Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 705

  Chapter 705 The president of the first generation is resurrected! (Second update)

    “President, you should know about the Astral World. If you don’t understand, you can take this place as a place similar to the Astral World I created.”

    Seeing that Mebis didn’t understand, Jerry raised the question. An example of this world.

    Mebis’ soul flew into the air, looking at the wonderful scenery around him, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

    “I didn’t expect the fourth-generation president of our guild to be so powerful!”

    Creating a world, even the most powerful mage in her mind, Jeff, couldn’t do this kind of thing.

    Could it be that the magic of the world has developed to this point during the time she was sleeping?

    “President, take your time when you have time, let me revive you first!”

    Jerry stretched out his hand, and Mebis’ soul was instantly sucked by him, and then he was grabbed by the collar again.

    After struggling for a while and finding nothing, Mebis said angrily:

    “Sidai, you should respect me anyway. Although I look like a child, I am actually very old!”

    “Haha, I’m sorry, although I know, But when I saw you, I always subconsciously regarded you as a child, sorry, sorry.” Hearing this,

    Jerry quickly let go of Mebis, and let her stand beside his body.

    Mebis’ parents were once mages of the Scarlet Lizard Guild on Sirius Island. They died in a mission, leaving the young Mebis to work in the guild.

    Mebis loved reading magic books since he was a child, and he memorized all the magic books in the entire guild in his mind when he was six years old.

    It was also that year that the red lizard was completely annihilated by the attack of the hostile blue skeletons, and in the end only Mebis, a handyman, survived.

    After living on Sirius Island for seven years, the thirteen-year-old Mebis integrated the knowledge of those magic books in his memory to become a powerful magician, and defeated Ha who came to look for the “Sirius Jade”. Diss trio.

    The four became friends without knowing each other, and went to Magnolia, the city where the blue skull was located, to defeat the blue skull and take back the “Sirius Jade” on Sirius Island.

    However, the president of the cyan skull was so powerful that the four of them were beaten and fled back to Sirius Island.

    It was also in the same year that the four of them met Jeff and worshiped him as their teacher, and their strength was greatly improved.

    Afterwards, the four fought against the blue skull and defeated it in one fell swoop, but because of Yuri’s carelessness, the demon of the blue skull was released.

    In order to save Yuri, Mebis used the goblin’s law that had not been completed at that time, resulting in his body being unable to grow up and staying at the age of thirteen.

    However, Jerry knew that although Mavis’ real age was not thirteen, it was not as old as she said.

    Because Mebis died in the year X696, and she was twenty-six years old that year, and her soul has been sleeping since then until the current year X784, when she was awakened by him.

    Calculated by time, Mebis is 114 years old. According to his real life experience, he has only been in a deep sleep for 26 years.

    But if you really want to judge your mental age, I’m afraid it’s still less than twenty-six years old.

    Human thinking is sometimes affected by body hormones. Although it will not affect IQ, it will affect some personality and judgment.

    He knew it when he was born again.

    Originally, his mental age after rebirth was in his thirties, which is also the case in normal times, but sometimes accidents occur.

    For example, adolescence is affected by hormones, and his body and psychology have undergone great changes. If he wants to fall in love, he will have some messy thoughts that he would not have under normal circumstances.

    If it wasn’t for physical reasons, he was in Hogwarts at that time, and his mental age was already forty, so it stands to reason that he would not have a good impression of the opposite sex on Hermione.

    However, due to the physical impact of his teenage years and puberty, his mentality underwent a subtle change, which led to subsequent progress.

    The same is true for Mebis, don’t look at her one hundred and fourteen years old, but sometimes she behaves not much different from a thirteen or fourteen-year-old loli, she likes to eat sweets, loves to cry when stimulated, and sometimes she likes to play pranks .

    “I’m going to start!” Without waiting for

    Mebis to emphasize that she was older, Jerry immediately activated the law, quickly combining her soul and body into one.

    As long as there is a soul, Jerry can be resurrected, not to mention that Mebis not only has a soul, but also a fully preserved body, which is even easier for him.

    In less than ten seconds, under Jerry’s manipulation, Mebis’ soul and body were completely fused, and he opened his eyes again.

    “I’m actually resurrected!”

    Mebis jumped up and down, feeling his warm body again, and exclaimed excitedly.

    Although her soul is very powerful and can even taste the taste of food, compared with her body, it must still be much worse.

    “Fourth generation, I will not be affected by the curse in this world, so will I still be affected by the curse when I leave here?”

    After getting excited, the smart Mebis immediately thought of a bad question.

    Jerry thought for a while and replied:

    “Theoretically, that’s right, because as long as you return to Aslante, your curse will reappear under the interference of Aslante’s law, and I have no way to completely lift it.

    However, although there is no way to cure the root cause, there is a way to treat the symptoms.” On

    this point, he did not lie, because unless Anxelam took the initiative to lift the curse, as long as Mebis returned to Aslante, he would definitely still be Affected by the law of death.

    “What way?”

    Mebis asked with bright eyes.

    Although it’s good to live here after being resurrected, of course Mebis still wants to see how the guild she created is developing, to see if her former friends are still there, and where the person she loves has gone.

    “I can cast a powerful shielding spell on you to temporarily block all your aura, so that Aslante’s law of death cannot detect you, but the premise is that you can’t use too powerful magic in Aslante.”

    Change other According to the laws of the world, Jerry couldn’t do it, or didn’t want to do it, because it might touch Anxelam’s bottom line, but it would be much easier to just block Mebis’ breath.

    As long as Anxelam turned a blind eye, basically there would be no big problem.

    Up to this point, Anxelam hadn’t shown up yet, and he felt that there was a high probability that the other party wouldn’t have trouble with him on these small issues.

    In fact, from the beginning to the present, Jerry has been testing, and the result is obvious.

    I don’t know if it’s out of fear of the real owner behind the panel, or because he doesn’t want to have a bad relationship with such a powerful being as Jerry, but Anxelam didn’t respond to his behavior at all.

    Regarding this situation, Jerry is also happy to see the results. After all, in terms of hard power, he can’t beat the opponent.

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