Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 7

Chapter 8 Pet Crookshanks


“Make friends, my name is Hermione Granger!”

Hermione took the initiative to extend her right hand to Jerry. She felt that the little boy in front of her was different from other classmates she had met before, and seemed to get along well with her.

“Jerry Carmen!”

When Jerry heard Hermione’s introduction, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and reached out and shook her.

“Jerry, I’m going to buy textbooks, see you when school starts!”

Hermione returned to her parents, waved to Jerry, and left Mrs. Malkin’s robe store.

“See you at school!”

When the Hermione family completely left, Jerry’s face immediately showed a puzzled expression.

Did Hermione have front teeth and thick brown curly hair?

This seems to be a little different from the image in the movie he has seen. He remembers that Hermione in the movie has no front teeth and is very beautiful.

But speaking of it, the little girl he met just now should be pretty if she takes care of her hair and straightens her front teeth.

After all, the little girl has big eyes, and her facial features are actually very decent, but she doesn’t know how to dress up and her image is ruined by the front teeth.

“It’s all right, my dear.”

Ten minutes later, the squat Mrs. Malkin also came to Jerry with a bag containing a Hogwarts uniform.

“OK, thanks!”

Jerry paid the fee, put the clothes in the suitcase, pulled the cart and pushed the door out of Mrs. Malkin’s robe store.

“Professor McGonagall!”

As soon as he went out, Jerry saw Professor McGonagall walking towards him with a bag of magic books, and waved his hand quickly.

“Okay, now it’s just pets and wands. Ollivander’s wand shop is at the end of Diagon Alley, so let’s go to the Magic Zoo first!”

Putting the magic book in the suitcase, Professor McGonagall continued to walk along the streets of Diagon Alley with Jerry and the cart.

When passing by Florin’s cold drink shop, he also bought Jerry a Baiwei ice cream (an ice cream that can taste 100 different flavors).

“That’s Gringotts Bank, a wizarding bank run by goblins. If you need to store valuables in the future, you can come to this bank. It’s still very safe, uh, probably!”

Professor McGonagall saw that Jerry set his eyes on the tall white building on the right, and patiently explained it to him.

But halfway through the explanation, she suddenly remembered the incident of the theft of Gringotts yesterday, and her tone was no longer so certain.

Jerry nodded in understanding.

In fact, he wasn’t looking at the bank just now, he was just looking at the two goblins standing guard at the gate of the bank, and the goblins who sighed that the world was really ugly.

“By the way, Mr. Carmen, I want to warn you seriously, if you come to Diagon Alley alone in the future, please remember not to go to that alley!”

At this time, Professor McGonagall suddenly looked serious and pointed to a narrow and dark alley opposite Gringotts.

“That is?”

Jerry’s heart moved, and there was already a guess.

Professor McGonagall replied with a stern face:

“It’s Knockturn Alley, you just need to know it’s a dangerous alley for you!”

“Okay, I remember!”

Jerry nodded seriously.

In his opinion, Professor McGonagall may be the kind of person with a sharp mouth and a tofu heart. Although he looks serious most of the time, he is no less concerned about the little wizard than Hogwarts. any professor.

Seeing that Jerry was so sensible, Professor McGonagall’s expression was slightly relaxed, and he continued to walk towards the magical zoo in front of him.


The Magic Zoo is located between the Bouncing and Playing Magic Joke Shop and Gringotts. The store is not big, but there are a lot of pets in it.

As soon as Jerry stepped into the store, he saw the densely packed iron cages hanging on the entire wall.

There were big purple toads that were gobbling up dead calliflies, huge tortoises with shells on their backs that shone like jewels, white rabbits that could turn into top satin hats at any time, and all sorts of things. Colored cats, mice and ravens and more.

“Professor McGonagall, you are here, do you need anything?”

When a young witch with thick black glasses saw Professor McGonagall at the door, she immediately greeted her respectfully.

“Pafla, I brought a freshman here to buy a pet for school.”

A smile appeared on Professor McGonagall’s face.

“How is it, is the work going well?”

“Very good, the boss treats me well, what pets the little guy likes, I can give you a 20% discount!”

The young witch rubbed her eyes, lowered her head and asked Jerry with a smile.

“Ma’am, I want a cat!”

Jerry glanced around the entire store and quickly found his target.

“Look at this gray shorthair cat, it’s very docile and perfect for a pet!”

When the young witch heard the words, she immediately picked a British shorthair with the best appearance and placed it in front of Jerry.

Jerry glanced and shook his head, then pointed at the big-faced yellow cat who was lying on the cage at the top of the wall at this time:

“I love that type of cat!”

He remembered that Hermione’s cat seemed to be a long-haired yellow cat, and the one he was referring to was the one eligible in the entire store now.


The young witch had a surprised look on her face.

Crookshanks had been in the store for several years because of her appearance and no one wanted to ask for it. She didn’t expect Jerry to fall in love with it at a glance.

“Yes, I think it’s ugly and cute, very loving!”

Jerry opened his eyes and replied nonsense. UU reading www.

“That’s great. I’ve been worried that it won’t be able to meet a good owner. I hope you can take good care of it in the future!”

Pavla was once a student at Hogwarts Hufflepuff, and because she liked Fantastic Beasts, she worked as a clerk at the Fantastic Beasts store in Diagon Alley after graduation.

She was happy that Crookshanks was bought by Jerry not because of another business, but because Crookshanks found an owner who liked it.

“I will try my best to take good care of it, although it is my first time to have a pet!”

There was a hint of sincerity in Jerry’s tone.


After leaving Magic Zoo, Jerry hugged Crookshanks, who was snoring in his arms, and followed Professor McGonagall to the last shop at the end of Diagon Alley.

That’s Ollivander’s wand shop, which has been making wands for thousands of years.

The process of choosing a wand is the same as in the movie, where the boss takes a tape measure at him and starts to try the wand.

The process did not appear to be different from ordinary people, just like ordinary little wizards. After all, what he exchanged was the normal wizard blood.

After trying two or three wands, Jerry quickly found one that worked.

“Alder, fire dragon’s heart nerve, eleven inches long, it seems you must be a helpful little wizard!”

Looking at the wand waving in Jerry’s hand, Ollivander explained with a smile:

“Alder is a tough wood, but I’ve found that its ideal owners are neither stubborn nor stubborn, but wizards who are helpful, considerate, and endearing.”

“Would you like to help?”

Hearing Ollivander’s explanation, Jerry looked at the wand in his hand with a strange expression on his face.


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