the bullet on his chest.

“Humble mortal…”

Roaring these words, the man pointed the spear in his hand at a special forces soldier holding a gun, and a light blue beam shot out instantly, knocking the soldier away.

Afterwards, the special forces members pulled the trigger one after another, and the man used the spear in his hand to knock and kill these agents continuously.

In less than two minutes, the laboratory where the man shot indiscriminately was already in disrepair, and there were only a few dozens of agents and researchers left.

While the man was holding a spear and didn’t know what he was doing to the remaining agents, Nick Fury quickly removed the Rubik’s Cube from the machine and packed it into a box.

But just as he was about to turn around and evacuate, the young man’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Put down that box, if you don’t want to die.” The young man turned his head to look at Nick Fury who froze, and said coldly.

“Is it necessary to be so nervous?” Nick Fury, who was stiff, turned his head slightly and said.

“Of course it is I ran all the way here just for the things inside.”

Hearing the man’s words, Nick Fury turned around slowly, keeping one eye on the handsome man in front of him.

But at this time, the man suddenly stared at Nick Fury and introduced himself: “My name is Loki, I come from Asgard, and I shoulder a mission that you can’t imagine.”


Hearing this name, Dr. Silvig, who slowly got up on the other side, looked at the handsome man in surprise, and asked, “Are you Thor’s brother?”

Loki glanced at Dr. Silver, his eyes were slightly strange, but before he could say anything, Nick Fury’s voice sounded again.

He suddenly stretched out a hand, put on defense against Loki, frowned and said, “We have no grievances with you.”

Loki sneered, turned to Nick Fury and said, “The ants and your shoes have no enmity.”

As soon as the words fell, Loki turned his head and said to the Patton agent who was under control beside him: “Okay, kill him, and we will leave with the Rubik’s Cube.”

After getting the order, Barton quickly pulled out his pistol and shot Nick Fury in the chest.

Without looking at the “dead man”, Loki immediately walked towards the stairs leading to the upper floor, and after Barton lifted the box containing the Rubik’s Cube, he followed Loki out with other controlled agents.

But after they left, Nick Fury, who fell on the ground, stood up with a painful expression on his face. He put his hands on his chest and stumbled up the stairs. At the same time, he picked up the pager on his waist and found the signal of Agent Hill. said:

“Hill, can you hear that? Barton has betrayed!”

“They stole the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, hurry up and stop them!”

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