Marvel Daily of a Lord God

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 – Us Military Base

“Orianna? Cullens?”

Leaning against the door, Patch watched Coulson and Orianna get into the car and drive away, an inexplicable smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“With them, I think this trip to Afghanistan will definitely be interesting.”

After saying these words alone in his heart, Patch immediately stood up, turned around and closed the door, and returned to the house.

A few hours later, Coulson took Orianna back to the director’s office at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

As soon as he entered, Coulson walked quickly to the front of the desk, met Nick Fury’s gaze looking up at him, and pointed to Orianna who was wearing a black cloak and introduced him to Nick Fury.

“Sir, this is Orianna, Mr. Meiwes’ squire.”

Listening to Coulson’s introduction, Nick Fury then turned his gaze to Orianna who was wrapped in a black cloak.

After carefully looking up and down Orianna for a while, Nick Fury didn’t seem to see anything special about her fragile body, and couldn’t help but pouted and asked Coulson: “Colson, can she really Okay? You know, the guys who kidnapped Tony Stark were all fanatical terrorists.”

“Sir, you don’t have to worry. I have personally experienced Orianna’s strength, and I think that group of terrorists should have no possibility of harming her.”

Hearing Nick Fury’s question, Coulson smiled silently, and then explained to him aloud.

However, Coulson’s explanation obviously did not convince Nick Fury. After glancing at Orianna, Nick Fury couldn’t help but doubt again: “But I didn’t see her strength at all? Maiwes that Is the guy really fooling me?”

“Sir, you really worry too much…”

Seeing Nick Fury’s expression, Coulson couldn’t help crying and laughing, but just as he was about to explain aloud, he was interrupted by a burst of electronic synthesis.

“Human, you seem to be questioning my master’s judgment and my strength?”

Lifting off the cloak on her body and letting it float aside, Orianna’s blue eyes suddenly lit up, and she leaned forward slightly, staring fixedly at Nick Fury, who was sitting on the office chair.

Meeting Orianna’s gaze, Nick Fury immediately saw her metallic silver clothing and ten slender fingers that were as sharp as knives, feeling the chilling murderous intent penetrating from Orianna’s body Finally, I couldn’t help shivering.

Coulson standing next to her could feel the bitter chill emanating from Orianna, but Coulson would not be as presumptuous as Nick Fury, he had personally experienced Orianna’s horror before. So he will never have any doubts about Orianna’s strength.

It’s just that Nick Fury’s words just now have obviously angered Orianna, enduring the bursts of chills emanating from Orianna, Coulson’s forehead was covered with countless tiny beads of sweat, and he hurriedly called out to her. explained.

“Oliana, our director definitely didn’t mean that. He just didn’t know you well and was a little confused.”

Hearing Coulson’s words, Orianna turned her head and glanced at him, then turned her gaze to Nick Fury, took a few steps forward in an instant, and put her hands on the table, making a trembling sound. The synthesized voice asked him, “Is what he said true?”

“When…of course it is true.”

Seeing Orianna’s gaze towards him, Nick Fury couldn’t help turning his head slightly to dodge. At the same time, his hands on his lap couldn’t help shaking, and he quickly opened his mouth to respond.

After hearing Nick Fury’s answer, Orianna’s eyes staring at him flickered slightly, and she slowly closed her hands on the table, stepped back a few steps, and returned to Coulson. Standing still.

“That’s good, I just hope you don’t say anything disrespectful to my master in the future.” After standing up straight, Orianna’s electronically synthesized voice sounded again.

“Okay, Orianna, our chief doesn’t mean any disrespect, and don’t worry, we won’t question you or Mr. Meiwes in the future.” He breathed a sigh of relief, and Coulson said with a sigh of relief. Said.

Turning to look at Coulson, Orianna nodded without speaking.

After seeing Orianna being silent, Coulson immediately looked at Nick Fury, who was sitting stiff in the office chair, and said aloud: “Sir, I think Orianna sent by Mr. Meiwes should be able to help us successfully rescue Back to Tony Stark, if there is nothing wrong, we will arrange personnel to prepare for departure immediately.”

“Okay! Now I also believe in Orianna’s ability.”

Glancing at Orianna, Nick Fury nodded, and said to Coulson aloud: “Colson, go and prepare, the sooner the better, we can no longer delay.”

“Okay, sir.” Coulson nodded in response, then turned and walked out the door.

Orianna picked up the black cloak floating in mid-air, wrapped it around her body, and left behind Coulson.

After the two gradually went away, and only Nick Fury was left in the huge office, his stiff body suddenly collapsed.

The tense body instantly relaxed, and Nick Fury seemed to feel a sense of loss of strength. He took a deep breath, looked at the door where Coulson and Orianna left with one eye, and secretly sighed in his heart.

“Sure enough, this Mr. Meiwes is not the only one. From now on, even the guys around him are not simple things!”

That night Orianna followed Coulson onto the plane arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D. and embarked on the flight to Afghanistan.

After boarding and sitting on the plane, Orianna didn’t feel anything, but Coulson, who boarded the plane with her, felt that the atmosphere in the cabin was slightly wrong.

A pair of eyes scanned all the field personnel in the cabin, and Coulson immediately discovered the symptoms.

Dozens of field agents in the cabin all set their eyes on Orianna who was wrapped in a black cloak, and many people’s eyes stayed on the silver metal ball suspended above her head.

All the field agents were extremely curious about this mysterious stranger, Orianna, but no one asked aloud.

Since no one asked, Coulson was also happy and relaxed. Instead of caring about other people’s curious eyes on Orianna, he closed his eyes and began to recharge his batteries.

After all, it won’t be long before they face the group of terrorists who kidnapped Tony Stark, and it won’t be an easy mission.

A few hours passed in a flash, and it wasn’t until the next morning when the sky was slightly white that the S.H.I.E.L.D. plane landed smoothly at a small airport in a US military base in Afghanistan.

“Orianna, let’s get off the plane and get ready. Soon we will join forces with the military to launch a full-scale search and rescue mission. When the time comes, you can use your ability to assist us.”

After all other field agents got off the plane, Coulson and Orianna slowly got off the plane. As they walked, Coulson reminded Orianna of their upcoming mission.

“Okay, but…”

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