Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 341: A Promise

"She's sleeping so peacefully," Gayoon moaned. "Can we not tell her?"

Jina was sound asleep while her parents watched her, feeling anxious. Minho gripped Gayoon's shoulder.

"She has to know," he whispered. "We can't let Shinho leave without saying goodbye."

They had talked it over with Junho and Shinjin. At first, they were worried that Shinho would be sent off the the dreaded World of the Dead but Shinjin told them that the young ghost had nothing to repent for so he would not go to the cold world. Instead, he would be sent to a limbo where he would sleep until it was time for him to be reborn again. It was the cycle of life and in his next birth, he would probably be able to live a better life.

"It's for the best," Shinjin had said. "I will prepare a ceremony to purify his soul so that he could move on."

Shinjin was on the Hwangs' rooftop at that very minute. It was the wee hours of dawn, the perfect time for a soul to be sent to eternal rest until it was time to rise again. The other ghosts were also informed of Shinho's wish and they were with him to tell their last goodbyes.

The only person left was Jina.

"I can't do it," Gayoon quietly sobbed. "She's too close with him! She'll be heartbroken."

Minho rubbed her back and said, "I'll do it."

He was not keen on being the news bearer but it was inevitable. Jina would be heartbroken upon his departure but even more distraught if she did not say goodbye. He slowly walked over to Jina's bed and sat down.

"Jina," he called for her, shaking her gently. "Jina, wake up."

The little girl frowned and slowly opened her eyes, not pleased to be woken up this early.

"What is it dad?" she yawned. "It's too early! I'm sleepy."

"Jina, there's something you need to know," Minho began. He sounded so grim that Jina felt a little worried. Sitting up, she looked from her father to her mother. The latter was a little teary and even Minho could not meet her eyes. This alarmed Jina.

"Are you guys breaking up?" she asked in panic. "Please don't break up! I want both of you together!"

"No!" Minho and Gayoon exclaimed together.

"We're not breaking up," Minho said gently. "It''s something else. It's about Shinho…"

He glanced at Gayoon who was still sobbing. Jina was now more worried. Did something happen to Shinho?

Minho did not reply but picked up his daughter in his arms. Jina held onto her father tightly as he carried her towards the roof with Gayoon following them. Her heart was pounding hard at her parents expressions and she did not know why, but she also felt like crying. Was Shinho alright? Why were they being so cryptic?

When they reached the rooftop, she saw that Junho, Shinjin and the three ghosts were already there. Yumi looked so sad that some of her limbs were hanging out while Casper was also seated in one corner, unable to cope with some unspoken sadness. Shinho was the only one who stood there with a bright smile which did not reach his eyes.

Jina did not move her eyes away from him. Slowly climbing down from her father's lap, she walked towards the little boy who was looking at her with pure intensity. Their tender hearts were not sure of what those feelings were but the pain was stabbing them both. For some reason, Jina wanted to run away from there.

Run! She told herself. Run or you'll face something dreadful!

But her feet were moving towards Shinho who was waiting for her. He stood on a circle made of salt.

"H-he can't cross a salt circle," Jina stammered. "Why is he in there? Someone remove it!"

She was about to remove the salt but Casper grabbed her hand and shook his head.

This is his wish, Casper gestured at her. Wish? What wish? Why would Shinho wish for this?


Shinho's innocent voice floated to her ears, making her shed a tear. She did not know when or why she was crying but she could not stop her tears anymore. He was giving her a sad look which she was well acquainted with. 

This was it. This was goodbye.

"You're really bad," she sobbed. "Why would you want this? Why do you want to leave us?"

Her tearful eyes almost made Shinho break his resolve but there was nothing he could do. She was alive while he was stuck in that state. One day, she would grow up and keep living while he could only pine for her from afar. They were literally in two worlds which could never meet.

"This isn't goodbye, silly!" he assured her. "This is a promise that I'll return. One way or another, I will be back and we'll be friends again."

