Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 723

  Chapter 723 Fairy Tail Civil War (Second Update)

    X784 At nine o’clock on October 6, Fairy Tail guild hall.

    Today’s guild hall is no longer the usual tavern filled with drinks and seats. Instead, it is completely empty and decorated with various exquisite magic accessories.

    In the very center of the hall, a very gorgeous stage was specially set up.

    At this time, in the center of the stage, a mage wearing a purple suit and a watermelon head was holding a microphone and giving the opening introduction before the competition:

    “Welcome everyone to participate in the competition for the most beautiful mage in Fairy Tail. I am today’s host.” Marcos, the mage of the human sand!”

    As soon as Marcos finished speaking, dense applause and cheers rang out from below.

    In addition to most of Fairy Tail’s mages, there are also many ordinary citizens in the town today. Hearing that Fairy Tail is going to hold a contest to select the most beautiful mage, they rushed over.

    So at this time, the stage below is crowded with people, at least several thousand people are crowded below.

    For this reason, Jerry also cast a traceless stretching spell on the hall, making the space of the hall ten times larger, so as to prevent unnecessary accidents caused by too many people coming to watch.

    “Today, in addition to our beautiful contestants, we also invited four important referees.

    They are the first-generation president of our Fairy Tail guild, Mr. Mebis, the second-generation president, Mr. Prechto, and the third-generation president of the Fairy Tail Guild. Master Makarov and the youngest and most promising fourth-generation president, Master Jerry!”

    Following Marcos’ introduction, Mebis, Prechto, Makarov, and Jerry stood up and greeted the crowd below. waved.

    Jerry originally refused to be the referee of Miss Goblin’s selection competition. After all, it was meaningless to him and could not improve his strength.

    However, the three former presidents, Mebis, Prechto, and Malaloff, all agreed, and he, the current fourth generation, naturally couldn’t refuse anything.

    In the thunderous applause, Jerry sat down again and began to watch the next game seriously.

    Serious work has always been his principle. Since he has become a referee, he must fulfill his responsibilities as a referee. After a while, he must watch every player seriously and carefully, and give them the most fair scores.     “Now we have the No. 1 contestant, Kanna

    Arupelona, ​​who has a different-dimensional stomach and a different-dimensional style!


Kana, who played in a swimsuit, scored eight points.     “Contestant No. 2, with S-level strength ,

    Juvia Rox, a good woman who is as gentle as water!


Jerry also scored 8 points for the lady’s dress and special temperament.

    After Juvia went down, Mirajen Strauss, who was the number one Miss Fairy in the past and had a high reputation in the whole of Ishgar, came up.

    The appearance of Mirajan pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax instantly. Jerry almost gave her a 10 for her appearance, figure and temperament.

    But in the end, she was only awarded nine points, because she performed a special transformation magic in the charm display session.

    Can you imagine Mirajan with Hobby’s head on, or Mirajan with Gajeel’s head on?

    Although Jerry felt that Mirajen deliberately wanted to give up the first place to Kana and Lucy who needed a bonus of 500,000 yuan, but as a referee, he must ensure fairness and justice.

    After Mirajan is Erza, the Fairy Queen who wears armor and has a powerful aura.

    “Costume change!” During the

    charm and magic display, Erza actually replaced the cold armor she had been wearing all her life with a black gothic loli style costume.

    Erza, the powerful armor queen, suddenly turned into a gothic loli wearing black pantyhose. How could ordinary people be impressed by this, and countless audiences had nosebleeds on the spot.

    Even Jerry, who has always been calm, silently gave a very good evaluation.

    Erza is followed by the poor but very cute Lebby, who is followed by Lucy, Ulutia, Catwoman Milianna, Turtledove, and Merti.

    Everyone has their own characteristics and styles, and the audience who watched it were excited.

    Just when all the participating female mages had finished their display and stood side by side, ready for the four referees to evaluate the scores and determine the final winner, an untimely voice suddenly rang out from the arena.

    “The goblin is me, and the beauty is me. I represent everything. I am the goblin. Let this boring game end!”

    Laxus’s subordinate, Eba Greene, one of the Thunder Gods, was wearing a long green dress, holding He brought the cattail fan to the front of the ring, interrupting the final link of the competition.

    “Laxus is really brave!”

    Seeing Eba Green appear, Jerry knew that Laxus finally decided to launch a civil war.

    However, it is also understandable.

    In the several operations that Jerry conducted, Laxus and Thor were not on the scene because they were performing S-level missions. Including these few times, Fairy Tail has added many new members, and Laxus and Thor are not clear. They just got back last night.

    The most important thing is that the strength of the Thunder Gods is indeed very strong, especially a premeditated sneak attack, even an S-rank is easy to be recruited, and Laxus has blind confidence in his own strength.

    “Ebba Greene, what are you doing!”

    Just when everyone was still confused about what Ebage Lin was going to do when she suddenly appeared on the stage, Ebage Lin had already taken off her glasses and launched an attack on the unsuspecting Erza and others. Own petrification magic.

    In the blink of an eye, the ten female wizards standing in a row, including Erza, Lucy, and Mirajan, were all petrified into stones.

    Seeing this, ordinary spectators in those towns were frightened and fled out of the guild.

    Eba Green is best at the petrification magic shot by her eyes. As long as her eyes meet her, it is difficult for even an S-level mage to escape the fate of being petrified.

    Of course, if you take a little care not to look into her eyes, the petrification magic won’t work.

    Erza, Mirajan, Ulutia, Turtledove, and Melti, the five mages, if it weren’t for the fact that they were not wary of Ebagarin, who is also Fairy Tail, any of them could be singled out Defeat Alba Green.

    “I advise you not to act rashly, or don’t blame me for crushing them!”

    Seeing Erza and the others petrified, the wizards of Fairy Tail couldn’t sit still, and they were about to step forward to subdue Eba Green, Let her undo the petrification magic.

    But at this time Laxus suddenly appeared, and then shot a few bolts of lightning beside the petrified Erza and the others, threatening everyone not to do anything.

    And then Freed and Bigusrow among the Thor crowd also appeared behind Laxus.

    Seeing Erza and others being petrified, Laxus and Thor all appeared, Jerry sat firmly in his position without moving.

    Because he knew that with Fairy Tail’s current strength, he didn’t even need to take action himself, and the Fairy Tail civil war initiated by the Laxus and the others would soon be forcibly ended.

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