My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 625

Ms. Anne was feeling a little better

“I made this one. Isn’t it amazing!”


“Hehe. I see you did your best, Liza.”

“That’s amazing!”

While preparing, Ms. Claire, Tilura, and Ms. Anne came out into the garden and sat down by the table.

Liza was boasting about the smaller hamburgers that she had made.

And while Ms. Claire and Tilua were praising her, Ms. Anne remained quiet.

“…Ms. Anne?”

“Huh! Wh-what is it, Mr. Takumi? Do you have something to say to me?”

“No, not really…”

Normally, she would have been watching the fenrirs or commenting on the food. And so I thought it was odd.

Ms. Anne flinched when I addressed her, and then she blushed.

Hmm… I suppose she was still embarrassed about what she said the other day.

Her hair was also in disarray.

Perhaps it happened when she was rolling around on her bed.

Her hair was a good indicator of how she was feeling.

Still, she had managed to come out of her room, so I would not say anything.

“Has everyone been served? Now, Mr. Takumi…”


Mr. Ekenhart was clearly impatient to eat.

Still, since I had been the main cook, he wanted me to explain what they would be eating.

That being said, a long explanation would result in the food getting cold, and the cheese would become hard.

“Yes. Uhh, these are called hamburgers. Bread with grilled meat patties inside. The meat is the same kind used in sausages. But enough about that. Please eat it before it gets cold. We can talk about it later.”

“…Hmm, that’s true. Let’s eat then.”

“Thank you, Mr. Takumi.”


“Thank you, papa!”

“And thank you for helping, Liza.”

I then picked up my burger and took a bite.

“Hmm…it’s not the same… But it’s not bad either.”

As the ingredients were different, you could not expect the taste to be the same.

Still, it was pretty close and made me feel nostalgic.

Aside from the orc meat, the other meat that was mixed in was of good quality, and so the flavor was quite luxurious.

It wasn’t because of my cooking, but the ingredients that Ms. Helena had chosen.

Ingredients used for nobles chosen by a professional cook.

“It’s delicious, papa!”

“Because you worked so hard, Liza.”

Liza had taken a big bite at the same time as me, and we laughed.

Leo was eating hungrily and seemed to be enjoying it as well.

I was glad that she didn’t say it tasted bad…

I did wonder if I had made them a little too big, but enjoyed it regardless. However, I then noticed that the others had frozen and were staring at me.

“Uh… Is something the matter?”

“No, but… It’s that eating like that is…”

Said Ms. Claire, and Ms. Anne nodded.

As they were noblewomen, they didn’t often eat with their hands. Most of the bread was in bite sizes, and if they were large, they would cut them with a knife.

Tilura was looking at her sister as if she wasn’t sure if she should copy the way that we were eating.

“Hmragh? Tafefiaa?”

“Father… Please swallow your food before you talk…”

“Mmm…gg…! What? You aren’t going to eat it?”

“No…I will eat it, but…”

In spite of Ms. Claire’s warning, Mr. Ekenhart did not seem to care much.

I was glad to see him eating it so enthusiastically.

Though, perhaps he should slow down a little. It’s not like the food was going anywhere…

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