Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 702

  Chapter 702 Deciphering the principle of panel shuttle (one update)

    This time I went to Fairy Tail not to collect laws, the dimensional world is completed, he no longer needs laws, at least not the laws of the small world, what he needs is energy and something more advanced thing.

    The reason for going to Fairy Tail is because many magics in the Fairy Tail world, especially super magic, are still very unique, and he needs to add more real powerhouses to his own dimensional world.

    His ring world is too shabby, and he doesn’t know that it will take years and months to reach the strength of the current universe if he builds it himself. He also needs an existence like the Celestial Group.

    Although it is impossible for him to get a bunch of single universe-level ones to enter his own dimensional world, it is still very interesting to have some existences of the heavenly father level and close to the heavenly father level.

    Facts have also proved that sending more powerful people to the dimensional world will also have a lot of benefits for him.

    Just like in these few battles, facing Dormammu, Ego and Sithorn, the heavenly father-level Culolido and Ichihara Yuko all played a supporting role.

    If that god of death has a good attitude, it would be best for everyone to sit down and discuss the laws, and discuss their respective structures and experiences of the world.

    Click to enter, as usual, the scenery in front of you begins to change, and the panel opens the teleportation to the world of Fairy Tail.

    But this time, Jerry, who was in the teleportation, had some different discoveries.

    That is, after advancing to the single universe level, his mental power has been greatly improved, and his understanding of the laws has also taken a big step forward. At this time, it is obvious that he is no longer so passive.

    If it was said that when he confirmed to go to the small world before, he basically couldn’t do anything, he could only be passively sent to the small world by the panel.

    Now, he felt that the teleportation magic on his body was not as powerful as before, and it could be completely interrupted with his ability, or if he didn’t think about it, the teleportation on the panel would not force him to teleport him to the small world.

    Even after teleporting to Fairy Tail’s small world, he was able to vaguely locate his previous position in the main world of Marvel.

    In other words, nowadays, even if he does not return through the panel, he can use the law of space to return to the main Marvel universe.

    And when the panel first started to transmit, he also felt a strong time magic.

    That is a kind of magic that anchors time, anchoring a point in time.

    This also made him understand that every time he travels between the Marvel world and the small world, the original so-called time stillness does not really mean that the time of the whole world is stagnant, but only anchors a point in time.

    Every time he returns, the panel will send him back to the time that was anchored in advance, thus creating the illusion of time standing still.

    That’s right, if you want to stop the time of the small world, that’s still in the past, but to stop the time of the entire Marvel Universe, that requires a lot of powerful abilities, and the energy it needs to consume is even more terrifying.

    “In this way, even if I don’t need a panel, I can travel between the small world and the main world with my own ability!”

    After realizing this, Jerry’s face suddenly beamed with joy.

    Every time he travels through the world, there is a one-month cooldown, and he is also worried that one day the panel will suddenly disappear, and he will never be able to go to the small world again.

    But if it is really as he expected, as long as he runs away from all the small worlds, he can grasp all their coordinates. Later, he can go and go back whenever he wants, and he will no longer be restricted by the panel.

    “Try it first!”

    Standing in his own room in the Fairy Tail world, Jerry did not open the panel this time, but relied on his own ability to sense the somewhat vague coordinates when he just left the main world, and then concentrated all Spiritually, he slowly drew an ultra-distance portal.

    Lifting his legs and stepping through the portal, he looked at the surrounding environment. It was his villa in Queens, and he returned to the main world of Marvel again.

    Only this time, he traveled through the world entirely by his own magic.

    “It actually succeeded!”

    Relying on his own ability, he successfully returned to the Marvel world and let Jerry know that his guess was not wrong.

    He looked up at the clock in the main room. The time displayed on the clock this time was not the time when he left, but two minutes had passed.

    If you travel through space by yourself, there is no time anchor for panel synchronization, and the elapsed time will be synchronized.

    But most of all, it is not a problem for him now, because he can also do it now because of anchoring time.

    So as long as you leave again, anchor the time in advance, so that when you come back next time, it will naturally be at this point in time, and time will not pass.

    The most important thing now is the space coordinates. When he masters the space coordinates of all the small worlds, he can completely not rely on the panel transmission.

    “It takes a month to get the coordinates and anchoring time in other small worlds, so let’s go to Fairy Tail first!”

    Now he only has the coordinates of Marvel and the coordinates of Fairy Tail he just went to through the panel, and there are no coordinates in other small worlds, so Unable to pass by yourself.

    After the one-month cooldown of the panel is over, he can first enter other small worlds through the panel, and then remember the coordinates and anchor the time.

    Therefore, he decided to follow the original plan, enter Fairy Tail first, and then go to other small worlds after solving Fairy Tail.

    It happened that this time he entered Fairy Tail through his own ability, without using the panel, so that staying in Fairy Tail for a month would not conflict with the one-month cooldown of the panel.

    In the past, every time he returned to the main world, the panel had to cool down in the main world for a month before he could cross again, but this time he relied on his own ability to go to Fairy Tail.

    Then staying in Fairy Tail for a month has the same effect as staying in the main world for a month, and both can be counted as the cooling time of the panel.

    A month later, he used his ability to leave the Fairy Tail world and return to the main world, and he could immediately use the panel to enter the next small world. After getting the coordinates, he repeated the same operation.

    In this way, after four months, he will be able to grasp all the coordinates of the four small worlds, and he can enter and exit at any time. Even if there is no panel or Little Red Star in the future, it will not affect it at all.

    “It seems that I’m one step closer to the truth!”

    After opening the portal and reappearing in the room in Fairy Tail World, Jerry was in a very good mood.

    The panel is the foundation of his strength, and it is also his powerful limitation. Only when he can gradually get rid of his dependence on the panel, can he figure out the truth of his appearance in the Marvel world one day.

    Reaching the single universe level, he has cracked the principle of shuttle, then reaching the multiverse level, super universe level, and omnipotent universe level, does it mean that he can face the existence of the production panel.

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