Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 698

    Chapter 698 Thanos lying in a pool of blood (Part 1)

    “You seem to be happy too early!”

    Thanos, who was hit in the face by Thor’s hammer, kicked him away, looked up and looked condescendingly His own Jerry said fiercely.

    “Oh, I almost forgot, you still have a lot of space fleets and miscellaneous soldiers!”

    Jerry turned around and pointed to the fleet, Zeta Swiss soldiers, vanguards, etc. that were rushing towards them secretly behind him. A look of sudden realization.

    “However, it’s useless!”

    He smiled slightly, took out the ring in his hand and threw it into the sky, and said lightly,

    “Give it to me!”

    Suddenly, a huge crack leading to the world of the ring opened in the entire void. The space opened, and a strong suction came from the crack, like a black hole, sucking in the cosmic army of Thanos who ruled the universe like flowing water.

    Today’s ring world is much stronger after swallowing Dormammu and Egg, and its suction is so strong that it is difficult for heavenly fathers to resist, let alone these miscellaneous soldiers who rely on numbers.

    The heavenly father class is a watershed, the strength of the heavenly father class with its own world and the ordinary heavenly father class are also very different.

    Although Jerry’s ring world has not been completely completed, it can be regarded as 70% complete. Once these huge number of miscellaneous soldiers are sucked into the ring world by him, it is impossible to pose any threat at all.

    Now it is just that the enemies who are less than the father level are sucked into the ring world by him. Without him taking action, as long as the law of the ring world itself is activated with a thought, it is enough to make the enemy unable to act, or even directly destroy them.

    It is impossible for him now to have such a thing killed by ants.

    “Go to hell!”

    Seeing that the cosmic army that he had worked so hard for most of his life was sucked into the black hole by Jerry without any resistance, Thanos erupted instantly.

    I saw that he slammed the power gem and the soul gem together, the powerful power and the soul law were activated at the same time, and all the superheroes who besieged him were all ejected.

    Then he picked up his tyrant’s double blades, kicked his legs, and rushed towards Jerry who was controlling the ring world in mid-air like a cannonball.

    In his eyes, Jerry is manipulating magic to absorb his space fleet at this time, and he must not be able to distract himself from the defense. It is the best time to kill with one blow.

    He has long discovered that among the group of Avengers from Earth, Jerry is the greatest danger, and he doesn’t care about the others even if they unite together.

    So just now he has been suppressed, it’s not really that he has no power to fight back, it’s just a deliberate show of weakness, in order to wait for an opportunity like now.

    “Why are you shouting so loudly? Do you think you are a holy fighter? The louder you shout, the stronger you become?”

    Jerry, who was floating in the air, watched Thanos attacking him without panicking at all. , waving is a disarming spell.

    Most of the ring world has been completed now, so there is no need to spend a lot of energy and magic power to control it as before, only a small part of mental power is enough.

    The laws and energies inside will work together to do what Jerry needs it to do.

    So Jerry floated in mid-air with the appearance of manipulating the world of the ring, just for show, leaving more opportunities for the members of the Avengers below to show their faces.

    Otherwise, if he directly took action to get rid of Thanos, he would not be able to achieve the original desired effect.

    Unexpectedly, Thanos was stronger than he had imagined, broke through the siege of all the Avengers, and attacked him directly.

    In this regard, Jerry can only say: If there is a way to heaven, you don’t want to go, but if there is no way to hell, you have to break in.

    The powerful disarming spell directly hit Thanos with a fierce face, and the peak level of magic power at the Heavenly Father level directly drove the Tyrant’s Double Blades and two Infinity Gems out of Thanos’ hands forcibly.

    Before Thanos could react to what was going on, Jerry waved his hand, and the two infinity gems fell into his hands again.


    After taking back the power and soul gems, Jerry used part of the magnification spell and the power buffing spell to make his right leg super big, and then stomped hard on Thanos’ head.

    At this time, Jerry is at the peak of the Heavenly Father level, coupled with a 70% perfect ring world, just the Enlargement Curse and the Power Blessing Curse can make an ordinary person instantly possess the strength close to the Heavenly Father level .

    What’s more, the physical strength of Jerry’s body is close to that of the heavenly father.

    So when Thanos put his hands on the soles of Jerry’s big feet, he felt an irresistible force coming from above, making him unable to resist at all, and he was stepped down abruptly, and then his whole body was inlaid. on the ground.

    “I want to maintain the ring to absorb those miscellaneous soldiers. I can’t be distracted. I’ll leave it to you!”

    Jerry said to the stunned Tony and the others, retracted his big feet, and continued to pretend to be there Maintain the appearance of the ring world.

    Thanos without power gems and soul gems, he thinks the Avengers should be able to handle it.

    At this time, Thanos, who was embedded on the ground, was extremely speechless.

    Since you can’t get distracted, how did you take away my weapon and infinite gems just now, and beat me back?

    However, before he could recover from the frustration of being completely defeated by Jerry, he continued to be besieged by various kinds.

    Superstar, General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri have been led by the US team to solve it, so now Thanos will face all Avengers members except Jerry.

    The key point is that the power gems and soul gems he didn’t have this time lost the means of effective long-range attacks.

    And this scene was also noticed by Di Fan, who had already recovered, and black market merchants from various forces in the black market.

    They never expected that Thanos and his army could not do anything to Thanos and his army as the universe was rampant.

    Today, the entire army will be wiped out here, in a nameless organization called the Avengers Alliance from Earth.

    After today, stories about the wizard and his organization, the Avengers, will surely spread to every corner of the universe and become a new powerful force that cannot be ignored in the universe.

    Ten minutes later, all the fleet of Thanos, including his main ship Sanctuary and all the soldiers, were all sucked into the ring world by Jerry.

    Under the siege of the crowd, Thanos below finally ushered in a blow that broke the defense.

    “The Ice and Snow Demon God dormant in a place far away in extreme cold, come here at my call, black blizzard that freezes everything! Turn everything into white snow! ——Frozen Formation!”

    It turned out that it was Aisha who activated her The strongest blow full of faith.

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