Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Open The First Pass

This strange virtual panel appeared inexplicably on the first day he was reborn in this world.

And only he can see it.

After so many years of research and introduction on the panel, he has almost figured out the general purpose of this panel.

First of all, as long as he does good deeds, this panel will accumulate little red stars for him, and when the little red stars accumulate to 5,000, they can exchange special wizard blood for him, and then send him to a parallel world to learn magic.

And according to the introduction on the panel, when he went to the parallel world to learn magic, the time in the main world he was in would also enter a static state.

Over the years, Jerry has been working hard to do some good things within his capacity, such as helping grandma cross the road, helping neighbors with inconvenient legs to take out the garbage, beating up classmates who like to bully others, taking the initiative to take on some housework and so on.

In addition, because of the soul of an adult, his studies in school are naturally among the best.

Therefore, no matter in the eyes of relatives at home, neighbors around, or teachers at school, he is a very good and exemplary child, and he is also commonly referred to as a child of other people’s homes.

And he also found that although this panel will reward Little Red Star for good deeds, if he does bad deeds, there is no punishment.

For example, stealing things, robbing children’s lollipops, etc., the panel will not deduct his little red star because of this.


Looking at the number of Little Red Stars he had accumulated on the panel at this time, Jerry took a deep breath and clicked the exchange button next to it.

In fact, as early as half a year ago, he had accumulated enough little red stars, which could be exchanged for the blood of a wizard and entered a parallel small world.

But he has been hesitant to exchange.

Because it is written on the panel that if he dies in the parallel world, he will also die in the main world, and if he is injured in the parallel world, his body will also be injured when he returns.

Now the family he belongs to is not rich, but it is also petty bourgeoisie.

In addition, he can be considered a lifelong life, study hard, and his living standard in the future will not be too bad. Is it really necessary to go to an unknown wizarding world to take risks?

Compared with the thrilling adventure, Jerry actually prefers a peaceful and stable life in his heart.

His dream in his previous life was to have a car and a house, to have a gentle and considerate wife, to have hot dishes after get off work, to travel with his wife and children during the holidays, not to be rich or famous, but to be peaceful An An, happy family.

Unfortunately, those are not easy things for a child who came out of the countryside, until he died unexpectedly in a previous life, he did not save enough money for the down payment.

But now, he has determined that the world he is in is the dangerous Marvel world.

And the roar of the submachine gun next to him made him understand that if he didn’t master some of his own power, then he and his family in this life would be really unsafe.

Although Jerry likes a quiet life, it does not mean that he is not bloody.

“Confirm the exchange of wizard blood, and start implanting…”

“The implantation was successful, and the parallel small world began to be extracted…”

“Successfully extracted into the parallel small world of “Harry Potter” and began to implant identities…”

“Identity implantation is successful, start to enter…”

“The experience time of entering the small world for the first time is one month. If you need to continue the experience in the future, please exchange the time with Little Red Star!”

As lines of words appeared on the panel, Jerry found that the world he was in seemed to have entered a state of stillness in an instant, while his eyes went black and he gradually lost consciousness.


1991, August 1st.

In an orphanage in the town of Winton, Surrey, London, a brown-haired boy slowly sat up from the bed.

“I didn’t expect it to be the world of “Harry Potter”. Fortunately, I have seen all the movies in this series!”

The little boy rubbed his temples, which were still a little dizzy, and let out a long sigh of relief.

He originally thought he would go to a strange magical world, but he didn’t expect it to be the world of “Harry Potter”, which made Jerry feel a little more joyful.

Although his memory of many details has been blurred due to the long time, he still has an impression of the general plot direction.

In this world, as long as he stayed away from the Iron-headed trio, at least until Voldemort was resurrected, he was still very safe.

And Voldemort’s resurrection should be four or five years away from this time.

Feeling that his head was not so dizzy, Jerry began to sort out some information about his identity in this world that was now instilled in his mind.

He is also called Jerry Carmen in this world, but he has no family and is an orphan called Edward Orphanage.

Some other information is a brief introduction about the staff of this orphanage and some orphans, and then there is no more.

“Let’s get acquainted with the environment first!”

After putting on his shoes and clothes, Jerry was about to push the door to leave the room when there was a sudden “ding-ding” sound from the window.

Turning his head, he saw a gray long-eared owl with a letter in its mouth, tapping its claws against the closed window.

“Could it be that it’s coming so soon!”

Jerry quickly turned to the window, opened the window and let the owl in.

The owl flew into the house, put the envelope on the table, and gave Jerry a cry, as if to ask for something to eat.

Jerry looked around, then took out his pocket and shrugged at the owl with an embarrassed yet polite smile.

When the owl saw this, it chirped at Jerry again, as if to say “bad luck”, then spread its wings and flew away from the window.


Unexpectedly, on the first day I came here, I was despised by an owl.

Helplessly shook his head, UU reading www. Jerry stepped forward and picked up the letter lying on the table.

The material of the envelope is not ordinary double-adhesive paper, but is made of parchment paper that is relatively retro, and on the front of the envelope is a few lines written in a strange emerald green color:

Recipient: Jerry Carmen

Address: Mr. Jerry Carmen, Second Floor, Edward Orphanage, Wynton Township, Surrey.

Open the back again, and a familiar wax seal is on it.

There is a pattern on the top of the wax seal, with a large letter “H” in the middle, and around the letter is a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

Open the envelope, revealing two pieces of parchment, one for the first-year Hogwarts freshman, all the books and necessities that need to be purchased, as well as precautions.

The other is relative to the official Hogwarts acceptance letter:

“Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International Confederation of Wizards, First Class Great Magician of the Merlin Order, Chief Magician of Wizengamore)

Dear Mr. Jerry Carmen:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and enclose a list of required books and equipment

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1st. I will visit the Edward Orphanage in person at 9:00 tomorrow morning and get back your reply.


Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall”

Putting away the acceptance letter from Hogwarts, Jerry murmured to himself:

“Also, if you start early, you can go to Diagon Alley to buy magic books and learn magic, so that when you go back in a month, you can get rid of those robbers with guns!”


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