Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 61

Chapter 62 Siege Without Martial Arts


Jerry is known to many in Queens for his last fire rescue.

However, for the whole of New York, he is not so famous, and in the whole country and the world, he is still far from it.

Therefore, General Ross, who has been tracking Dr. Banner, and Dr. Banner, who has been on the run, have not heard the story about the “Wizard”.

“His name is a wizard, and he’s a superhero who often haunts Queens. He uses some magical abilities to fight criminals and save people in trouble!”

At this time, a S.H.I.E.L.D. logistics agent who was assisting General Ross in the cabin slowly told Jerry’s information.

“Can he handle this big guy?”

General Ross looked at the small TV. Jerry surrounded him with hatred, sending out blue magic rays, and he couldn’t help showing a worried look.

“It now seems that I am afraid that it can only temporarily play a role in restraint!”

After observing for a while, and seeing that the Abomination was intact under Jerry’s magic, the S.H.I.E.L.D. logistics agent frowned.

“Move all the troops here!”

Hearing the judgment of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., General Ross took a deep breath.

Even if he can solve this monster, it is estimated that the Broadway place will be destroyed by most of it, and he will be to blame for it.

“Let me go down!”

At this time, Dr. Banner’s eyes were firm.

He knew that if that guy was as strong as Hulk, the army’s weapons would be useless at all, and it would just kill more people.

Only Hulk can defeat the opponent!

“what are you saying?”

Dr. Betty was in a hurry. In her opinion, Banner had already injected the antidote, and it is very likely that he has become a normal person. Isn’t it dead now in the past.

However, at this time, Dr. Banner actually knew in his heart that the Hulk might not disappear. As long as he was in danger, the Hulk would still come out.

After seeing the small TV, the hatred left Jerry and rushed to the fleeing crowd, and General Ross finally gave the order to open the hatch of the helicopter.

And Dr. Banner also jumped down after saying goodbye to Dr. Betty.

He was not 100% sure about this jump, but he had to jump because he felt that he was also responsible for what happened. If he hadn’t agreed to General Ross to participate in the experiment, these things would not have happened.


“Fuck, what’s going on!”

Jerry, who was just abhorred and attacked before he arrived, saw a figure in the gunship flying from the sky, and suddenly a figure fell, and he was startled and immediately opened the distance again.

I thought that the military sent some amazing guy, but I saw that the figure did not land handsomely, but slammed into the ground.


Likewise, Abomination was also taken aback by this sudden situation.

But before he could react, a familiar roar came from the ground:


Immediately afterwards, a green giant not much smaller than Abomination punched open the stone buried on him and jumped out of the ground.

“Hulk, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, let’s decide the outcome!”

Abomination saw Hulk appear, and suddenly there was a gleam of excitement in his eyes. He no longer ignored those ordinary people like ants, and the fly that was constantly harassing him in the air, and ran towards Hulk.

And Hulk also shook his dizzy head because he fell from a high altitude, and rushed towards hatred with a loud roar.

“It looks so green, this should be the veritable Hulk!”

Seeing that a heavyweight helper finally appeared, Jerry was greatly relieved.

At present, with his magical strength, it is still very difficult for the big yellow monster in front of him to be alone, and a bad one may be photographed into meat sauce.

However, before he was happy for a long time, he saw that the Hulk was smashed and flew out in the passionate collision with hatred, and soon fell into a disadvantage in the battle.

It turned out that Dr. Samuel’s antidote did not really eliminate Hulk, but it also suppressed his power. Although he has successfully awakened, Hulk’s strength is not at its peak.

“Quick, help him with a machine gun?”

At this moment, General Ross on the helicopter hurriedly gave a loud command to the soldier who was operating the heavy airborne machine gun.

“Help which one?”

The soldier looked at the two big guys who were huddled together with doubts on their faces.

General Ross’s head shot is this:

“Of course it’s the green guy, which one do you want to help? Shoot the other one in half for me!”



Feeling the hail of bullets coming from overhead, with a roar of disgust, he jumped on the wall of a nearby building, and rushed to the top of the building with his hands and feet as fast as a gorilla.

Then he jumped towards the gunship in the air.

Due to the speed of the hatred, the gunship had no time to raise its height, and he grabbed the lower edge of the hatch and squeezed the machine gun into scrap metal as soon as he stretched out his hand.

However, just as he was about to reach out to attack General Ross and the others in the cabin, Hulk who reacted closely followed him, grabbed his hated ankle, and kept trying to drag him off the helicopter~www. Under the extraordinary weight and shaking of the two giants, the gunship immediately began to shake.

Seeing that the armed helicopter was difficult to control due to external force, it crashed into the building next to it. A small figure suddenly appeared next to the armed straightening machine. It was Jerry who rushed over with a broom.

“I just told you to come up, but you didn’t come up, but now you are up, I think you should go down! You fainted!”

Jerry’s wand pointed, and a direct magical beam of light could not be avoided at this time, and there was no hatred of any obstructions, and it stunned him.

Although Sleeping Charm can only have a two-second effect on abomination, at this time it is completely enough.

In the two-second coma, the arm that hated on the lower edge of the cabin instantly softened, and under the force of Hulk below, the two giants fell together.

“Wingardim Leviosa!”

Getting rid of the hatred, Jerry hurriedly threw a Levitation Charm at the already tilted gunship to stabilize it temporarily.

The pilot who drove the armed helicopter was obviously also an elite in the army. Seeing the stability of the fuselage, he immediately performed a dazzling operation, which made the helicopter return to its normal state.

“You fly higher, otherwise it’s too dangerous, I’ll go down and help!”

Seeing that the helicopter was all right, Jerry shouted at General Ross and the others in the cabin, and then rode his broom and rushed towards the Hulk and Abomination, who were huddled together again below.

Although, his magic can’t hurt hatred, but he can be a good support!

Abomination is now able to suppress Hulk a little bit, but it’s only a slight advantage, and it’s not easy if you want to use your hands to resist his magic.

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