Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 55

Chapter 56 Fury’S Decision


“Don’t get excited, you should know that as a national security unit, some things are not dangerous if you say there is no danger. At least you should let us know you. Only by knowing you can we make judgments!”

Hill comforted and persuaded.

Jerry took out his wand and pointed at the rat passing by, and a magic light shot out, instantly turning it into a stone.

“I will not tell you my true identity. I have seen many movies, and once a state unit like yours knows my true identity, it will lock me up and dissect me like an alien.

And don’t try to arrest me forcibly, my magic is not vegetarian, don’t blame me for turning you all into stones, or into pigs! ”

Jerry’s current magical ability is certainly not capable of turning people into pigs, but during this time he has gained a deeper understanding of the cross-species transformation of Transfiguration.

It’s no problem to turn small animals like mice into other objects of similar size.

The transformation and deformation of the same substance, as long as it is not too large, is not difficult for Jerry, and now he is attacking the transformation and deformation of cross species.

The reason why I say this is to increase some deterrence, and by the way, reflect my own particularity.

Hill looked at the living mouse on the ground, which was turned into a stone, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Originally, in her eyes, Jerry was just a child who could fly on a broom and could gain supernatural abilities. Although such a child had some abilities, she did not take it seriously.

Because things like flying and immobilizing are nothing, many high-tech weapons of S.H.I.E.L.D. can do it.

The antique car of her colleague, Agent Coulson, Laura, is equipped with an advanced flame-throwing device, and it can fly much faster than the little wizard’s broom.

But turning a living rat into stone, and Jerry’s mouth turning a man into a pig, is beyond science.

At least SHIELD’s current technology can’t do that.

Jerry’s level of danger in her eyes suddenly increased several times.

Of course, the value has also increased several times.

At the same time, she also sighed in her heart that these unscrupulous movies killed people, otherwise the other party would not be so vigilant.

However, after thinking about it for a while, what the other party said is not alarmist. As a senior senior agent, she knows many dark places in this country.

In particular, many politicians only have interests in their eyes, and they are indeed not worthy of trust.

“Okay, we don’t have to go into your real identity, but I want to ask you, why do you insist on doing good things, do you think it’s cool, or is there any other reason!”

Hearing this, Jerry lowered his head,

Since he was wearing a mask, Hill couldn’t see his expression, but he felt that the other party seemed to be in a low mood.

Using the fine control of the muscles of the body in the Superman mode, Jerry pondered for a while, slowly raised his head, his eyes were slightly red, and replied word by word:

“Because there was once a man who told me: with great power comes great responsibility!”

“With great power comes great responsibility!”

Hearing Jerry’s answer, Hill couldn’t help but froze and repeated it in a murmur.

“Okay, I understand. I will report your situation truthfully. As long as you don’t use your ability to commit crimes, we won’t do anything to you again. Come here today!”

Hill gave Jerry a serious look, turned and left the warehouse.


“Just like this, you didn’t invite me to join S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

Seeing Hill leave decisively, a surprised look appeared on Jerry’s face.

Originally, he thought that Agent Hill was here to recruit him on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., but he didn’t expect it to be the case.

But after thinking about it carefully, it was actually said in the past.

After all, Little Spider wandered in Queens for a long time, and S.H.I.E.L.D. did not recruit him. Later, I heard that it was because of special circumstances that Iron Man went to recruit him and became a temporary worker.

Perhaps in the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D., he is still just a child, even if he can do some magic, but unless there are special circumstances, they will not use child labor.

Maybe this time I really just wanted to find out his true identity.

It’s just that he’s not as big as the little spider. He swayed around the city with his spider silk. After shaking, he went home directly through the window of his room, and his identity was already known by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hence this contact.

In fact, Jerry felt relieved after such a result.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. definitely has many opportunities to earn a lot of red stars, it is also very dangerous.

Although Fury is the director, he is also subject to the restraint of politicians at the highest level of the government, and those politicians are few good things.

Therefore, Jerry never wanted to join S.H.I.E.L.D., he could at most accept cooperation, that kind of cooperation of equivalent exchange.

The key is that his strength is still too low.

You know, now he hasn’t even gone to Hell’s Kitchen.

Even if he has a broom, he can still have a lot of attack magic, but if he is attacked by a random gun, he will still need GG.

And the criminals in Hell’s Kitchen have a lot of heavy weapons in their hands.

Therefore, in the process of talking just now, he deliberately used the words of Uncle Spider in his previous life to mislead the Agent Hill and let the other party have a good judgment. UU Reading First leave a good impression .

It’s best that S.H.I.E.L.D. treat him like a spider.

After he developed a few waves, his strength became stronger, and he returned to Hogwarts after he learned important spells such as Iron Armor, Disarming, Apparition, and Disillusionment.

Go and cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D., and find opportunities to get in touch with some larger dangerous events, so as to earn more red stars.

After temporarily stopping the brainstorming, Jerry also left the abandoned warehouse on his broomstick.

Now that they are all out, they must patrol the Queens District again and look for opportunities to earn Little Red Stars. Yesterday was already delayed for a day, and today cannot be delayed any more.

There are not many days until the end of the cooldown for him to enter the small world.

He wants to earn enough Little Red Stars as much as possible before entering the small world next time, so that he can stay at Hogwarts longer, learn more magic, and improve his magic power.

If he remembered correctly, the interval between the appearance of Iron Man and the Avengers was not very long.

When a large number of aliens invade New York, it will be a good opportunity to obtain a large number of Little Red Stars, but if you are not strong enough, let alone Little Red Stars, your little life may not be preserved.

At the same time, the New York base of SHIELD,

Hill, who returned to the base, also passed on the content of the meeting with Jerry and his assessment of Jerry to Nick Fury at the Washington headquarters.

After receiving the report, Fury gave the order to temporarily put aside the investigation of the identity of the wizard and focus on the monitoring of Greyburn College.

Obviously, compared to the wizard who is still a child, the super destructive Dr. Banner is too dangerous.


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