Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 729

  Chapter 729 Sol’s Awakening (Second Update)


    Loki saw that Hela had crushed Sol’s Mjolnir with his bare hands, and immediately shouted in fright at Heimdall to pick them up and flee back to Aspen Gard.

    However, the expected Rainbow Bridge did not appear, and Heimdall obviously did not heed his call.

    “Heimdall, don’t open the Rainbow Bridge.”

    It turned out that Sol’s order prevented Heimdall from opening the Rainbow Bridge in time.

    In fact, even if Thor didn’t stop it, Jerry knew that Heimdall would not open the Rainbow Bridge, because Odin had already told Heimdall yesterday not to open the Rainbow Bridge to prevent Hela from returning to Asgard.

    Now with Jerry’s help, Odin no longer intends to start Ragnarok, so naturally Hela cannot be allowed to fully control the power of Asgard.

    “What are you doing, obviously we can’t beat her!”

    Loki saw that Thor had prevented the opening of the Rainbow Bridge, with an unbelievable look on his face.

    Sol, on the other hand, put on a boxing posture that he learned on Earth:

    “If you can’t fight, you have to fight, and you can’t take her back to Asgard. Just now, my father said that once she returns to Asgard, she will die.” Gaining endless energy from Asgard, it will be even more difficult to fight.”

    “But Asgard has our army!”

    Loki looked at Sol with an idiot look.

    After returning to Asgard, in addition to him and Sol, there was also the powerful army of Asgard who had fought against the Nine Realms. He did not believe that Hela alone could destroy the entire Asgard army.

    Thor turned his head and yelled at Loki:

    “But there are many ordinary Asgardians in Asgard, as well as mothers, we can’t take this risk!”

    The experience in the Avengers over the past few years has made Thor fully realize that if a person is strong enough, it is impossible to win by numbers, just like Jerry.

    According to the last words of his father Odin just now, once Hela returns to Asgard, he will gain the power not to lose to Odin at his peak. At that time, he and the entire Asgard army may not be able to fight pass.

    “Well, I admit that what you said makes sense.”

    Loki was taken aback when he heard Thor’s words, gritted his teeth and threw a dagger in his hand to Sol.

    He may not care about the safety of other civilians in Asgard, but he cannot ignore the safety of his beloved mother, Frigga.

    Thor took the dagger thrown by Loki with a blank look on his face.     Seeing

    this, Loki said angrily:

    “You don’t want to deal with her empty-handed, do you?


With two slashes of the dagger, he reluctantly accepted the rare kindness from his younger brother.

    “For the glory of God’s Domain!”

    Thor held the exquisite and small dagger in his hand, and roared to meet Hela first, while Loki quietly used magic to make himself invisible, and walked around behind Hela , intending to see the opportunity to give Hela’s waist a hit.

    “This fight must be very interesting, and we must record it.”

    Jerry, who was invisible in the air, watched Sol rushing towards Hela with a dagger in his hand, and immediately took out the magic camera that had videotaped Aisha before.

    Thor, who fights with a dagger, has a special sense of joy for some reason.

    “Hiss, how miserable!” After

    using a hammer for more than a thousand years, he suddenly switched to a dagger. Sol was obviously not used to it. In addition, the ferocious Hella used a two-handed sword that was superb, and her strength and speed were even more comprehensive. Crushed Thor.

    So after a face-to-face look, Sol had two blood-red crosses on his chest, and Hela kicked his face hard.

    As for Loki, who took the opportunity to sneak attack, Hela directly saw through the magic and knocked the dagger away with a sword, and stepped on it fiercely.

    “Odin is really depraved. He actually adopted a lowly frost giant as his son. Let me send you to see Odin.”

    Hela thrust the Night Sky Excalibur in her hand straight towards Loki’s heart. past.

    “I’m Thor, the God of Thunder, let him go!”

    Seeing that Loki was about to be killed, Thor turned over regardless of his chest injury, and savagely charged Hela with all his strength.

    “Now it’s the older brother who saves the younger brother, and after a while it’s the younger brother who saves the older brother. Hey, this line is so familiar. In which movie did you watch it?”

    Jerry watched as Sol temporarily knocked Hela into the air to save Loki, He murmured subconsciously.

    Sure enough, Hela became furious after being knocked into the air by Thor, and stopped playing the cat-and-mouse game, and threw the Night Sky Excalibur in her hand at Sol like a javelin with all her strength.

    “You are also worthy of being called Thor. I think the Hammer God is almost the same. Without the hammer, you are a waste.”

    However, when the javelin was about to pierce Sol, Loki got up and pushed Sol away, using his own The body blocked the fatal blow.

    When Sol reacted, Loki had already been pierced by Hela’s Night Sky Excalibur through his chest, and he was fixed on the ground.


    Thor never expected that his younger brother Loki, who usually hated him so much, would stand up and block the sword for him.

    “Wait a little longer, send the Buddha to the west, and see if the hammer god can really become the god of thunder.”

    Seeing that Loki was seriously injured and dying, Jerry still didn’t make a move, and continued to hide in the air and watch what happened below.

    Odin’s last wish was to eliminate the gap between Thor and the Loki brothers through the threat of Hela, and the current situation has obviously met expectations.

    At this time, Jerry showed up to deal with Hela, and the deal between him and Odin was considered to be over.

    But Jerry didn’t, not because he wanted to repent, but because he felt that if he waited a little longer, maybe Sol would be able to take this opportunity to stimulate the potential in his body and awaken the true power of Thor.

    Anyway, with his current strength, even if Loki died, as long as he took action to save his soul temporarily, he could help him resurrect at any time.

    As Sol’s friend, Jerry still hopes that his strength can go further.

    “Actually, I don’t want to save you, but I don’t know why my body was a little out of control just now. Now it seems that I can’t be the king of Asgard.

    I hope you can become a qualified king in the future, and don’t always be so easy. Lie.”

    Lying in Thor’s arms whose eyes were already filled with tears, Loki uttered his last words and slowly closed his eyes.


    Sol let out a mournful roar, and looked up at Hela who was opposite him.

    Seeing this, Hela laughed and said,

    “Don’t be sad, you will be next, and then the whole of Asgard. Anyone who resists this king will end up in the same way.”

    “You are really like what your father said, It sucks, no one will die again, except you!”

    Thor put Loki on the ground, his eyes were replaced by thunder, and his body was entangled by countless lightning.

    Sol, wake up!

    “Oh, it’s interesting, but it doesn’t change the ending.”

    Seeing Thor’s awakening of divine power, Hela didn’t seem to be surprised, she just smiled disdainfully, and dozens of Night Sky Excalibur appeared behind her instantly.

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