Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 8

Chapter 9 Basic Magic Theory


After leaving Ollivander’s wand shop, it was noon,

Professor McGonagall paid Jerry and Crookshanks to have lunch at the Leaky Cauldron, and then they went down the streets of Diagon Alley again.

“Get smaller quickly!”

Jerry watched Professor McGonagall take out his wand and pointed at the large suitcase and the cart. A blue magic light flashed, and the full suitcase and the cart became only the size of a palm. .

“Okay, we should go back!”

Professor McGonagall picked up the large suitcase and cart and put it in his pocket, then stretched out his arm.


Jerry was stunned for a moment, immediately understood, and grabbed Professor McGonagall’s outstretched arm.

“Show yourselves!”

With a wave of his wand, Professor McGonagall and Jerry disappeared from the streets of Diagon Alley.

“Magic, what a magical power!”

Looking at the familiar orphanage room, Jerry couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

“Don’t be envious. When you graduate from Hogwarts, you can easily use these magics. Of course, the premise is that you have to study hard!”

Professor McGonagall took the large suitcase and the cart out of his pocket, and after releasing the shrinking spell, he said to Jerry.

“I will!”

Jerry put down Crookshanks and nodded earnestly.

Of course, he will learn magic well, because the world he is in is not a very safe world, and magic is the only power he can master to protect himself.

In order to survive, he had to devote 200% of his energy to learning magic anyway.

“This is your ticket to Hogwarts. On September 1st, King’s Cross Station, it’s all on the ticket. When the time comes, your dean will drive you there. I have already agreed with him in advance. pay attention……”

Compared to Hagrid, who hurried away after throwing a ticket to Harry, Professor McGonagall was much more careful. Not only did he tell the head of the orphanage to send Jerry, but he also took the Hogwarts Express. At the time, some problems that may arise, have been discussed with him again.

After a while, Jerry smiled and assured Professor McGonagall:

“Professor, I have already remembered it, don’t worry, I will take the Hogwarts Express to school on time!”

Professor McGonagall nodded.

“See you at school then, and…Mr. Carmen…I think you’re a good fit for Gryffindor!”

After leaving the last sentence, Professor McGonagall waved his wand, made an apparition, and disappeared in place.


“Fool Academy?”

Seeing Professor McGonagall disappear, Jerry couldn’t help showing a look of embarrassment on his face.

In fact, when he first knew that this was the world of “Harry Potter”, the first exclusions were Gryffindor and Slytherin, the first choice was Ravenclaw, followed by Hufflepuff.

After all, his original purpose was to learn magic and improve himself in this world with peace of mind.

And Gryffindor is a group of reckless men, and they are the first in trouble. Slytherin has serious class conflicts, and he was born an orphan and it is not easy to mix.

Neither academy could allow him to study with peace of mind.

In terms of learning atmosphere, Ravenclaw who chooses students with intelligence and intelligence is definitely the best. They are all academic masters. They discuss and learn from each other, and progress must be fast.

If you can’t get Ravenclaw, it’s not bad to get Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff’s little wizards are generally honest and kind, at least they won’t interfere with his studies.

However, now Professor McGonagall seems to appreciate him and wants him to go to Gryffindor, and he can also earn a little red star in this world, so Gryffindor seems to be considered.

“Forget it, there’s still a month left for the branch, I’d better learn some magic first, so that the car robber can be dealt with before thinking about it slowly!”

After hesitating for a while, he decided to put this issue aside first, and now the main thing is to teach himself magic.

Excitedly, he opened the large suitcase and took out the bag containing the textbooks. Jerry began to take out the magic books one by one and put them on the bed:

Standard Spells, Elementary, History of Magic, Theory of Magic, The Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration, A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, Magic Potions and Potions, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and Black Magic : The Self-Defense Guide has a total of eight copies.

It is only a month before his return, so some textbooks that are not helpful in battle can be discarded first.

After some thought, Jerry put the four books “History of Magic”, “Thousands of Magical Herbs and Mushrooms”, “Magic Potions and Potions”, and “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” back in the book bag again.

“The History of Magic” is about the history of the magic world. This can only be seen as an increase in knowledge. “Thousands of Magical Herbs and Fungi” is an introduction to various herbs.

“Magic Potion and Potion” is very useful. It is not impossible for powerful potions to play a supporting role in battle, but in a month, he can learn how to configure potions by himself, and he has no materials to configure powerful potions. .

“Where Are Fantastic Beasts”, a book explaining various magical creatures, if he goes out on adventures in the future, he might use it, but forget it now.

“Standard Spells, Elementary”, “Theory of Magic”, “Transformation Guide for Beginners” and “Black Magic: Self-Defense Guide” are left. Jerry left “Theory of Magic” alone, and put the other three books together and put them aside. on the table.

For a magic novice, Jerry felt that first of all, he had to know what magic was and how it worked before he could learn related magic spells.

And “Magic Theory”, the book explaining the basic theory, is what he needs to study the most right now.

With a serious look on his face, he picked up “Magic Theory” and sat on the chair. Jerry took a deep breath and slowly opened the first page.

“The arbitrary manipulation of the deepest secrets – the source of life, the very essence of the self – must be prepared for the most extreme and dangerous consequences.

—Wulflin’s Basic Rules of Magic, Rule 1


Four hours later, Jerry closed “Magic Theory”, rubbed his temples, and let out a sigh:

“Hermione Granger, as expected of a generation of academic masters, is indeed amazing!”

Originally, Jerry thought that he was also a person who had gone through the college entrance examination, and his learning ability was not bad in all aspects, and he had lived a crazy life for more than 40 years. of.

But the truth is slap in the face.

As a completely unfamiliar knowledge system, without the guidance of a teacher, Jerry taught himself for four hours, feeling like he was reading a book from heaven.

It’s like a mortal who suddenly got a secret book that can be cultivated into an immortal. Without the guidance of a master, it is as difficult to comprehend every word by oneself.

That’s why he sighed when he thought that Hermione, an eleven-year-old girl, had learned most of the first-year magic on her own before school started without anyone’s guidance.

Maybe Hermione is the kind of child prodigy and genius in the realm of magic, and he’s just a normal person.

“I just hope that Little Red Star’s refreshing function can be more powerful, otherwise it will be troublesome!”


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