Jina shook her head. "Liar!" she cried. 

She turned around to hugged her mother who heard the little boy's plea. He wanted his friend to bid him farewell and he could not leave without making sure that she was happy. Minho could not see the ghosts but his daughter's tears were enough to tell him what was going on while Shinjin and Junho were also grim.

"Goodbyes aren't easy," Junho said. "But someday, the spirits of the dead have to go to their world."

"If goodbyes were easy, we would have had a happier life," Minho stated. He watched his daughter, who was crying her heart out.

Shinho was saddened by how much he was hurting his friend. He did not want to leave her side either but it was the only thing he could do for her. Even though he was young, he knew that ghosts could not be her companions forever. She needed to live on their behalf.

"Practice a lot of maths," he said, his voice cracking up. "Don't eat too much or you'll have a stomach ache. Eat loads of vegetables for your brain."

Jina kept on crying, not being able to look at him. Casper was patting her head, hiding his own silent tears while Yumi was openly crying.

"Don't leave you idiot!" she cried. "Who's gonna annoy us with so many questions? We're going to miss you, moron!"

"Yumi sis," Shinho turned to her. "Thank you for looking out for me. I'll never forget your kindness! Thanks for always having my back."

He turned to Casper who gave him a weak smile. "Casper, I know you're a good person!" Shinho cried, not being able to hold in his own tears. "I hope you get to meet your family someday!"

Jina was still not looking at Shinho, hurt and angry that he was leaving. She could not face the loss, her soft heart not being able to take the trauma of losing a loved one. It was her first brush with death. Not physical death but a real death where a loved one was truly leaving.

It hurt so much.

Shinho turned to her. 

"I will return," he promised. "And when I do, I'll find you again. Until then, take care of yourself. Don't let the bad guys get to you. Study hard and become an amazing Lady Cop! And we'll meet again."

Gayoon, who was still trying to console Jina, said to her daughter, "He's your friend, right? And we should make our friends happy. If Shinho is happy to move one, then the more you cry, the more he'll be hurt. Let him go dear. Let him go for now."

Minho bent down to turn his crying daughter to face him. Jina looked at her father with her tearful eyes.

"Please tell him not to go," Jina begged. "I want him to stay."

"So do we," Minho said in a sad tone. "But he's right to want this. If he wants to leave, then we can't stop him."

"B-but h-he won't c-c-come back!" Jina exclaimed. 

"He'll remain in our hearts," Minho promised her. "And as long as we remember him, he'll be with us. Even if he's not here, he'll be with us, watching us all the time. But if you don't say goodbye to him, both of you will be sad for eternity. You need to see him off one last time. If you don't, he'll not be happy up there."

Jina hiccuped and closed her eyes. She turned around and finally stepped towards Shinho, crossing the salt circle. The two friends finally faced each other.

"I'll try to practice more maths," she sobbed. "And also eat healthy. I'll be good and live well."

Shinho smiled as Jina went on. "But you have to keep your promise too!" she threatened. "You'll have to come back! I don't know how! But you must! Until then, I'll wait. Doesn't matter for how long!"

"I know," Shinho smiled. Junho took a deep breath and cleared his voice.

"The sun is about to rise," he told them in a croaked voice. "We need to start the purification process."

Jina did not move. Shinjin stepped forward and began to chant.

"In the name of the creator," he murmured, throwing rice in the direction where Shinho stood. "Let this pure soul return to your arms and attain eternal salvation. May his spirit be guided to the next world with dignity and grace. Let him return to your humble abode."

He threw the rice three times and then took out a vial of holy water to sprinkle on Shinho. Surprisingly, it did not hurt him. He held Jina's hands and smiled. Jina watched as his pale figure began to fade.

"No…" she whispered. "Don't go...Please…"

She wept but his cold hand reached out to wipe off her tears. He did not speak but kept on smiling until he vanished, leaving her completely alone.

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