My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 646

We stopped to eat lunch

While we were taking the same route as last time, there would still be people on the road, and so I had Leo run a short distance away from it, so that she would not scare anyone.

The people of Ractos were somewhat used to Leo now, but others might be scared of her.

Especially since she was running faster than any horse.

“Leo. For now, just keep running until midday!”


“So fast!”

Leo ran ahead of Rahle, as if leading the way.

Rahle was not going as fast as usual, since it was carrying Sebastian. But it was still faster than a horse.

“I think it’s about time now? Leo, please tell Rahle.”

“Wuff. Awwwooooo!!”

“Wow. So loud!”


After running for a while along the road, we changed direction slightly, towards Range village, where it was just a beaten dirt path where few people traveled.

As the sun was quite high in the sky, I checked my watch to see if it was time.

And then I told Leo to send word to Rahle.

Liza and I would not have been able to reach them if we shouted, but Leo’s roar was a different matter.


“What is it, Leo?”


“Everyone should be getting hungry, so let’s eat!”

“Very well. Rahle, let’s go back down!”


Rahle started to descend, and so Leo slowed down as well.

Tilura then shouted at us from Rahle’s back, and so I told her that we should eat lunch. Rahle then beat its wings and landed slowly on the ground.

I thought that Leo would stop slowly as well, however…


“…Gah! Leo, don’t stop so suddenly. Liza and I aren’t strapped in, you know?”



Leo had suddenly dug her claws in the dirt and stopped.

Her size and weight caused chunks of the ground to be carved out… We would have to fill them in again, or it would be dangerous when carriages or horses passed through.




“Are you alright?”

“Yes…I suppose. Your herbs were of great help, Mr. Takumi.”

“I’m glad that they were effective. Uhh, we’ll prepare lunch, so please rest.”

“Yes…I’m sorry. I really should be the one to do it…”

“No, it’s easy. Don’t worry about it.”

“I’ll help too!”

“Oh, thank you, Liza.”

I then took out the food that Ms. Helena had prepared.

There was soup and sandwiches.

As there was no need to heat them up, we did not have to make a fire or use pots and pans.

The sandwiches had hamburgers inside.

She was already testing out different variations after I taught her how to make them.

While Rahle and Leo raised their voices in expectation, Liza and I quickly prepared the food.

We also put out a sheet on the ground, so that we could sit on it.

As for water, Leo was able to make it with magic, so all we needed was cups.

“Here, Leo.”

“Wuff… Wou!”

“Thank you, mama!”

“Sebastian, Tilura, it’s ready.”

“Thank you.”

“Can you eat?”

“Yes, I feel better after resting.”

I took out the cups and asked Leo to fill them with water.

Though, Leo made something like a waterfall, so we basically had to catch what we could with the cups.

As for Sebastian, he was starting to look better.

Surely it would be best for him to eat and gain strength for the rest of the journey.

Though, it was possible he would feel sick and not be able to keep it down…

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