Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 208

Chapter 194 – Start Of Panic

A human face!

A huge human face!

When New York and the surrounding sky were completely covered by this mottled darkness, only a small half of this huge human face protruded from the darkness.

Even if it was just like this, everyone felt the great terror and shock in their hearts. This huge human face looks extremely weird, half of the face in front of people is covered with criss-cross and uneven lines, just like rocks on a barren mountain, hard, cold,

And under the forehead of this half head are two huge purple eyes, with a dark light blooming in the purple eyes, when they glanced at the city below, Thor, Tony… and everyone around couldn’t help but I felt my body suddenly stiff, and an unspeakable fear crept into my heart.

“This… what kind of monster is this?”

Looking up at this huge human face, Tony in the steel armor couldn’t help opening his mouth halfway, and asked in amazement after a long pause.


Rogers, Natasha, and Button heard Tony’s voice in their headsets at the same time, but they were stunned and unable to speak while their minds were in shock.

Everyone was frightened by the sight in the sky. Although the Chitauri army was equally strong before, they still had the confidence to fight to the death against them all, but now this is just half a face. Monsters bigger than all of New York City, they…

It’s really hard to give up half of the confidence to fight with them. Now what they have in their hearts is… boundless fear and despair!

On the other side, on the top floor of the dilapidated Stark Building, Loki was standing on the edge of the balcony, watching the gradually spreading darkness in the sky and the sudden appearance of this huge human face, he couldn’t help but suddenly opened his eyes wide.

“Dormammu, how is it possible? How could he appear here?”

Whispering as if in a daze, Loki suddenly bent his legs and fell straight to his knees on the ground. Looking at the countless Zita Swiss soldiers lying on the ground below, he screamed in a hideous voice: “No…”

Loki’s voice was extremely shrill, but no one heard his roar, and Dormammu in the sky naturally wouldn’t notice this tiny reptile.

Nick Fury and Hill were standing in the lobby of the main control room on the aerospace aircraft carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. At this moment, both of their gazes were cast on the giant face above at the same time. It’s panic and fear.

“Sir, the members of the Security Council…” Hill couldn’t help reminding when he saw several members of the Security Council shouting something on the screen in front of Nick Fury.

It’s just that before she finished speaking, she heard Nick Fury suddenly murmur.

“The Chitauri have not yet left and yet another terrifying monster has come, we… can we really still win?” Nick Fury said softly with one eye fixed on the face in the sky, with a dazed expression. It’s just that he doesn’t know whether he said these words for others to hear, or for himself.

After hearing his words, Hill on the side didn’t say anything, but lowered his head solemnly.

But when everyone was stunned and silent, Thor’s voice suddenly came from everyone’s earphones.

“Dormammu, this huge monster in the sky is Dormammu.”

Everyone who heard the voice couldn’t help shaking their bodies, and quickly cheered up. At this time, Rogers’ question came from the headset.

“Dormammu? Thor, what the **** is this Dormammu?”

On a dilapidated high-rise building, Thor tightened the headset he just took from an agent, and quickly responded: “Dormammu is the master of the dark dimension, and in the dark dimension, he is the supreme god. Relying on the dark dimension to continuously devour other worlds and planets to strengthen himself, he was already the world destroyer who frightened everyone in the universe a long time ago, but I don’t know why he came to the earth at this time.”

“Then how powerful is he?” Tony followed up and asked.

“He is the supreme existence standing at the top of the entire universe. Even my father may not be able to resist him. If Dormammu really wants to swallow the earth, I am afraid that not many people in the entire universe can stop him ’” Thor replied in a deep voice.

“Then we really have to wait to die?” Rogers and Natasha asked together.

“If there are no accidents, we may…”

Looking up at the sky, Thor frowned tightly, and responded with a heavy tone: “I really can only wait to die.”

silent, silent…

After hearing Thor’s words, Tony, Rogers, Nick Fury and…all those who heard the answer fell silent, no one spoke, not even…no sound at all.

Everyone looked up at the mottled darkness that gradually spread in the sky and the giant head that had been fully displayed. Everyone’s eyes were full of despair.

The enemy this time made it difficult for them to raise the slightest desire to resist, and even if they wanted to resist, they couldn’t find a way to resist.

cold, silent…

When the mottled dark world will spread to most of the sky, countless people feel the sudden silence around them, and it seems that even the temperature has dropped by more than ten degrees out of thin air.

Every city, every village, every person staying in the room came out one after another, looking up at the sky.

The invisible panic began to spread in everyone’s heart…

Suddenly, the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were in silence heard Nick Fury’s shout.

“Stark, Thor, Rogers… all of you evacuate quickly, the World Security Council just issued an order to launch a nuclear bomb at the guy in the sky, and the nuclear bomb will arrive in two minutes, you…”

But before Nick Fury finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted by Thor.

On the tall building like ruins, Thor shook his head feebly, and said in an instant: “It’s useless, Dormammu is an eternal and immortal existence, UU Reading In the dark dimension, he is the master of everything , even if the nuclear bombs on the earth are powerful, they will lose their effect immediately when they reach the dark dimension.”

As if to prove Thor’s words, I saw a missile dragging a long tracer towards the huge head in the sky, but just as the missile carrying the nuclear warhead was about to fall on the giant head, , Dormammu in the sky also seemed to notice something.

A big mouth suddenly opened, the mouth like a black hole completely swallowed the nuclear bomb that hadn’t arrived yet, but…

Ten seconds…twenty seconds…one minute, the expected sound of the nuclear explosion did not sound. When the nuclear bomb was swallowed by Dormammu, it was like sinking into the sea, without stirring up any waves at all.

“Really…it doesn’t work at all!” Tony, who was wearing steel armor hanging in the air, couldn’t help but start to tremble.

Nick Fury on the aerospace aircraft carrier suddenly slammed the control screen in front of him, clenched his fists, and growled inexplicably in grief: “Even nuclear bombs are useless, is the earth…really hopeless?” ?”

“It’s really hopeless…”

Nick Fury’s words sounded in the ears of several people, Tony, Thor, Hulk, Rogers…they seem to be completely desperate now.

Several people lowered their heads one after another, and sighed in muffled voices…

But at this moment, Natasha’s voice suddenly sounded again, “Look, what is that?”

Rogers and Barton, who were standing beside Natasha, couldn’t help turning their heads to look at her, only to see that she was pointing to the sky in great surprise.


Rogers said something in a low voice, and everyone couldn’t help but quickly raised their heads and looked towards the sky again.

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