Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 58

Chapter 59 Witcher Wars Hate Chapter 1


Jerry knew something terrible was about to happen as soon as he saw the large army showing up.

Because even if it is a terrorist attack, there is no need to dispatch tanks and armored vehicles in this urban area.

At the same time, this also means that there may be a large number of small red stars on the horizon.

Zhengchou’s cooldown is about to end soon, and his Little Red Star reserves are not enough, so this opportunity arose.

Originally, he wanted to stay with Haas to observe and observe, but in the situation just now, for whatever reason he was terrified, Haas would never let him stay, so he could only follow Mr. Bailey into the car and leave.

It wasn’t until now that Mr. Bailey stopped, he found an opportunity to secretly take out his wand and whispered the Sleeping Charm.

Putting the guitar bag on his back, for the sake of safety, he cast a locking spell on the police car before quietly entering the dark alley next to the street.

Putting on a wizard suit and riding a broom, Jerry accelerated and flew towards the place where the explosion occurred in the distance.


Grayburn College,

A five-meter-tall khaki-colored ugly giant jumped down from the laboratory building window.

In his hand he also carried the corpses of two soldiers whose bones were crushed by him.

It was the injection of Banner Serum that transformed the hated Colonel Blanquith.


With a loud roar of excitement, Hatred threw the body in his hand on the ground, then jumped more than ten meters and ran towards the street outside the school.

When the soldiers who had not completely evacuated along the road saw this, they were so frightened that they picked up their weapons and started shooting at them.

However, these bullets hit Hate like a steel plate, unable to cause any damage to him in the slightest.

On the other hand, those elite soldiers, as long as they were swept up close by him, would basically be seriously injured if they didn’t die.

Even the tanks and armored vehicles will still be bent by him and fly out directly.

The powerful strength and defense ability made the hatred not afraid of the weapon attack of the modern army, like driving a peerless all the way, directly killing the army and rushing to the street outside the school.

Because Grayburn College is located near Broadway, even though it was temporarily blocked by the military and police, there were still a large number of onlookers outside.

The army and the police blocked the university, how could you not take out your mobile phone to take a picture of this situation and post it on Facebook by the way.

Even many reporters were moved by the wind and crowded outside the blockade, waiting for a while to see if they could get some big shots.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

A series of explosions and gunshots suddenly sounded, and then the huge body of hatred fell from the sky and landed on the roof of a taxi on the street.


The taxi and the driver inside were instantly crushed, leaving blood on the ground.

“Hulk, come out!”

Abomination’s eyes were full of bloodlust and cruelty.

After a loud roar, he directly picked up a car with one hand and smashed it into the crowd of onlookers.

Screams, screams, and cries all rang out all at once.

“God, what the **** is that!”

Outside the blockade, Haas and other police officers who were maintaining order were all stunned when they saw the appearance of hatred.

However, seeing that the abomination began to slaughter wantonly, they immediately reacted, and they all took out their pistols and fired at the abomination.

The bullet hit Abomination, and although it couldn’t hurt him, it could move him a little bit of pain and attract his attention.

Sure enough, the hatred did not pay attention to those weak chicken-like masses, but turned around and locked his eyes on the position where Haas and the police were.

I saw him sneer and hold up a big bus next to him, he raised it with both hands, and smashed it hard at Haas and others.

“No, flash!”

Haas and the others saw the bus slamming into them, and hurriedly rolled behind to dodge.

However, the speed of their tumbling is not comparable to the speed of getting on the bus, and the size of the bus is not comparable to that of ordinary cars.

Seeing that Haas and several policemen were about to be wiped out by the smashing bus, a hurried voice suddenly sounded from the sky:

“Wingadim, Leviosa!”

A blue magic light precisely hit the bus and temporarily fixed it in the air.

Everyone looked up, and a child wearing a wizard’s robe, wearing a wizard’s hat, and riding a broom, came to the sky above them at some point.

It was the little wizard who was very famous during this time.


“Get out of the way, my magic won’t last long!”

Jerry looked at Haas and the others froze in place, and hurriedly shouted.

The floating spell he used just now is a spell that can make objects float in the air.

But now, with his level of magic, he couldn’t hold on to something as heavy as a bus with the Floating Charm for a few seconds.

Haas and others didn’t have time to thank them, and quickly escaped from the coverage of the bus.


The big bus finally crashed to the ground.

Seeing that Haas was all right, Jerry breathed a sigh of relief, then looked up at the Originator in front of him.

As soon as he arrived, he saw that Haas was in danger, and he hadn’t come and figured out what was going on.

“Hey! What kind of monster is this, it doesn’t look like the Hulk!”

Seeing that he was more than five meters tall, full of muscles, and disgustingly ugly, Jerry also took a deep breath.

Such a big guy looks a bit like the Hulk in the Avengers. UU reading

But he clearly remembered that the Hulk’s body was green except for his hair, but this guy’s body was an ugly khaki.

The key point is that since the Hulk is a member of the Avengers, he must belong to the side of justice, and this guy’s face is brutal and murderous, he doesn’t look like a righteous superhero.

“Sheriff, what’s going on?”

Before going forward immediately, Jerry cautiously asked Haas about the situation.

But Haas is also confused:

“We don’t know, we just saw that guy jumped out of the school!”

“Could it be that this school is doing some kind of biological experiment, and then the monster that came out of the experiment?”

In fact, it is normal for Jerry to think this way.

Because in his impression, many monsters and villains in the Marvel world were created when scientists or biologists did experiments.

For example, the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus and Sandman in the Spider-Man trilogy he has seen are not all products of scientific experiments.

The big guy in front of him is probably no exception.

“Sheriff, you lead people to evacuate the crowd and move those injured to a safe place, I’ll attract his attention!”

“Okay, then be careful, that monster is not afraid of bullets, but it’s not easy to deal with!”

Haas nodded when he heard the words, and ran towards the injured crowd with the other police officers.

Since the pistols can’t hurt the other party, they will also deliver food if they charge forward. It is better to rescue the injured people, which can also play a role.

And after Jerry finished speaking, he also accelerated on his broomstick and charged towards the hater who was roaring and throwing cars around.


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