Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 211

~ Explain 1

First, the chapter name of the chapter just now was accidentally typed wrong. It should be Chapter 196. I thought 196 in my heart, but when I typed it out, it became 197, and I can’t change it. The author is very desperate. … woo woo…

Second, Xiao Ge’s new book has been released. The title of the book is “A Certain Master God’s Super God Marvel”. I hope that old book lovers can click to collect it in the past. If there are remaining recommendation votes, please vote for the new book. Thank you Yes, okay.

Third, since the new book has been released, everyone should be able to see that the book is coming to an end. Although Xiao Ge’s update is relatively weak, he still keeps updating it every day. At the end of this book, Xiao Ge hopes to write as well as possible. Leave too many regrets (because there are enough regrets). 8)

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